Be The Main God From Naruto

One hundred and twenty-two cultural lessons, red room 3 spies

Charles Xavier had to admit that Wang Yan had a great influence on him.

From the first time the two met, he was deeply shocked by each other.

Since then, he has developed a strong interest in Chinese civilization.

After spending most of the day looking through the exchange list, Charles immediately took a fancy to a "practice exercise" with a strong Chinese atmosphere.

["The Wheel of Life and Death of the Heavens": Created by Hong Xuanji, the grand master of the Dagan Dynasty, it combines the essence of martial arts from the "Taishang Danjing" and "The Good Fortune Scripture". 】

[Practists who practice this technique will be reborn from a drop of blood, immortal and immortal, and control the cycle of life and death. After completing the exercises, one can reach the state of "shattering the vacuum". 】

The exchange of the main god is very conscientious.

Even if you don't understand Chinese culture, it will not have a negative impact on your cultivation. All knowledge and skills will be directly instilled in the depths of your memory.

The price of "The Wheel of Life and Death" is very expensive, and the reward points and destiny gems required are astronomical, but the more so, the more Charles likes it.

He understands that you get what you pay for.

Clicking into the detailed introduction of this exchange project, Charles made up his mind.

This is the ability he wants!

Taishi Hong, who created the secret book "The Wheel of Life and Death in the Heavens", is a rare person who has never met in a thousand years.

This person was a high school student in his early years, and later wrote a book to establish him as a master of acting. His martial arts reached Shattering Void.

The other party's resume made the proud Charles empathize with him.

He felt that he was also a person with excellent intelligence and military strength.

He also wants to be an excellent "subject" like Hong Xuanji, to assist Wang Yan in building the real Gensokyo.

"Reward points, Gem of Destiny..."

While Charles Xavier was waiting for the task with all his heart, his friend Eric was suffering from mental suffering and torture.


"Five-Year Superpower, Three-Year Simulation", "Mutant Ability Control Specification 0 Sets of Real Questions", "One Hundred Thousand Questions on Ideology and Morality", "One Hundred Sets of Real Test Questions for the Chinese Level 8 Qualification Examination"...

Looking at the thick stack of test papers and materials on the table, Eric's heart is ready.

He is not illiterate, nor is he the kind of idiot who gets a headache when he sees words.

As a Jew, his intelligence test was even much higher than the average level.

But these test papers...

It's all written in Chinese!

The future Magneto's scalp is numb when he is doing the problem.

Every time he finished a set of test questions, he would spit out seven to thirteen words that began with F and ended with K.

In the weekly test, only those who pass the test for three consecutive weeks can be regarded as having passed Wang Yan's [test].

If it wasn't for getting back his superpowers, Eric wouldn't waste any time on these garbage!

Circumstances are stronger than people.

As the weaker side, Eric could only admit his weakness, and reluctantly embraced the sea tactics.

He couldn't beat Wang Yan again and again, so he had to brush up on the exercises every day to barely maintain his life.

Eric suppressed the evil fire in his heart and turned over the Chinese-Chinese-English dictionary.

That's right...

Chinese-Chinese-English Dictionary.

First translate from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese, and then into English...

"How boring are the Chinese people? They even came up with two sets of characters! Is there no use for their cleverness?"

While complaining, Eric was trying to study some rules in Chinese.

Just like the twenty-six letters in English, the most basic things, after mastering,

Create a method that suits you, and the learning efficiency will increase ten times!



What is the difference between Wu, Xu, Shu and Rong?

"These relatively difficult points can be temporarily given up..."

Shanren has his own tricks, and Eric, who is of Jewish descent, found a shortcut while comforting himself.

A shortcut that can help you improve your Chinese listening skills!

In his notebook it reads:

"Excuse me" is pronounced - bhyes.

"Hello" - Knee H.

"Arm" - Shbee.

"Knee" - "SheGuy".

"Stomach" - "ay".

After flipping through the notebook for a while, Eric, who felt good about himself, turned on the tape recorder and played a set of Chinese level 8 listening comprehension tests.

"first question."

Female voice: "Xiao Ming, I feel bad, I feel bad!"

Male voice: "Drink more water."

Eric lowered his head, and there was a fill-in-the-blank question on the paper.

"Excuse me, who is suffering?"

He thought carefully for a while, with a wise smile like a famous detective on his face.

"'Xiao Ming' refers to the person being told, not the subject of the speech, so there is only one truth!"

"The uncomfortable people should be 'me' and 'thief'."

Eric has a bad habit.

When he does a question, he will look at the answer analysis.

If it is correct, it will give him a sense of accomplishment.

But now...

Eric slapped himself.

"The word 'thief' can still be used like this?"

This question is very realistic.

He is very uncomfortable now.


When Magneto was suffering in the sea of ​​questions, all countries in the world avoided large-scale military conflicts.

With the existence of the God of Desolation and the appearance of the magical envoy known as the "God Eater", leaders from both military and political circles in various countries have developed a strong interest in "Oracle Cells".

Countless espionage organizations acted efficiently, some directed at the God Eater, while others went deep into the hinterland of Japan, trying to find the source of the mutation.

This moment.

Soviet Union, Red Room 02 secret base.

Haruno Sakura, Terumi Mei and Natasha Romanov are being taught by female instructors.

"This period, among the nineteen students, only three of you succeeded."

The female instructor had gloomy eyes, a thin face, and said in a cold tone: "You have enough ideological awareness and qualified skills as spies, but you still lack something."

No one asked questions, they just listened quietly.

Originally Haruno Sakura and Terumi Mei joined the red room as reincarnations and participated in spy training with a superior mentality.

After all, a reincarnation who can roam endless planes, no matter who he looks at, can put a label of "indigenous" on the opponent's head.

But after this period of training, the two realized that everything was not that simple.

Compared with the Red Room, a training institution for espionage personnel, Konoha's ninja school is like a training ground for reckless fighters.

In terms of professional skills, the difference is too far.

"It's power!"

The female instructor smiled sadly: "The Red Room will give you youth and strength that will never age!"

As she spoke, three white coats wearing masks came to the three of them.

Sakura and Terumi looked at each other without any trace, and accepted the injection with a blank expression.

They are not afraid that the other party will tamper with these injections.

As a reincarnator, the redemption option of simply removing the latent toxins in the body can be done with a few reward points.

"Youth, strength..."

Although Natasha is excellent, she is still a girl after all, with very little experience.

The cold needle pointing at the skin, looking at the swaying liquid in the syringe, she felt a little uneasy after all.

But seeing the calm appearance of the two partners around her, Natasha quickly calmed down.

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