Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 78: Crazy machine gun pickup

After making all arrangements, Lin Rui asked the female doctor suddenly, "What is your name?"

"Claudia. Read the novel to the net" the female doctor casually said.

"I speak Chinese names." Lin Rui said calmly.

"Lu Hanxin." The female doctor said unexpectedly, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"My name is Lin Rui, I am glad to meet you." Lin Rui glanced at her and said, "Because if you die, I think, at least you should know what your name is." He lowered his head and silently arranged the weapons in his hand. He also has two pistols and four magazines.

The female doctor was silent, and she said nothing. I could see that she was very scared, even her shoulders were trembling slightly, but she stood firmly in the middle of the road. Sometimes people are really contradictory individuals. In the face of great danger, fear and fearlessness will merge into one person at the same time.

Lu Hanxin was obviously scared to death, but she actively asked to stand in the middle of the road as a bait to attract pirates. This even made Lin Rui feel incredible. He couldn't think that this seemingly weak woman also had a kind of tenacity deep into his bones. He may not know these doctors, but in fact, Médecins Sans Frontières is an internationally renowned volunteer organization, and it is also the world's largest humanitarian medical rescue organization.

The rescue operations of these doctors provide assistance to victims affected by natural disasters* and wars regardless of race, political and religious goals. MSF strictly abides by the international medical regulations, adheres to the right to provide humanitarian assistance, and maintains a neutral and impartial position. As volunteers, their members are aware of the dangers they face when performing their tasks and will not ask MSF for more compensation than the organization can provide. Their right to exist is not based on some kind of official commission or international appointment, but based on the commission of humanitarianism and 2.4 million donors worldwide and the enthusiastic work of thousands of volunteers.

It is precisely because of this that this organization won the Nobel Prize in 1999. Lu Hanxin's body highlights this great humanitarian spirit and toughness. They are a group of healers who truly deserve the respect of the world.

The sound of a vehicle came from a distance, and Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone is going to hide in the woods. Until I solve these pirates, don't come out no matter what happens." Several doctors were hidden in the woods. Lin Rui crouched in a hidden place on the side of the road.

An armed pickup truck on patrol drove up quickly and slowly, under the bright lights. The female doctor Lu Hanxin stood alone and helplessly on the road. Her appearance immediately aroused the vigilance of the pirates. The pickup truck stopped in the middle of the road and there were three people in it. Two of the armed pirates jumped out of the car and came over to check with semi-automatic rifles. The other driver stayed in the car.

Lin Rui, who had been crouching on the side of the road, took advantage of the distraction of the driver in the car being attracted by Lu Hanxin in front. Quietly flashed out from the side, and shot the driver on the spot with a close shot. When the two heavily armed pirates heard the sound and were about to turn around, he immediately fired again. The two quick and accurate shots were swift and sudden, all shot at the vital points of the head of the two armed pirates.

Lu Hanxin couldn't help but exclaimed, and desperately pressed her mouth.

"Okay, it's safe. Come out." Lin Rui turned around and said, "I need someone to drive. Who of you will?"

"I will..." Two doctors raised their hands almost simultaneously.

Lin Rui looked at them and said, "Have you ever violated traffic rules and speeded?"

"No, my driving skills are very good. There has never been a situation of illegal driving in the country." A doctor explained wryly.

"Forget it, you are not suitable for this." Lin Rui turned to another humane, "Doctor, your scum looks a bit more wild than him, like the kind of material that drives fast. I think you should come. ."

The doctor touched his stubborn face, and hesitated, "How fast you want to drive."

"As fast as you want to escape, you can drive as fast as I can? Think about those drag racing movies, speed and passion, and then just drive." Lin Rui waved his hand, "Go up all, get up quickly. Car. We only have less than ten minutes."

All four hostages got into the pickup truck, and Lu Hanxin turned around and said, "Lin Rui, aren't you coming up?"

"Just in case, I'm still preparing to break the back in the back of the car." Lin Rui jumped onto the back of the pickup truck to check the machine gun and ammunition fixed on the car, and said loudly, "Drive, hurry up, we There is not much time left."

This armed pickup truck, driven by the rough-looking doctor, ran wildly along the road. Lin Rui squatted in the back of the pickup truck, enduring the bumps while holding onto the machine gun. The scenery on both sides of the road was retreating rapidly, and Lin Rui felt the wind roaring around his neck. It seemed that the doctor who was driving was already in state, and the car was driving fast and bumpy. Lin Rui even wondered if he would get motion sick before reaching the evacuation point.

Their actions quickly attracted the attention of nearby pirates, because ordinary patrol cars rarely have such high-speed drag racing situations. The alarmed pirates have begun to surround themselves, "boom" "dada..." gunshots continued. Someone even caught up with the same pickup truck. Lin Rui was not surprised, nor did he slow down the doctor. Because it is no longer useful for them to act secretly now. They want to grab time and must arrive at the evacuation point within the scheduled time. Otherwise, all efforts will be meaningless.

Seeing the armed pirates catching up, Lin Rui gritted his teeth and swept the machine gun mounted on the car. The flames of heavy machine guns are very eye-catching in the night, and the continuous bullets are like thin red lines at night. "Suddenly..." Lin Rui's hand holding the machine gun trembled violently when the machine gun was fired. The shell from the machine gun crackled and fell to the ground. The speed of the car was fast and the night was too dark. Amid the sudden turbulence, Lin Rui couldn't remember whether he had hit anything.

Anyway, when a car caught up, he started shooting. When there is no car, he ceases fire. As for the armed pirates on the roadside, he simply didn't bother to pay attention. The road conditions on the island are not good. Under this kind of violent bumps and turns, Lin Rui might not be able to hit them even if he stood and hit them.

Suddenly Lin Rui caught a glimpse of something in his eyes, shocking him in cold sweat. After chasing them on the pickup, someone was launching an rpg rocket at him. Lin Rui's expression changed in shock. It would be a disaster if he was hit by an anti-tank rocket launcher within this distance. He wasn't in a tank, but a pickup truck that was old enough. This rocket launcher can blow up people and cars.

Obviously, the guy on the opposite side was also very bumpy in the car, unable to achieve effective aiming at all. The accuracy of this rocket was extremely poor. It fell far away and exploded. But even this frightened Lin Rui. He immediately picked up the machine gun and fired it wildly. A rain of bullets beat the pickup truck chasing behind into a beehive. Finally, the car body exploded on the side of the road.

The fierce gun battle on the island has already shocked Zhao Jianfei and the others, and all the team members have serious faces.

"There are still seven minutes left." Jiang An looked at his watch and said.

No one on the boat spoke, because everyone knew what he meant by seven minutes. That is the scheduled evacuation time. According to the plan, within seven minutes, no matter whether Lin Rui can arrive, they must evacuate.

Zhao Jianfei was silent for a while and said, "Where is his position?"

"The GPS shows that his location is still far away, and he may not be able to get there within seven minutes..." Jiang An suddenly frowned, "No!"

"Why is it wrong?" Zhao Jianfei asked immediately.

"He seems to be approaching at high speed." Jiang An frowned. "He seems to be in a car."

Qin Fen suddenly jumped up, "I will meet him!"

"Sit down for me." Zhao Jianfei glanced at him and said sternly, "I'm not dead yet, when is your turn to speak here?" Qin Fen had to sit back in disbelief.

Jiang An looked at Zhao Jianfei and said, "Do you need me to contact him?"

"Forget it, he's running for his life, we'd better not let him be distracted. Let's wait and see." Zhao Jianfei said helplessly. "If it doesn't work, I will meet him personally when the time comes. This kid is really good enough to cause trouble."

"Boss Zhao, are you going to save him?" Qin Fen said in surprise, "I knew you wouldn't leave him alone!"

Russian beauty Yelena frowned, "Captain, this is not our planned plan."

Zhao Jianfei walked back and forth, "It is indeed not a predetermined plan, but I am the captain and have the right to temporarily decide to change the plan. To be honest, this is not a formal task. If you want to quit, I have no opinion. But I will not leave myself behind. The team members ignore it."

Ivan nodded and said, "It's agreed, if you decide to go ashore. If you need a commando, I'll be the one."

"And me." Peng Lefeng also nodded.

Jiang An shook his head and said, "Don't worry, maybe he can arrive on time?"

"What? Where is he?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"During the time we were talking, he was close to us for several kilometers." Jiang An said slowly, "I can be sure now. He is in a certain car and is approaching at high speed. Follow this According to the speed calculation, he is not expected to reach us in more than five minutes."

Zhao Jianfei breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Everyone listened to my orders and moved the ship over. Once they approached, pirate chasers followed. I want you to sort out your weapons and equipment within five minutes. Ready to fight."


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