Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5844: spy war

5844 Spy War

"Shut up!" the red baron snapped, "How dare you question the Grand Duke?!"

"I didn't question the Grand Duke, and the Grand Duke will never be detrimental to the secret society. I think he is just using this mercenary to check and balance you." Vincent replied, "As for the reason, it is actually very simple. Wouldn't want to have only the accelerator and no brakes in the car.

The accelerator determines the upper limit of the speed, and the brake determines the control of everything.

The Archduke wishes to keep everything in his hands, but your presence, baron, is getting more and more out of his control.

So he has to find someone who can check and balance you. Of course, this person cannot be someone from the organization, because no one in the organization can restrict you except the Grand Duke himself. So he deliberately cultivated a very tricky outsider. Getting him to revenge against you is also easy, just create enough conflict. "

The Red Baron was silent for a while, then said slowly, "It's not unreasonable to say that. In fact, I have also thought about this issue. But no one can guess what the Grand Duke thinks. You are just guessing."

"This is a reasonable guess." Vincent replied, "I know that the Archduke trusts you enough, otherwise he would not have given you responsibility for everything here. But to the extent of the Archduke, even if he trusts again, he There must also be means of control or checks and balances. This is a necessary means for the superior, otherwise, how can he control the overall situation?”

The Red Baron said slowly, "What's going on with the Grand Duke recently?"

"Nothing," Vincent replied. "I know the Archduke is dormant now, but I'm not sure if he's really not moving. Because we don't know who is working for him in the organization. ."

The Red Baron nodded, "You're right. He" The Red Baron was silent for a while, then gave a wry smile, "I don't care about the Grand Duke for the time being, we have to deal with the current affairs first.

Vincent, I know you're a smart guy. So, what do you think of the current battle situation? "

Vincent hesitated for a moment and said, "The baron is talking about Anmore?"

"Nonsense, it's not the rioting warlords. What else?" The Red Baron frowned. "Anmore was always a trouble, but now Kassan, the warlord leader, has teamed up with those mercenaries, and it has become more difficult to deal with."

"If you want me to say, we definitely can't beat Anmor. After several years of development and the reform of the Orumi Federation military, the Orumi Federation army now has a certain combat strength. What's more, And our own people.

It is not difficult to solve an Anmore.

But now we have too many constraints. First of all, the African Union and the United Nations are watching us. Behind these forces are Western countries. They will never allow Africa to suddenly emerge as a powerful military country. If we reveal our true strength, we will already lose.

Second, we were developing too fast before. Nearly all neighboring countries had conflicts with us, and the problem of the domestic resistance organization has not been completely resolved. The Hammer organization is becoming more and more professional. This forces us not to concentrate on dealing with Anmor. "Vincent sighed.

"I know all this, what I want is a solution." The Red Baron replied.

"There is no way." Vincent smiled, "We can use the same method to bribe the militants in neighboring countries and let them fight against Anmore. As the saying goes, a tiger can't fight a pack of wolves. What's more, the so-called The Northern Alliance is not a tiger, just a bunch of warlords."

"This method is not very good. The government forces of the surrounding countries will definitely not do it. They have been secretly supporting Anmor. If it is an armed force of other factions, it just gives Anmor an excuse to unite with several other countries. , can only complicate the problem. And we can't mobilize more troops from the border." The Red Baron shook his head, "It seems that we can still compete with the warlords of Anmore with our current strength. I asked. You, with your current strength, can you defeat the warlords in Anmor?"

"Yes, but it will cost a certain amount of time. In addition, those mercenaries are a big variable. Don't underestimate them, they have the ability to change the situation of the battle." Vincent said slowly.

The red baron nodded, "You have the same opinion as me, this task will be handed over to you, and you will set off immediately to join Christine. The two of you are fully responsible for the war zone on the front line of Anmore. You are in charge of the area of ​​Pinestone Town. , Christine continues to be in charge of the Kem River area. The Archduke still does not make a statement, which means that he is waiting for us to solve the problem. If he can't solve this problem, he is even less likely to delegate power to me."

"Understood. I'll wait, I would like to swear to follow the baron." Vincent replied immediately.

After Vincent left, the Red Baron turned and came to his desk. Looking at his desktop in a melancholy mood, there are only a few reports on Nuoda's desktop.

The Red Baron is a standard soldier. In fact, he doesn't like working at a desk. He has a headache when he sees a lot of documents on the desk, so his subordinates are very good at it, and only put the most important documents on the desk in front of him. , and other documents are placed on the bookshelf next to them, so that the Red Baron will be in the mood, and the documents placed next to him will only be read when he has time and mood.

On the desktop, three reports are lined up, and all three reports are top secret.

The report on the far left was written by the head of the intelligence department of the secret society organization. Because it involves very confidential content, the document is not printed or copied, and every word in the report is handwritten. It is clear and clear, obviously a lot of effort has been made, and it is written clearly and clearly.

According to the report of the Intelligence Department of the Secret Service, the spies of the Hammer Organization were very active during this half-year period. Although the Hammer Organization was only in the form of guerrillas when it was established, there was basically no basis for intelligence, but with the recent rise of secrets, it has quickly become the main enemy of the Oromi federal intelligence department.

Even in order to deal with them, the secret society has greatly strengthened the construction of intelligence forces in the Oromi federal area.

According to the intelligence, the Hammer Organization has rarely carried out violent activities recently, but the spies they have sent and bought in the Oromi Federation area have grown exponentially, and the intelligence data they have spied on are also thousands. The security services are under great pressure.

Recently, with the establishment of the military alliance between the Hammer Organization and the Anmore Northern Alliance, their intelligence agencies have also greatly strengthened intelligence sharing, and have gradually taken unified actions in multiple areas.

It brought greater challenges to the secrecy of the Orumi Federal Army. When they joined forces, they did achieve a lot.

The intelligence department cautiously reminded the Red Baron to be prepared for some military information to be leaked.

In a short period of May, the security forces led by the secret society organization cooperated with the Oromi federal intelligence department to capture a total of more than 100 spies, including more than 20 spies from the Hammer organization. There are also more than 80 development spies. According to the results of the interrogation, the intelligence department of the secret agency regrettably found that a considerable amount of intelligence information of the Orumi Federation had been leaked.

Taking the largest intelligence leader in the Orumi Federation captured by the secret agency as an example, he listed more than 200 pieces of information transmitted through his hands, most of which involved military secrets, and even included the latest military deployment information. , the reality is shocking.

The Red Baron was horrified at the time.

What he was shocked by was not the supernatural powers of the spies of the Hammer Organization, nor the confidentiality issues within the Orumi Federation. The Oromi Federation Army's awareness of confidentiality is still lacking, and the Red Baron does not expect them. But a lot of information is only known to the management committee controlled by the secret society.

The Hammer Organization has actually shown signs of infiltrating the Oromi Federal Governing Council.

In fact, some information, at most no more than a few people have the opportunity to grasp it all, and now some of the information has fallen into the hands of the Hammer Organization, indicating that there must be some problems among these people.

As it turned out, the intelligence department under the command of the secret society followed the clues and easily caught the culprit of the leaked information. Bring him to justice, however, no one should be happy in the face of the outcome of the case, which is destined to be a very frustrating ending.

The person who leaked the information was an insider of the secret society, who sold all the information just for a woman, and until he was secretly executed, he refused to believe that the beautiful woman was a spy of the Hammer Organization.

Before he was executed, the female spy of the Iron Hammer Organization also fell into the grasp of the Oromi Federal Intelligence Force, but her espionage quality and anti-interrogation skills were very good, and even the intelligence department of the secret agency could not get it out. What valuable information, in desperation, she was quickly ordered to be executed.

Although the case is solved. The security department is trying to remedy the situation, although it is not too late, but it has indeed caused considerable losses.

The shock of the Red Baron lies in the professionalism of the Hammer organization. These espionage operations organized by Iron Hammer are completely textbook-like operations for espionage warfare.

You must know that a few years ago, the Hammer Organization was just a group of guerrillas, but now they have a group of very professional military intelligence personnel.

Moreover, the espionage mode of these Hammer organizations is no longer a separate purchase or theft, but a targeted infiltration of the core personnel, and by means of coercion, inducement or beauty, some core personnel who are not strong enough will be drawn into the water.

There is evidence that the Hammers have cultivated a large number of good spies, especially female spies. When they were all purposefully dispatched to the area controlled by the Orumi Federation, it did bring a great challenge to the security department of the Orumi Federation.

Although the technology of the security department of the Orumi Federal Army is advanced, there is still a big gap in terms of personnel quality and experience.

The case in which these important information was leaked was the result of the pervasive penetration of female spies of the Hammer Organization.

Various circumstances show that the Hammer Organization has stolen a large amount of information about the Orumi Federation Army through various means. The intelligence personnel of the Orumi Federation can't speculate whether the information will be completely mastered by the Anmor army, but there is no doubt. This information will bring huge losses to the operations of the Orumi Federation Army. Help Anmor's army improve their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the intelligence department has suggested that the Red Baron must prepare as soon as possible, lest the Orumi Federation Army be caught off guard by the enemy.

In view of the above circumstances, the intelligence department applied to grant greater powers to the intelligence force. At the same time, more funds were approved to recruit more high-quality personnel and expand the strength of the counterintelligence force. Curb the rampant espionage of these Hammers.

The Red Baron agreed without hesitation.

The Red Baron returned a very detailed request to the intelligence department.

Although the war on the surface seems to have ceased, in fact, this is the calm before the storm. Not only Anmor, every surrounding country and force is accumulating its own strength to the maximum extent, waiting for the opportunity to fight the Orumi Federation to the death. So, their espionage activities will definitely be very active, and they are mainly concentrated on the military side.

The security department cannot relax its vigilance at any time, and must continue to take high-pressure measures, trying to cut off every finger of foreign spies, but at the same time, the intelligence department must pay more attention to technology, and be more unscrupulous. Curb the rampant momentum of foreign espionage.

The Red Baron officially granted the secret agency's intelligence department, especially the counterintelligence department, the power to kill first and then play. The anti-espionage force directly led by the secret society has officially established its own organization, the name is Foxhound. All its actions are only responsible for the Red Baron himself, and the name of the funding is the special fee of the Oromi Federal Army.

For the middle and lower-level personnel under its jurisdiction, the Foxhound unit has the power to secretly arrest and execute them. For the middle and high-level personnel within the secret society organization, they can also secretly arrest and detain them with the approval of the Red Baron.

The Red Baron even approved the expansion of the Foxhound troops, but the scale should not be too large, otherwise the purity of the interior could not be guaranteed. Funds should not be used to recruit more personnel, but to organize more training for existing personnel, equip them with better equipment, and at the same time invest heavily in digging out some high-quality personnel.

Especially the core personnel of the Orumi Federal Intelligence Department. These people have fought against spies for a lifetime and have accumulated a certain amount of experience. Moreover, they are all Oromi Federation people. If they are conditionally selected to join the army, it will greatly improve the situation. The fighting power of the Foxhound troops.

Still, the Red Baron is concerned about the Hammers' spying.

The secret society organization itself started with intelligence. He knew better than anyone that the Hammer organization had undergone such a big change in a short period of time. It was definitely not accidental, but someone was behind it. Otherwise, a group of guerrillas simply cannot become good spies in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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