Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5826: confusing

Bewildering and confusing

Mercy sighed. "I guessed it too. So I wanted to finish this vote and leave immediately. I didn't expect you to find out so quickly."

"I'm afraid that even if you do it, you won't have the chance to leave. It's not their way of doing things and leaving evidence." Lin Rui said slowly.

"So I have to thank you for saving my life?" Mercy said with a wry smile.

"How did they find you? Did they find you through a client or directly. Also, how did you get in touch?" Lin Rui continued to ask.

"I've already been caught by you. Is it necessary to inquire about these details now?" Mersey couldn't help asking.

"Of course it is necessary. Only with these details can we make an accurate assessment of our opponents.

If they found you through a client, it means that they have average power in the local area, and their control is not very strong. So you need to go through a middleman.

But if they find you directly, it means that they have very strict local control, and their local power is quite large. "Lin Rui explained.

"Contact information, what's the point?" Mercy asked.

"Of course there is. If they meet you directly, it means that their team is quite powerful here.

If they meet with you at a specific location, it means they have some power there, but not very strong.

If it's just over the phone, it means they don't have much power locally. So they don't dare to take the risk of asking you to meet, or contact you by phone. "Lin Rui explained.

"They contacted me directly, through my phone. They should know my details. But like you said, their local strength is like that," Mercy replied.

"Very good." Lin Rui nodded, "This is what we want to know. You can leave now. There may be a way to survive."

"Are you really going to let us go?" Mersai looked at Lin Rui in surprise.

"I said it long ago, as long as you cooperate. I don't want to embarrass you." Lin Rui nodded.

"But I didn't reveal any useful information just now." Mersey looked at Lin Rui, "Even so, can you let me go?"

"That's what you think. You think you don't reveal much, but I need enough. Because I know you won't know too much core secrets.

So what I want to know is just some things that must be confirmed, and these, I have got the answer from you. Let's go before I change my mind. "Lin Rui smiled.

"Thanks a lot then." Mercy took his two men and left in a bit of surprise.

After they left, Lin Rui pressed the communicator switch, "Follow them, be careful not to let them or the secret society find out."

"Boss, are you really following these people? I feel that this Mersai is just a small character. It means that he is really just hired by our enemies. Even if we follow him, we may not be able to get rid of them. What did you find?" Kuaima shook his head.

"It's not them that I want to follow, but the people of the secret society organization. Melsai, did not complete the task. The people of the secret society organization, now know.

They wouldn't take the risk and keep Mersey alive. So the secret society must send someone to kill them to prevent them from talking nonsense everywhere.

So if we stare at Mersai, we can stare at the people of the secret society organization. " Lin Rui replied.

"Let the snake out of the hole." Sergey nodded.

"That's what it means. That's why I let them go. Use them to draw out the people of the secret society, and by the way, let's see if the secret society organization has any other arrangements.

We don't know what's going on here, so we need our opponents to tell us with their actions. " Lin Rui replied.

Sure enough, Mersey and the others were quickly targeted. About two hours later, a mercenary came over to report.

"Are those people dead?" Lin Rui asked.

"Yeah they were all dead. They were still trying to get out, but it was clear that bombs had been dropped on their car.

Just north of the city, their vehicle exploded, and all three were spared. Those of us who were in charge of the observations affirmed this. ' replied the mercenary.

"Have you seen who did it?" Lin Rui asked.

"The exact identity of the attacker is unknown, but according to our observers, it is believed to be a member of the Red Tide.

They noticed that the vehicle of Mersey and others was attacked when they were turning a corner at the market.

It was a middle-aged man who started with plastic explosives. The man stuck dynamite to the back of the car as it passed the crowd.

But our people didn't stop them in order to avoid being stunned.

Just minutes later, their car exploded. None of the three survived. The personnel who sent a close-up observation can be sure that the person who attacked them was the red tide. ' replied the mercenary.

"Why are you so sure?" Lin Rui asked.

"The intelligence team has established a database and made a detailed registration of the members of the Red Tide of the Secret Society that we have identified over the past few years. A reference list has been created.

This list includes this person. According to the information of the intelligence team, the person who attacked them was called Harada Mori, Japanese.

This person is Chi Tide, Kudo's subordinate. We gathered information on this man during an assassination mission in Panama the year before. But there has been no news of him since. ' replied the mercenary.

"That's right. Kudo is one of the commanders of Crimson Tide. This Harada Mori should also be a member of Crimson Tide.

This shows that the Crimson Tide troops, which are specially responsible for the assassination of the secret society organization, have actually sneaked into the surrounding area.

It's just that he guessed that we will definitely strengthen our vigilance, so until now, we haven't really done it, and these people are too patient.

Through a group of civilian rioters, they continue to create troubles, and even hope to cause bloodshed. Then use the war of public opinion to suppress Anmore.

On the other hand, their assassination team was already ready. But they are still waiting for the opportunity. I reckon they will have to wait a long time.

Because they also know that the longer we are safe, the easier it is for us to let our guard down. Now we are still facing a big enemy, but as the negotiations progressed, nothing happened. When we confirm that there is no assassination attempt on the other side, we will completely let go of the guard.

And then, is their real opportunity. "Lin Rui said slowly.

"So, those people from the Spring Thunder Force are only used to relax our vigilance.

The secret society has placed them openly in the **** team just to let us know that they are sending combat troops. Not the gang of red tides who specialize in assassination. "The actuary nodded Kishi.

"It is undeniable that this is a strong psychological suggestion. When we knew that their **** force was the Spring Thunder Force, although we were surprised, we had to admit that we were a little fortunate.

That's how they want us to feel. Danger shows its fangs when we feel safe. "Lin Rui took a deep breath.

"So, they made up their minds to assassinate Kassan?" Sergey asked.

"It's not so certain yet. But from the current situation, the assassination of Kassan must also be their preparation." Lin Rui replied.

"The most annoying thing is this situation. The enemy is secretly preparing. Then we have to pretend to be nothing and accompany Kassan to the negotiation meeting every day." Sergey felt helpless.

"I don't think so." Actuary Kishi shook his head. "It now appears that the Secret Society is indeed planning to assassinate General Kassan.

But this plan should not be their preferred plan, it is more like a backup plan. Otherwise, they don't need to play so many bells and whistles. "

"I think so too." Lin Rui nodded. "But this creates another problem.

Assassination of Kassan, the secret society organization can obtain the greatest benefit. Because as long as Kassan is dead, Anmor will be leaderless, and it will no longer be difficult to resist the attack of the Orumi Federation.

None of this can be their preferred plan, so what is their preferred plan and what are they trying to achieve? And this purpose is even more profitable than assassinating Kassan? "

"This is indeed a bit unpredictable. What does the secret society want to do? Is it trying to defeat Kassan in this negotiation? Come to a soldier who will be defeated without a fight?" But Kassan, how could it be so easy to give in? The Secret Society, what do you want to play?"

"Since we can't guess, we can't guess. We have only two things to do. The first is to protect Kassan, and the second is to control the rhythm of the negotiation.

Others, we adapt accordingly. How the other party moves, we will deal with it. "Lin Rui nodded.

The next day, as usual. The representatives of the two sides at the negotiating table are almost like scoundrels who have torn their faces and quarreled. Emotional impulsive, vicious words, almost point at each other's nose and curse mother.

The result, of course, was the same as the first day. Neither side has negotiated any of the conditions.

The representatives of the African Union countries responsible for mediating the mediation are as big as a fight. Because the two sides began to quarrel from the beginning of the meeting, and quarreled until the end of the meeting that day.

And after the end of the day of negotiations, the routine press conference. Faced with a large group of reporters, the AU had to greet them with a smile, saying that although the negotiation was difficult, the two sides had at least reached some consensus.

Of course, he did not reveal what these consensuses were. It's nothing more than what to eat for lunch, what drinks to provide for both parties during the meeting, and so on.

Although these things are simply trivial matters. But the two sides are at least somewhat consistent on these issues of eating and drinking.

AU officials are not lying. As for other questions, face the press of journalists. Both sides said the negotiations are still in progress and have no comment for the time being.

After a day's meeting, General Card returned to his residence under heavy protection. He sat down on the sofa, a little distracted.

"What's wrong? General." Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

"Mr. Rick, you are finally here. I really can't bear this kind of negotiation. For two days, there is no progress at all." Cassan couldn't help sighing.

"Isn't this expected. I still have a piece of information from the intelligence team here. I think you will be more interested in this." Lin Rui shrugged.

"About what?" Cassan asked casually.

"The troop movement organized by the secret society. Our situation team has found that there have been frequent troop movements in the Orumi Federation in recent days.

Although small, it is very likely that the Secret Society is already making preparations. " Lin Rui replied.

"Movement of troops, what are they doing?" General Kassan was slightly surprised. "Any more detailed information?"

"There is no definite evidence yet, but we have collected information from various sources. Basically, it has been confirmed that almost all the troops of the Orumi Federation come from the southwest.

They were secretly mobilizing troops from the southwest, and the direction where the troops gathered was Songshi Town. " Lin Rui replied.

"If it's Pine Stone Town, I don't think the situation is too bad." General Kassan nodded. "This shows that they are still taking the old road before, trying to pass through Songshi Town and open the road to the north. This is the simplest and most direct way at present.

And we have already made sufficient preparations for this. The towns around Songshi Town are all easy to defend and difficult to attack. And Pine Stone Town itself can be protected from surrounding towns.

In addition, we have been strengthening the defense of Pinestone Town since the beginning of the war. And so far, we have thwarted many enemy attacks there, and it can be said that we have control of Pinestone, which is an advantage for us.

So I don't think that the enemy can gain an advantage by massively increasing their troops. "Hassan even took it easy.

"General, it is best to pay enough attention. You are right, Songshi Town is still in our hands, but this does not mean that Songshi Town is foolproof.

There is no foolproof thing in the world, and whether the posture shown by the secret society organization is their true intention, we are still unclear.

In other words, even if they assembled outside of Pinestone, were these troops used to attack Pinestone? We don't know this.

Could they just feint us and paralyze us in this way? Actually, there is something else. "Lin Rui reminded.

"According to what you said, I'm afraid none of it is good news." Kassan said with a wry smile.

"Yes, this is not good news for us. The enemy's ground forces have been quietly deployed, and the intentions are certainly not that simple.

Plus, Pinestone has always been our defense focus. The Orumi Federal Army has been at war with us until now, and it is impossible for them to not even be aware of this.

Especially at present, Songshi Town is almost heavily guarded, and it is difficult to make new breakthroughs even if the Orumi Federal Army increases its troops in this position.

As we all know, the troops in the southwest region of the Orumi Federation have always been their elite. They are good at fighting big and tough battles, but they don't only know how to fight hard.

So this is quite a hassle for us. "Lin Rui sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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