Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5796: steadfast ally

Firm ally

After the meeting, Lin Rui stopped Linda. "Ms. Linda, take a step to speak."

"What's wrong?" Linda turned around.

"I think, I need a little extra information." Lin Rui turned his head and looked behind him, then lit a cigarette.

"What information do you need? And why do you think I'll give you more information?" Linda sneered.

Lin Rui shrugged, "In my opinion, you won't agree to a ceasefire so easily, unless there are conditions I don't know about. Kassan and the others are just pawns you use, but we have a long-term cooperative relationship. So I should have the right to know more.

You can sell it if you want, but don't expect me to just let it go, I'll ask your director directly. "

Linda looked at him, "You're really overconfident. You really thought the director would."

"If he doesn't say it, we'll break up. We've had a lot of contact with you Yankees, and it's not just once or twice that we've been tricked. If there is any uncertain danger, I can't keep me from doing it. Outside." Lin Rui said slowly.

Linda was silent for a while, then nodded, "Well, actually we encountered pressure, and it came from above. The above thinks that order should be restored to Oromi before things get out of control."

"What?" Lin Rui frowned.

"The Hammer Organization, some people think they are related to terrorist organizations, and there is sufficient evidence. The above does not want terrorist organizations to take the opportunity to disrupt the Oromi Federation, which will lead to instability in the entire Sahel region. And there are some international The situation also played a key role. In 2014, France launched a military operation called Dune Crescent in the Sahel region of Africa to cooperate with local authorities to fight terrorist groups.

Earlier this year, France announced it would restructure its military presence in the region and close its military base in northern Mali, with the withdrawal due to be completed this year. This marks a significant weakening of the region's counter-terrorism capabilities. The above does not want the Oromi Federation to fall into the hands of terrorists. ' Linda replied.

"But the Hammer Organization is not a terrorist, they are just armed militia of the resistance organization." Lin Rui frowned.

"Maybe, but the above doesn't think so. There is evidence that the group has trained militants. And over the past few months, a lot of explosions and destruction have caused great panic." Linda whispered.

"Well, maybe that's what it looks like, but it's also in order to cooperate with the actions of the Anmor army. This is what we planned before, the Hammer organization disrupts them from the inside, and the Anmor army conducts military strikes from the outside. ." Lin Rui explained.

Linda nodded, "I understand, but the people above don't see it that way. What they see is the Oromi Federation in chaos, terrorists are taking advantage of it, and soon this riot will spread throughout the Sahel. region. This leads to an even worse situation.”

Lin Rui was a little irritable, "So they also agreed to a ceasefire, so that the Orumi Federation Army can free up its hands to deal with the Hammer Organization?"

"I'm afraid that's the case. But from another perspective, there's nothing you can do about it. Even if the fire doesn't stop, Anmore doesn't have enough strength to attack the Orumi Federation. Our previous plan was to train Anmore's soldiers. , to replenish their arms, and in half a year, they will be able to fight against the Orumi Federal Army. Now all the conditions are not yet mature.

The Anmor Army needs to rest, replenish personnel and equipment, and provide sufficient training. Instead of letting them fight a losing battle now. So I don't see anything wrong with this plan. ' Linda replied.

"The biggest problem with this plan is that the Hammer of the Orumi Federation's resistance organization may be completely eliminated by the Orumi Federation. The Anmor Army will lose the most important helper in the fight against the Oromi Federation. Our previous plans were different." Lin Rui was a little annoyed.

"Things are always changing, and not all plans can stay the same," Linda replied. "What's more, the Orumi Federation has let go of the peacekeeping force this time. It is unlikely that they will attack Anmor again for at least half a year, and the Anmor army will have sufficient time to prepare. On the surface, it seems that Austrian The Rumi Federation has won a chance to breathe, but in fact, it is not only them who can take advantage of this opportunity to breathe, the Anmor army needs this opportunity even more.”

"But what about the Hammer Organization?" Lin Rui asked rhetorically.

"Although it is a pity, the agreement between the Olumi Federation and us is to put them on the terrorist list. And they will be hit by the six Sahel anti-terrorist coalition. But it does not matter, they themselves are some resistance groups. They're just militias. Even if we support them all, it's hard to do anything with them. We've made a choice to support Kassan in Anmor and give up these resistance militias. They don't deserve our attention. ' Linda replied.

"Isn't it worth paying attention to? In Scarlo, if it wasn't for the information they provided, we might have stayed there completely, and there would have been no final counter-offensive. You don't know these resistance members at all, they are the most determined fighters, they Resisting under extremely difficult circumstances has provided us with great assistance. And they have a very large number of supporters within the Oromi Federation. They have strength and ability. You can't just treat them as victims." Lin Rui explained.

"We didn't, we just agreed with the ceasefire and dialogue, and agreed with the Orumi Federation Army to control the domestic situation first. And urged the maintenance forces and various investigation agencies to intervene. As for the opposition armed forces organized by the Hammer, it has nothing to do with us. Only That's all," Linda replied.

"But such a decision will allow the Olumi Federation to free up the opponent's Hammer Organization, and they are likely to use the Six African Nations Joint Anti-Terrorism Alliance to assist them in this matter." Lin Rui couldn't help but said.

"Maybe, but it's their freedom, not ours," Linda replied.

"How can you not understand?" Lin Rui couldn't help but said, "The Hammer Resistance Organization has a broad base and a large number of supporters in the Oromi Federation. Once you want to free the Oromi Federation from the control of the Secret Society, you will The existing Oromi federal government has to hand over power and hold a new election, and the Hammer Organization, as the largest opposition party at present, is most likely to gain broad support." Lin Rui was suddenly stunned when he said this.

He immediately thought of something, and suddenly turned to look at Linda. "They are not in your plan, because you plan to cultivate a pro-American force to eventually take over the Orumi Federation."

Linda made a gesture, "Looks like you've finally figured it out. We don't need a people-supported organization to run the Oromi Federation, we just need someone who listens to us. That's the idea above, So, you're right, the Hammers are not in our plan at all. Even Kassan, if he can't meet our demands, we'll replace him."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving a tall figure behind her professional dress and black high heels.

Lin Rui raised his **** and cursed fiercely.

"What's the matter? You seem a little unfriendly to this beauty." The actuary walked over to the shore and asked.

"Damn Yankees, they have their own plans." Lin Rui sighed, "I'm afraid the Hammer Organization is in trouble." Lin Rui told the actuary General the information that Linda had revealed.

The actuary nodded Kishi, "It's not surprising, it's in line with their standards of conduct. The CIA does this kind of thing a lot. They support the opposition in Africa, but when they're useless, they abandon them. Everything is For their own benefit. So a lot of terrorists are actually trained by them, including some al Qaeda people."

"But their calculus this time may be wrong." Lin Rui shook his head, "The secret society organization is far more cunning than any organization they know. If the Hammer Organization and Anmore join forces, maybe it will really happen in the future. But if they only rely on Anmor, even if they really have enough soldiers and food, they may not be able to achieve anything. Losing the Hammer Organization, the most staunch ally in the Oromi Federation, I am afraid it will only be more difficult in the future. ."

"It's true, but there are always some people who can't see such a long-term view." The actuary sighed, "What are you going to do?"

"The first thing we have to do is to warn the Hammer Organization. However, we cannot contact Edgar, his troops in the Oromi Federation are in a delicate situation, and anything suspicious will harm him. Contact the person in charge of the Hammer Organization directly. Isaac, use the emergency backup line." Lin Rui whispered.

"Understood." The actuary took Kishi and brought Lin Rui to the office, set aside the others, and then contacted Isaac through the encrypted satellite network.

About ten minutes later, there was a response from Isaac. A video chat was opened, and Isaac watched them say hello. "Hi, nice to see you guys. I heard about you guys and you've been playing well lately.

Sorry for the delay as we are in a very bad situation. It takes a lot of verification to be sure it's you. However, if you activate the emergency line, there should be something urgent. "

"It's me, Isaac. There is something you may need to know. The Oromi Federation has announced a ceasefire, and Anmore has responded at the same time. The two sides agreed to conduct ceasefire talks under the supervision of the African Union and the United Nations. "Lin Rui whispered.

"Yes, I know the news, and it was this morning." Isaac nodded, "but it is necessary for both sides. The Orumi Federation Army cannot continue the offensive due to lack of supply resources. Anmore is also unable to launch a full-scale offensive at the moment, so it is necessary to take a breather. So I have to congratulate you, your efforts have led to this result. I know the battle that took place in Scarlo, you are indeed not easy.

Rick, I have to say, you are the fighter I admire the most. And also the best ally. "

"I'm not looking for you to listen to your flattery. Listen, you are in a very big trouble. The ceasefire of the Oromi Federal Army is conditional, and they demand that you be included in the list of terrorist organizations." Lin Rui whispered road.

"This is not the first time. We have always been terrorists in the mouth of the Oromi Federation. In fact, anyone who seeks freedom and independence in order to get rid of control is a terrorist in their mouths." Isaac shook his head.

"You may not understand, this time is different. This time is the list of terrorist organizations recognized by international organizations. Once you are included in the list, the Hammer will become nearly 30 internationally recognized international terrorist organizations. You will be everywhere in the future. Restricted. And the Orumi Federal Army will not be restricted in any action against you. Not only will everyone be shouting and beating in the entire African region, but they will also be surrounded and suppressed by the six-nation anti-terrorist alliance.

Including your external communication, no one will trust your words, and no one will care about your normal voice. And no one will do business with you. It is very difficult for you to get weapons from normal sources, because even arms dealers do not want to be charged with supplying arms to terrorist groups. And the Orumi Federal Army will definitely use this ceasefire to intensify its persecution of you.

And some big countries have taken a tacit attitude towards this, even if they know that you are just some civilians who resist oppression. But for their so-called interests, you must be cast aside. this is the truth. "Lin Rui said helplessly.

"Actually, I've figured it out. We've known this day since we were trained in covert operations. Mr. Aladdin taught us a lot. We knew what we were going to face, but we didn't turn back. Or, we didn't look back. For the sake of our country, we have no choice," Isaac replied.

"Don't talk about big things at this time. I hope you'd better keep a low profile, suspend all activities from now on, and go dormant. At least wait for this wave of limelight to pass." Lin Rui whispered.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Rick, as I said, you are a trusted ally. But we know how to deal with it. We don't bleed in vain, we know how to hide ourselves, and we'll give as usual. You provide valuable information. Thank you for your concern. We will succeed," Isaac replied.

"It's not that simple, you still have armed forces, how do you hide them?" Lin Rui whispered.

"They are completely special armed forces formed according to the requirements of clandestine warfare. When they take up their weapons and put on their masks, they are fighters in clandestine warfare. But when they put down their weapons, they are just ordinary people. They have legitimate occupations. , no sign of anything to do with the resistance. They will only come forward when they are needed. That's the advantage of the militias, Mr. Rick.

Gathered into soldiers, scattered into people. We've been through hard training, we've had incredible sacrifice. This is what we have to do. "Isaac replied, "No matter how the external environment deteriorates, we remain your most steadfast allies. "

(End of this chapter)

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