Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5755: Guild Wars South 2

5755 Fierce Battle South 2

The sound of explosions in the city was incessant, and many areas in the south of the city were burned into a sea of ​​flames. Clouds of smoke rose into the sky, and the devastated streets were sprinkled with concrete fragments and twisted and deformed steel bars. The air waves turned into powder, and the sturdy buildings turned into ruins, leaving only the frame of the reinforced concrete column stubbornly erected in the storm.

After two days and two nights of fire preparation at no cost, the Orumi Federal Army began to launch a tougher ground attack.

Christine is not a mediocre person. Under his command, the Orumi Federal Army adopted the tactics of the US military to attack Baghdad. The jeeps and infantrymen entered the outskirts of the city with armored cover, and snipers and soldiers carried out fixed-point clearance of the firepower points. Then a large number of light combat vehicles rushed into the city, using automatic grenade launchers and cannons to strike back fire, followed by the infantry. , and can summon air strikes at any time. Several attack helicopters and armed reconnaissance helicopters hovered at low altitudes, ready to give fire support to the ground forces. The special forces of the secret society inserted from the flank, and the airborne troops rappelled from helicopters to occupy the commanding heights.

And guarding the southern city are a small number of mercenaries and Anmore officers and soldiers who are frequently mobilized.

"The enemy is coming, everyone is ready for battle!" Sausage led the team and said to the officers and soldiers of Anmore.

They were hiding in the tunnel under the underground garage of a building. The building had long been bombed into ruins, and only the reinforced concrete frame was still standing. The walls and floors had collapsed, but the sturdy buildings dozens of meters high The reinforced concrete ruins can block the enemy's attack.

On a ruin on the side of the road, a second lieutenant Anmore, who had been promoted to company commander, looked at the Orumi federal troops coming from a distance.

In fact, the battalion commander of his company had only two platoons left.

The company commander of this company had already been killed during the battle, and when their company retreated from the suburbs, there were only 40 of more than 100 people left.

In yesterday's interception battle, they even got a rocket in the bunker where many soldiers were hiding. When the rescue team arrived, they couldn't find a single living person in the air-raid shelter.

The blood debt must be repaid with blood!

"Wait for the enemy to get close to the detonation point and prepare to detonate!" Sausage turned and said to a mercenary.

The first lightly armored vehicle, followed by five combat jeeps, and finally a long line of Oromi Confederate soldiers.

"Understood, let the armored vehicles come over first, there are anti-tank mines waiting for them in front! Other vehicles blast them on the road! Cut them off in the middle." A mercenary stared at the enemy on the bridge with blood-red eyes.

When this Orumi Federation force was about to enter the Nancheng District, suddenly there was a raging flame on the side of the road, and there was a loud "Boom". The track hangs down to the curb like a dropped bike chain. Metal jets of anti-tank mines penetrated into the car, and the armored vehicle, which was ablaze, was paralyzed on the road. The three armored vehicle occupants who were not killed were jumped from the vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, the mercenary behind the sausage pressed the button of the remote detonator.

There was a flash of fire, and a violent explosion occurred in the middle of the convoy. With a deafening loud noise, the road was suddenly broken into pieces, and three light armored vehicles and several large jeeps were blown up on the road.

Amidst the howls of ghosts and wolves, the Orumi Federation soldiers who had risen into the air were torn to pieces along with the flying vehicles, and a pile of burning metal fragments and human body stumps were scattered on the side of the road.

The powerful shock wave spread the fire to both ends of the road, and the few jeeps that did not get on the bridge behind were not spared.

Several Orumi Federation soldiers were also swept up by the air waves, flying into the sky dancing, and then being torn into several pieces by sharp fragments.

Immediately, the ground was covered with stumps and broken legs of the Orumi Federation Army, soldiers covered in blood twitched in a pool of blood, and the wounded lay on the ground and wailed in pain.

At the same time, several surrounding roads were blown up at the same time, and the Orumi Federal Army was blocked at the outermost periphery of the southern city.

Christine, the commander of the siege battle, ordered: "Reinforce the front-line troops quickly, and be sure to invade the city before sunset today! Push the front line at least 500 meters further."

The Orumi Federation Army came in droves. At this moment, there was a burst of gunshots like fried broad beans in the direction that was still dead just now.

The Orumi Federation Army, who was preparing to tow away the wreckage of the bombed-up vehicle, was hit by the dense rain of bullets. There was blood in the air, and the soldiers were beaten down on the road one after another, and blood was everywhere.

After Anmore's defenders suddenly fired a string of bullets, they evacuated their positions one after another in less than a minute and retreated to the underground tunnel to hide. They have already made a battle plan: use street fighting to save themselves as much as possible, and focus on destroying the enemy's living forces! Don't entangle with the enemy too much, and change the enemy with one shot. Only in this way can you save yourself in front of the enemy with superior firepower!

The Oromi Federal Army retaliated very quickly. The attack helicopters and armed reconnaissance helicopters in the sky immediately fired revenge rockets at the firepower that had just spit out their tongues. Machine guns swept the fire points of the Anmor army.

The overwhelming rain of bullets and rockets fell on the ruins, and the smoke of the fireballs flew into the sky with the billowing smoke and dust raised by the reinforced concrete stones. In the deafening explosion, some Anmore soldiers who were slow to evacuate were on the spot. They were torn to shreds, some people were directly hit by artillery shells and rockets, and they were blown into blood and minced meat and flew in all directions.

After the firepower on the opposite side was suppressed, under the command of the secret society, the sappers of the Orumi Federal Army marched toward the city again.

In fact, the Anmor army deliberately put the enemy into the city, so that its troops could destroy the enemy's living force in street fighting. Therefore, the Anmor army did not fire on the enemy's troops any more.

The Orumi Federation army was murderous, cleared the way, and began to enter the south of the city in large numbers.

However, what these people did not expect is that this is just the beginning. Lin Rui had already formulated a detailed combat plan based on the enemy's actions.

You must know that the US military can easily defeat the Iraqi army in street battles, not only by relying on their superior air power, but more importantly, the Iraqi army's training is too poor, its quality is too poor, and its tactics are even worse! There used to be a platoon of American troops that routed a battalion of Iraqi troops without any cover for air fire; and two Barrett sniper rifles that took out a platoon of Iraqi soldiers plus five armored vehicles.

But this time they faced a group of mercenaries! The tactics of these mercenaries will not be like the stupid tactics of the Iraqi army to take a bus to attack the US military with superior firepower!

Here, there are countless mines, directional mines, remote-controlled bombs, snipers, individual fire points and even hidden anti-tank rocket launchers, waiting for the enemy to come and kill. The Anmor warriors are about to use the familiar terrain, the firepower formed by the solid reinforced concrete ruins, and the favorable terrain such as various sewers and underground garages to block the enemy step by step. They will make the enemy pay a lot for every step forward. price!

After the fire retaliation of the Orumi Federal Army, the mercenaries took Anmor's soldiers out of the underground tunnel and climbed up the ruins.

"Everyone spreads out, be careful to hide yourself! Do your best to eliminate as many enemies as possible!" Sausage calmly ordered the soldiers. Despite the impact of the explosion just now, his head is still a little dizzy.

Several mercenaries set up remote-controlled bombs and mines on the block. While avoiding the sight of circling enemy planes in the distance, they used remote-controlled bombs, anti-infantry mines, and anti-tank mines to set up death traps one by one.

The sniper Eric, who was hiding in the ruins of a building, watched the enemy secretly, and immediately gave the order to the soldiers who were laying mine: "Quickly retreat! Enter the hidden place and wait for the enemy!"

After receiving the order, the figures of the Anmor warriors disappeared one after another in various blocks in the south of the city.

A fork in the street was already densely covered with mines and bombs. Eric climbed up the middle of a half-collapsed building with a 12.7mm heavy sniper rifle on his back. After he chose the sniper spot, he took cover on the spot, preparing to attract the enemy into the minefield.

The position he chose was excellent, with a good view, and it was not the highest point that was difficult to retreat. As a sniper, the best sniper position is not the highest point, but the most concealed and easiest to evacuate position.

Two other mercenary fighters waited in a room below him, one of them holding a remote-controlled detonator.

Seeing that the enemy had entered the street, Eric made a gesture to the two soldiers below, indicating that they were ready to fight, then he took off his sniper rifle and aimed at a machine gunner on a jeep. The wind speed, target movement speed, and distance set the aiming advance, and point the muzzle six meters in front of the enemy's chest.

Waiting for the enemy to get closer, he decisively pulled the trigger.

A crisp sound of gunfire pierced through the dull air that could almost freeze, and a powerful 12.7mm bullet shot out of the muzzle and hit the enemy's chest. A mass of blood mist rose, and a large hole was blown open in the chest of the Orumi Federation Army soldier. The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet knocked him backward and flew under the car.

After firing a bullet, Eric was not in love. Not just follow a sniper's principle: shoot a shot for another enemy, and only try to save yourself to destroy more enemies!

It's more because he himself is trying to attract the enemy this time.

He immediately grabbed the sniper rifle and jumped down the battered stairway with a single stride.

It didn't take long for the enemy's revenge rocket to explode in the broken window, creating a large fireball where he had fired.

Because he evaded in time and looked for an excellent cover position, the debris released by the rocket explosion was blocked by reinforced concrete pillars and corridor slabs, and Eric evacuated to a safe area unharmed.

"Snipers! The snipers are over there!" The Oromi Federation Army's convoy was in chaos, and they rushed towards the block where the bullets had just been fired.

The attack helicopter that had just fired the rockets fired three more rockets at the building, until the brick walls collapsed, then circled and flew forward slowly with the convoy.

The enemy's convoy and infantry approached the death trap full of mines and bombs. The Toyota hmv jeep headed by it fired a string of grenades, blasting the roof of the building into a cloud of smoke.

The actuary, General Kishi, was very familiar with the tactics of the US military. He knew that in the Iraq War, the Iraqi army suffered losses when many people concentrated on the roof where it was not easy to retreat, trying to shoot from a high position. Therefore, he learned the lessons of the Iraqi army back then, and told the Anmor army not to deploy on the top of the building, but to set up sniper spots scattered on the floors where it was easy to evacuate and blocked by many solid objects, and run away with one shot.

After the enemy enters the death trap, a mercenary presses the remote detonator.

There was a loud "Boom", and a dazzling fire jumped up. The large MV jeep headed by the MV was suddenly swallowed up by a fire. All occupants on board were killed.

In order to avoid it, a jeep in the back immediately turned sharply, but it hit an anti-tank mine. The mine that could blow off the tracks of the tank immediately threw the jeep upside down, all kinds of scrap metal and car parts. Scattered from the fireball.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderbolt rose into the air and exploded beside a group of Anmor soldiers, sending countless pieces of steel **** to the enemy like a torrential rain. Accompanied by screams, these Anmor soldiers all fell in a pool of blood.

"Evacuate!" Sausage waved to the two mercenary soldiers, and the three of them evacuated the building from a hole blown by a bomb, entered another building through a rubble-covered alley, and arrived first. The Confluence of Eric et al.

By the time the gunships greeted by the enemy blew the ruins of the building into a sea of ​​fire, they had already disappeared without a trace.

The mercenaries led the Anmor warriors to maneuver and use the familiar terrain to deal with the enemy, evading the search of attack helicopters and armed reconnaissance helicopters hovering in the sky.

When a group of Orumi Federal Army soldiers passed through a block, they suddenly shot dense bullets from a window. The Orumi Federal soldiers who were caught off guard were knocked down by automatic rifles. When they organized fierce firepower to fight back, those mercenaries and Anmor warriors evacuated the window early, withdrew from the hole, and moved to another block.

However, when they were passing around a street corner, they suddenly encountered another enemy, and the two sides broke out in melee, and the Anmor warriors fell in a pool of blood one after another. All of this was in the eyes of Sausage and the others, but they were not there to help, because the Orumi Federal Army was coming in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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