Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5750: late striker

Post-strike attack

In the peripheral positions, after the explosion, the smoke of gunpowder still did not dissipate. This area is still a mess, like a slaughterhouse full of dead bodies. In order to continue to suppress the Anmor army, the sound of artillery was loud, and the heavy artillery shells continued to bombard the position like a heavy punch. In vain. With the continuous shelling, the rubble that fell like raindrops flew down, and the soldiers of Anmore who were holding their positions below were still nervous from time to time.

With the fierce firepower of their own artillery, and under the protection of the Orumi Federal Engineer Corps, the enemy and two infantry companies have reached the outer edge of the position; of silence.

Lin Rui had already ordered the 3rd Battalion, braved the enemy shelling and stone rain, brought the belongings and the wounded to withdraw to the annular cave fortification on the eastern edge of the core position.

And the last company left behind is also stepping up the last bit of time, trying to destroy all the trench defenses. At the same time, the brothers of the 6th Battalion, who were flanking to support them, secretly guarded them in the front line of trenches and observed the enemy.

The enemy who had already suffered a big loss from blasting was also honest this time, because he was afraid of the risky counterattack of this self-destructing position.

After their three infantry companies quickly built a simple position, without even clearing the battlefield, they were ready to launch quickly and launch a rapid attack on the core position of the Anmor army.

However, in just a quarter of an hour, the light armor and three mortar platoons of the Olumi Federation Army had been deployed outside the position. As the infantry of their three companies once again stepped into the scorched earth steadily in three echelons, everywhere In the depression of the corpse, the heavy battle clouds have slowly pressed towards the core position

The Anmor army detonated the explosives on the position again. "Boom! Boom!" Accompanied by a series of thunderous explosions, thick smoke billowed from the positions under the steep **** behind the second-tier trenches.

"Boom!" Accompanied by a transparent loud noise, the rocks splashed, and shrapnel spewed out of the black hole like a stream of fire, the smoke filled the air, and there were several roars of ammunition explosions.

Because of the early discovery of the location of the Orumi Federal Army, the Anmore Army hoarded a large amount of ammunition that was too late to transport around the explosives in the second-line trenches. When the Orumi Federal Army approached, it detonated on time.

But that was just the prelude to the Orumi Federation's onslaught of the core position in the east, and then the armored vehicles of the Orumi Federation army rushed up, and the fierce machine guns fired flatly, with a destructive potential, a tracer that was hotter than the sun The bullets drew red lines of fire in the air. The wind and rain swept across the trenches.

Immediately, there was a sound of "Boom", and another explosion, the earth and stone splashed, and the shrapnel shot in all directions. There were countless craters on the positions that had been ploughed bare by the artillery. This position has been bombed beyond recognition.

At the rear observation post, Lin Rui was in the observation hole, watching these Anmore soldiers withstand the enemy's storm-like attack, and finally detonated the position and retreated. He put down the telescope and said lightly, "Okay."

At the same time, his stern face couldn't help showing a cold smile.

At this moment, Anmore's rocket battalion has been assembled at the mobile launch site, erected, and aimed.

"Hit!" with Lin Rui's command. The 24 122mm 40-barrel self-propelled rocket launchers in the rear firing position, the 122mm rockets spewed out, cut through the sky like an arrow from a string.

In the dazzling scorching sun, countless soul-stirring rainbows swept across the sky, sketching a gorgeous red glow in the blue sky; falling towards the enemy fire positions like a meteor shower. The dense sound of breaking the air cast off a series of graceful arcs, and poured a scorching rain of fire towards the enemy with the ferocity of the **** of death and the clamor of the **** of war!

The 122mm rockets in the air that burst apart intensively by "Boom, Boom" whipped up a mighty shock wave wrapped in sharp shrapnel; The earth is the chopping board, and the enemy is the fish. The fluffy blood was wrapped in a little bit of stagnant minced meat like a storm, and it fell down like raindrops.

In the thick black fog, the shocking dust is everywhere, and the sharp air piercing through the eardrum is drawn with a dazzling scorching heat, and the sky is full of fire and rain, like meteors in the dark night sky. With the momentum of an inverted fan, it whistled and gathered outside the core position.

boom! There was another sudden roar, the earth trembled, and more than a hundred fireballs rose slowly on the ground one after another.

The dense sound of breaking through the air was like a hurricane; before the cannonballs volleyed into the air, the strong atmospheric pressure in the dignified and scorching air suddenly seemed to place the advancing Oromi federal troops in a suffocating and hot invisible pressure cooker, as if in essence. The general scorching pressure caused severe pain in the lungs and made it difficult to breathe.

"Lie down!" Just as someone reacted in an instant, screamed in pain, and at the same time fell into the deep pit, the falling cannonballs blew up the ferocious wind, and the subsequent cannonballs were like a shower. poured down.

"Boom—" Accompanied by the sound of shells blasting like dense drums, red light suddenly appeared, the ground shook, and tons of puffy soil flew into the sky, and the flesh and blood splashed and wrapped in the soil.

Anmor's army used the entire southern position as a price, and used the firepower of the rocket to suppress the advantage and regained the situation.

At 13:50 that day, the artillery fire of the Anmore Army extended, interweaving a continuous wall of fire on the southern passage, intending to block the follow-up reinforcements of the Orumi Federal Army with ferocious firepower and fill in the gaps of important strategic fulcrums.

At the same time, the two battalions of the Anmore Army quickly divided into two columns and launched a rapid assault on the road on the south side of the city. Lin Rui's idea is to use this wave of counterattacks to use superior troops and firepower to divide and surround the important strategic fulcrum of the front salient with the enemy's main front, and cut off the enemy's only retreat, so as to completely destroy this batch of attacks. The troops, recaptured the suburbs south of the city, and occupied the strategic joint point of No. 4 area.

But halfway through this mission, the Orumi Federation Army this time is obviously not the previous one, and they are quite different in the state of emergency response to the battle.

The Orumi Federation Army noticed Lin Rui's intentions almost immediately, and made the most accurate judgment within a few minutes. A large number of troops did not advance and retreated, but retreated under the cover of chariots.

With such a quick withdrawal, Lin Rui's deliberate attack failed in the end. Although they recaptured the suburbs in the south of the city, they failed to complete the division and encirclement of the enemy.

At this time, the Oromi Federation Army was also in chaos. The front line received a notification that the enemy successfully counterattacked the artillery positions and the advance troops of the Oromi Federation Army with accurate and ferocious firepower at the cost of sacrificing the southern position. . The attached artillery unit suffered heavy casualties, and the personnel and material losses of the artillery unit were close to 1/5. The Orumi Federation Army was completely shocked, and so were the Secret Society armed forces.

They had never encountered such a situation in their previous battle with Anmor. Although they also knew that the Anmor army had a ferocious rocket artillery unit before, they never expected to encounter such a battle.

The Oromi Federal Headquarters decided that, except for the limited use of artillery with high mobility, all heavy artillery will enter a state of dormancy and sneak attack. The position of the enemy artillery must not be revealed any more, and the order must be given to the enemy artillery with a swift and devastating blow.

In the headquarters, Lin Rui leaned back in his chair wearily, listening to the report from the front line.

"Our tactics are basically complete. At present, the enemy has withdrawn from the southern suburbs and returned to their defense lines. Although their attack was sudden and fierce enough this time, we did not let them succeed." The actuary Look at the report in your hand.

"Forget it." Lin Rui waved his hand, "It's a little comforting to say that. In fact, we all understand that this time we didn't fully achieve our goal."

"It is true that we failed to complete the final encirclement and counterattack. However, plans are plans after all, and even if there are no problems with the plan, there are always various problems and deviations in practice." Actuary Kishi smiled, "At least for now, we have not suffer."

"We lost the southern line of defense, and we originally planned to hit the enemy hard at the cost. But the reality is that the enemy's capabilities still exceed our calculations. Especially in command, it is really rare and efficient.

The troops cultivated by the secret society organization are indeed far superior to the Orumi Federation troops in combat capability. This Chunlei unit, we still underestimate them. Unexpectedly, in such a chaotic state, they were able to make accurate judgments and detect our intentions in time. Originally, I thought that this battle, not to mention ninety-nine certainty, should at least be 70% to 80% sure. "Lin Rui is still a little frustrated.

"Gentlemen, I think we should still be more active. At least we blocked the enemy's attack and pushed the enemy back. And after this battle, the enemy is afraid of our firepower, so there should be no more large-scale artillery bombardment. They The artillery will provide much less support for the attack." General Hodgson came over and said, "And it turns out that the positions we built before really played a key role."

"However, in this way, the southern core position has almost been destroyed. The enemy will not give us enough time to rebuild the position." Lin Rui sighed, "This means that if the enemy attacks again, we will We can only defend on the outskirts of the city and the southern city area."

"We have long considered this. The Nancheng District area has basically been emptied, and a large number of concrete buildings have been re-reinforced to form urban barricades suitable for defense. Moreover, the complex urban terrain is not friendly to enemy armored vehicles." The actuary smiled slightly.

"Yes, we can drag them into street fighting. Street fighting is the most terrifying of many types of battles, because the environment of street fighting is very complex, there are buildings everywhere, and the scope of activities is very limited. Rushing in is like sheep entering the tiger's mouth. In the street battle in Grozny in the Chechen War in the last century, the Russian army paid a heavy price. More than 1,000 armored troops entered, only 10 escaped after half an hour, and the rest were all wiped out.

The U.S. military’s Somalia operation in 1993 is also an example. The rebel leader was finally caught, but he couldn’t even get out. The proud air support capability became a display. Many Black Hawk helicopters tried to go to the rescue and were bombed. In the end, the two sides fought fiercely for dozens of hours before the U.S. military escaped, but the losses were quite heavy. After this operation, the U.S. military took the initiative to withdraw, which shows how much shadow the street fighting has left on the U.S. military. "General Hodgson nodded.

"With all due respect, General. This is only a one-sided view. In fact, although armored vehicles fighting in urban areas will seriously impair their mobility, there is no doubt about the importance of armored vehicles fighting in cities." Lin Rui shook his head, "Ao The Rumi Federal Army is equipped with a bmp-2 chariot with a total combat weight of 14.6 tons. The main weapons are a 30mm cannon, at-5 anti-tank missiles and a 7.62mm parallel machine gun. The frontal armor can resist 12.7mm Machine gun shells; the bmp-3 chariot has a total combat weight of 18.7 tons. The main weapons are 1 100-gun, 1 30mm machine gun and 1 7.62mm parallel machine gun. The front armor can resist 30mm armor-piercing bullets from 500 meters away, and the side can be Anti-machine gun and shell fragmentation.

From today's point of view, the problem of the weak protection of the chariot does exist, but it is not vulnerable. "

The actuary nodded and said, "From the perspective of land warfare, one side has heavy equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery, and the other side only has light weapons such as bazookas and machine guns. At this time, the side with the absolute disadvantage in weapons and equipment will naturally give up the plain and retreat. The only way to win is to destroy a large number of armored vehicles and living forces of powerful enemies in terrains with complex terrain and convenient supplies such as cities.

In fact, the situation we are currently facing is very similar. As a weaker party, we can only drag the battlefield to the complicated situation of urban warfare and strangulation. At this point, our opponent's thin-skin armored vehicles appear to be more than enough. "

Lin Rui was silent for a while, "Urban warfare is so dangerous, the U.S. military has been fighting for so many years, but it still lacks the ability to deal with it. Only by protecting people first and surviving can they be able to exert their mobility and firepower.

Street fighting is the hardest and most brutal battle. Since the invention of thermal weapons, the most intense and brutal battles in history are often street fighting. Such as the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Berlin, the Battle of Hue, the Battle of Songhu, including the Battle of Fallujah in Modern Warfare, the Fall of the Black Hawk, the Syrian War and so on.

Street fighting is like a melting pot. Therefore, although the advantage of the armored force in street fighting will be weakened, it is also much stronger than the use of infantry. In fact, we still belong to the weak side, but the only advantage is that their heavy artillery does not dare to act rashly. "

(End of this chapter)

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