Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5742: not a hero

Chapter 5742 is not a hero

The officers and soldiers of the Anmore Gendarmerie who maintained the order opened the cordon and tried their best to suppress the rioting crowd. In the face of the crowd of black and black people rushing in frantically, the weak military police had to fire warning shots again and again. "Da Da" ground-to-air gunfire came one after another, one after another. But there were still people crossing the cordon, and more people swarmed over, desperately climbing toward the boats. The gendarmerie, even the soldiers, who tried their best to stop the riots and maintain order, were shoved aside.

The refugees, trampling and scolding, huddled together, desperately climbed onto the boat. Soldiers, civilians, and even officers, all have only one thought: escape, escape from here.

Guns and ammunition were thrown away indiscriminately. Suitcases, packages, and luggage were thrown everywhere. These things were no longer necessary. The battered people scrambled to get on the boat, and some crazy soldiers even shot those who had climbed to death just to make room for themselves on the boat.

The military police also opened fire, and the gunshots exploded one after another. Those who lost control of the order were mercilessly shot on the beachfront, and a pair of desperate hands clinged to the side of the ship to the death. Some people ignore the icy cold water in the winter, wading in the waist-deep river water, and swimming towards the large boats moored on the farther sea, regardless of anything.

The explosion is still going on. The coastal fortress of Anmore has been operating for many years, and many important facilities cannot be left to the enemy. Must be destroyed before evacuation.

One after another, plumes of smoke rose into the sky on the fortress, and dark red flashes gradually dispersed among the waves. People were running around in panic, even more desperately breaking through the gendarmerie's barriers, risking being shot and climbing onto the moored boats. These explosions are telling the refugees who are trying to escape: the soldiers are retreating at all costs, and the footsteps of the Orumi Federal Army are getting closer.

After the commander Rachel, who was originally in charge of the fortress, was in charge of the break, he waved to his subordinates dejectedly: "Let's go, as the garrison commander, I can't leave it here. This is also what any officer must do. "Thinking of the tens of thousands of defenders who are crowded on the road outside and in chaos, it's a little sad.

"But it's over now, you know, no one can help us now!" his subordinate tried his best to persuade, "We can only withdraw as many troops as possible, not how much we withdraw, we can have as many as we can. How many."

"Don't say it anymore, brother, I have already decided." Rachel interrupted the words of his officers, "You go, I must stay here, with this fortress. It always needs someone to cut off, even if it is all Evacuate." Several Anmore officers looked helplessly at the old officer in front of them, and after shaking hands and leaving, led the troops to retreat.

"Except for the troops that have broken the rear, retreat!" the officers ordered loudly, "Dispose of all documents, and destroy all the things that cannot be taken away."

With several high-ranking officers running away, there was already chaos in the headquarters. The staff officers and officers randomly dumped stacks of documents into the brazier and burned them, the secret operator frantically smashed all the communication equipment and computers, and the guards shot at all the computer equipment with the hard drives removed. Several computers danced with sparks, igniting thick smoke.

After saying goodbye to each other, the officers at all levels in the headquarters left in a hurry. At this time, who can control who, running is the most important thing. There were explosions everywhere outside, and the entire coastal fortress was like falling into purgatory, with smoke and flames flying everywhere.

Smoke billowed and fires were burning everywhere. Looking at the chaotic situation, everyone is extremely depressed, is this the end? There was another huge explosion, and the loud noise that stabbed the eardrums almost knocked people unconscious.

It was several of the anti-war artillery of the coastal fortresses that were blown up. Even if such heavy weapons cannot be taken away, they cannot be left to the enemy.

The clumps of fire looked particularly dazzling in the night, and the high temperature and fire were almost suffocating. Countless Anmor soldiers and refugees fled frantically on the riverbank, trying their best to run towards the boats. No one cares about the order anymore, the gendarmerie, and even the gendarmerie who maintains the order throws away their weapons and rushes desperately to the river bank.

No matter whether there is a boat or not, no matter the freezing water of the river at night, many people even rushed into the river with ammunition boxes and a piece of wood in their arms. It won't take long for them to die in the cold river water.

"Let me stay from the military police regiment, ready to withstand the enemy's attack and cover the retreat of the friendly army." Rachel roared loudly, he didn't want to leave like this. Everyone in the mess was crying. Some people were willing to stay. They followed him and watched the evacuated brothers go away, maintaining order in the city and preparing to organize defenses at the same time.

And the military dock stationed by the coastal fortress, there is a ship there. There were three or four hundred people in the ship, all officers and soldiers of the headquarters, but General Hodgson, the commander of the garrison, and Rachel, the deputy commander, did not arrive at this time.

In the chaos, many people advocated the immediate departure of the ship. If some officers hadn't tried their best to stop them, they would have to wait for General Hodgson and the others to arrive before departure. I'm afraid the ship would have already left.

Only an hour later Hodgson, accompanied by an adjutant of the garrison command, came hurriedly. But Rachel hasn't come yet. Despite Hodgson's order to wait for another hour, he left in a hurry because he was worried that the Oromi Federation Army would find an abnormal arrival.

Lin Rui was also on board. He was a little surprised that such an evacuation was so chaotic.

Hodgson looked at him and turned to look at the fire in the distance. "The training of the troops is poor, and many of them are newly recruited militiamen. They evacuated urgently without preparation. You should know the result."

"Indeed, but I didn't expect it to be so chaotic." Lin Rui shook his head. "The defeat is like a mountain. I felt it for the first time today."

"We haven't lost yet!" Hodgson was a little anxious.

"In order to maintain a part of its strength and make a long-term combat plan in the future, after the troops have completed their current tasks, they should retreat according to the camera, and the north of Ellesmere Port should be the retreat direction."

Lin Rui and several Anmore officers agreed that the situation was not good and the task was very difficult. How to retreat when they were at a stalemate with the enemy?

In this state, where can you rely on the rear? So Lin Rui and General Hodgson gathered several battalion commanders to study the retreat plan on board.

Their original evacuation destination was set at Scarlo, a medium-sized city, located to their northeast. It was one of the few locations suitable for organizing a defense, and it was easily accessible, allowing Anmore's follow-up reinforcements to rush in quickly.

But now it seems that the chaos of the troops is beyond their imagination, and several rally points must be temporarily set up to gather the retreating troops before reaching Scarlo.

In order to prevent this rout trend from intensifying, it will eventually be difficult to close. Lin Rui proposed to set up meeting points in two large villages and towns south of Scarlo, and ordered the ministries to gather around these two locations in an orderly manner.

Hodgson agreed with him and ordered immediately. Let the ministries keep as much order as possible while retreating. But that's just easier said than done. His troops had too many recruits and a large number of militiamen, so it was difficult to guarantee organizational discipline.

Relatively speaking, the evacuation of Bonifacio's defenders was much faster and smoother than theirs.

First, although Bonifacio is a hilly area, it is closer to the road, and this road is completely under the control of the Anmore Army, and the evacuation is more orderly than the coastal fortress.

On the coastal fortress side, the biggest problem is that the road is severely damaged, and a large number of refugees are congested. They can only withdraw a small number of troops from the road. Other cargo materials need to rely on railway transportation and water transportation.

Moreover, he needs to blast and destroy a large number of facilities, so as not to fall into the enemy's hands and become the enemy's reliance. In addition, he has to beware of the Orumi Federal Army's surprise attack, so the evacuation speed is greatly reduced.

After all, it is impossible for the Orumi Federation Army not to notice such a big movement. In case they attack, it is possible to cause serious losses to the evacuating troops.

However, this situation has never occurred. Although they have made a lot of noise here, the Orumi Federal Army has suffered once and has been fooled once. Therefore, they did not attack rashly until the dynamics of the Anmor army were clarified.

The next morning, Lin Rui and others had withdrawn to the planned location, and the troops under General Hodgson were gathering one after another. Due to the panic of the temporary retreat, many soldiers fell behind, and some mixed with other teams.

Therefore, we must regroup here and gather as many troops as possible.

Lin Rui and others must re-plan the defense line here and re-arrange the garrison task.

"Mr. Rick, I don't understand why we should abandon the coastal fortress and Bonifacio, we have proved that this is a reliable line of defense that can be tested, why we should abandon there and withdraw here.

To redeploy the defense here again, isn't this looking for guilt for yourself?

The loss of my troops was not small, and a lot of new recruits were added, which made people panic. The troops were in a mess, and they have not been fully assembled until now. Not to mention having them rebuild their fortifications and defenses. what is this? "An Anmore officer couldn't help it.

"I understand that such an arrangement does seem a bit unbelievable. But you have to understand that the enemy has already prepared reinforcements, and we cannot hold on to the original defense line." Lin Rui replied, "So we can only temporarily retreat and reorganize the defense line. ."

"But can this place be stronger or more dangerous than the coastal fortresses or Bonifacio? Besides, we have ample fortifications in the coastal fortresses. And here we don't even have a trench. Everything has to be done all over again, I don't see any point in retreating like this." The officer said loudly.

"Okay, okay. This is the order of the combat command, and General Kassan has passed it. You sit down first. Speak slowly." One of his colleagues comforted him.

"No! I can carry out the order, but I can't help but raise my question." The Anmor officer was in a temper and ignored it.

Lin Rui put down the intelligence document in his hand and nodded to him. "Yes, your question is justified. Then we will follow your line of thought. The coastal fortress or Bonifacio is very strong and very dangerous, right?"

"Of course. We have been operating coastal fortresses for many years, and Bonifacio has also played a huge role in the recent battles. I just wonder why we don't rely on such a strong line of defense to continue to stand." The Anmore officer asked .

"The reason is very simple, this is the limit we can bear. And all we have been able to survive until now is because the enemy made two mistakes.

First, they underestimated the pressure-bearing capacity of coastal fortresses, and second, they ignored the interception effect of Bonifacio. So they paid the price.

But if we continue, and the enemy army increases in large numbers, our defenses will still be broken. We can't take chances, we can't pin our hopes on the enemy's continued mistakes. What if the enemy made no mistakes this time, and learned his lesson? "Lin Rui asked back.

"But there's no need for us to give up our relatively solid line of defense?" Officer Anmore replied.

"First of all, you are right. Ellesmere Port and Bonifacio, where the coastal fortresses are located, are both very important strategic points. The Orumi Federal Army will not fail to recognize this, so after they occupy it, they must strengthen it. Guard, in case of loss.

Then their forces will be divided. A little less, even if they only deployed about 3,000 people in Ellesmere Port and Bonifacio, that is equivalent to diverting the enemy's 6,000 troops.

And it's not just that, Ellesmere Port and Bonifacio both have large numbers of civilians, and militias are highly active. The Oromi Federal Army occupied there. On the one hand, we had to prevent us from taking a sneak attack and blocking the back road. On the other hand, we had to deal with local security and prevent mob riots. Therefore, they have to draw out part of their troops to maintain local law and order.

In this way, their offensive pressure will be dispersed. A very simple example, like originally we had to deal with ten people, now we only need to deal with four or five, which one is easier?

In addition, the bigger reason for our retreat is that we can passively speed up the arrival of reinforcements. Because we came here to join reinforcements, not squat in the trenches and wait. " Lin Rui replied.

"But strength is not the only factor that affects the battle." Officer Anmore said unconvinced.

"In modern warfare, military strength is indeed not the only factor that affects the battle. So is the Anmor army superior in technology and weapons? Command experience and combat experience, you are also at a disadvantage. Look at your retreat this time. Is it a retreat? This is a rout." Lin Rui shook his head, "Under the circumstance of not being dominant in all aspects, it is already possible to divert the enemy's combat power as much as possible, and to delay the enemy's attack speed by giving up some areas. last resort.

Lieutenant, you are not a hero, and not every warrior is a hero. Rather than wishing them one enemy to a hundred, less to win more. Rather than being practical, try to take advantage of your tactics. "

(End of this chapter)

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