Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5718: Tough artifact

"No, we can't continue like this. We have to make a change, or should we change our direction to the Kem River Fortress?" General Yves subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and his inner unease became stronger and stronger.

He instinctively felt that he had been fooled, but what was the plot of the Anmor army?

No one could answer, and everyone in his subordinates only looked at General Yves.

In the end, General Yves said slowly: "This troop cannot come from the rear of Anmore, it is likely to be the defenders of the Kem River Fortress, plus some mercenary troops.

They tried to take advantage of Bonifacio's favorable terrain to form a flanking attack on the Kem River fortress area. Guard our way north.

No matter what the **** they're up to. Gentlemen, we must all make a breakthrough ASAP! Since Bonifacio was unable to break through effectively, I ordered a change of direction and an attack on the Kem River fort instead. "

A day later, the Orumi Federal Army changed its combat strategy and attacked the Kem River Fortress on a large scale.

The Anmore soldiers in the bunker on the Kem River front also realized that something was wrong. In the face of a large number of enemy troops, they fired one after another, and the dense bullets swept over the heads of the Oromi Federal Army soldiers like a storm.

However, those Orumi Federation Army soldiers are very experienced veterans, and they seem to have unparalleled resistance to the bullets whizzing over their heads, and they can't even beat their eyelids.

After 20 minutes of slow progress, they approached the bunkers controlled by Anmore's army about 30 meters away.

blah blah blah…

The machine guns in the Anmore Army bunker began to fire violently, briefly suppressing the firepower of the Oromi Federation Army.

This time, there were even fewer people in the Orumi Federation participating in the attack, probably less than a hundred people, and the formation was very sparse. There was only one Soldier of the Orumi Federation Army almost ten meters apart.

However, some strange sights still attracted the attention of the Anmore defenders, that is, these soldiers were obviously divided into groups, each of three people in a group, covering each other and advancing.

And from the perspective of tactical actions, these Orumi Federation Army soldiers are definitely not new recruits, and even most of them are veterans with hundreds of battles. They successfully lurk more than 30 meters away, but their casualties are not high. .

The Anmore soldiers in the bunker shot frantically, but to no avail. Those Orumi Federation soldiers continued to advance slowly.

But this is not the most strange, the most disturbing thing is that the group of Orumi federal soldiers who are slowly groping forward, the soldier in the center is carrying something on his back, it seems to be connected to something like a hose , the two blue feather soldiers next to him are equipped with light machine guns.

At this time, I only saw the Orumi Federation soldier who was carrying something on his back and quickly pointed something similar to a hose at the bunker of the Anmor army, and then I didn't know where it was pressed. A terrifying sight that an Anmor soldier will never forget for his entire life occurs.

boom! A group of violent flames sprayed out like a fire dragon, and shot into the bunker with a swipe, as if to set the entire bunker on fire. For a time, all Anmore soldiers subconsciously stopped their movements, and the sound of gunfire on the battlefield seemed to stop instantly. covered. "Flame Jet!!"

About five seconds later, an extremely shrill scream came from the bunker, which seemed to tear everyone's heart.

No one had ever heard such a terrifying scream, it seemed to come from hell, with a deep wailing before death.

Then, in the shrill screams, the back door of the bunker was slammed open desperately, and two Anmore soldiers covered in flames rushed out of the bunker, desperately slapping the flames on their bodies in the open land, However, the more they beat, the more the flames on their bodies burned, and they could not be extinguished at all. The wind helped the fire, and the burning flames beat more violently.

In the almost numb eyes of everyone, the two burned Anmor soldiers kept beating, like two **** of fire that were dancing constantly. No matter how hard they tried, they could never put out the flames on their bodies.

In the end, they all fell into the limestone ground without exception and remained motionless again, but the fire on them was still burning, and the shrill screams seemed to echo in the mouth of heaven for a long time, and it would never disappear.

Looking in from the back door of the smashed bunker, the soldiers of several other bunkers can clearly see that the other four Anmore soldiers inside were burned alive, and the worst one was the one in the shooting hole. All the muscles on the face were burned, leaving only the black bones, and the other three were similar. The first bunker at the forefront of the Anmor army was destroyed like this.

More than ten seconds later, the fire dragon spewing from the hands of the Orumi Federation Army soldier turned to the next bunker. At almost the same time, four other fire dragons also appeared, and also shot violent flames towards the remaining bunker.

The Orumi Federation soldiers stationed in the bunker shot frantically, but they could not resist the coverage of the fire dragon. Soon after, several Anmor soldiers were burned alive, and the same Anmor soldiers were covered in fire. He ran out of the bunker, trying to put out the flames on his body by running.

As a result, the flames burned even more violently, and in the end they could only be burned to death helplessly. At the moment when the fire dragon swung, the entire bunkers and tunnels seemed to be filled with the suffocating smell of burnt flesh, and some Anmor soldiers even vomited.

Have to admit. The entire Anmor army, including a few officers, were frightened by the sudden appearance of the fire-breathing weapon. They never imagined that the Anmor army would use such a cruel weapon and could People are burned alive, and the flames are beaten and beaten, which is terrifying.

Commander Anmore was the coolest. While he was shocked, he also quickly discovered the weaknesses of the flame-breathing soldiers of the Orumi Army.

That is, their range is not far enough, it seems to be less than fifty meters, and the direction seems to be difficult to control, it is difficult to deal with moving targets and so on.

This shows that these Orume Federation troops are using old-fashioned fire-breathing equipment. This old-fashioned flamethrower equipment has a short range and a huge fuel consumption, but it is a fortified artifact against bunkers and tunnels.

However, in any case, the biggest effect of this ghost is not only killing, but a huge psychological deterrent effect. Under the burning of the fire dragon, the Anmor army on the front line even had a shooting interruption for a time.

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