Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5297: No funeral for soldiers

"Sometimes it's not for their own benefit, or even just because of fear. Most people don't want to harm others, but are afraid that danger will come to themselves." The gerbil shook his head.

"For whatever reason, we will not be safe in the refugee camp." Zhao Jianfei shook his head, "but we have to go."

That night the gerbils took them to a small town near the border refugee camp.

There Lin Rui met two other members of the Hammer Resistance Organization. After learning about Lin Rui's request, they resolutely agreed.

Soon, they helped Lin Rui, Zhao Jianfei and others obtain false identities. But getting into the refugee camp is still not easy.

"I'm afraid we can only provide this help." One of the members of the Hammer Resistance Organization handed a few cards to Lin Rui and the others.

"This is an identification card. With this card, you can collect daily necessities in the refugee camp.

There is usually a tent and some food. But these are not the main points. The main point is that you have the status of refugees. "

Lin Rui took the card and nodded, "Then, how can we get in? Can't you help?"

"Yes, because since yesterday, all security work in the refugee camp has been replaced by the regular troops of the Orumi Federation.

In other words, we can't help you get in. Now even we can't get close. "The gerbil whispered.

"Not only that, but the security level has also been improved by several levels. Now the refugee camps are only allowed to go out and not to enter.

We don't know why, we just heard that there might be a big man coming. It should be the UN Observer Mission you are talking about. "A member of the Hammer Resistance Group replied.

"It seems that they have prepared in advance. But there is no problem, this refugee camp is so big, we always have a chance to go in." The magician smiled.

"Next time I will act with you." Gerbil said in a low voice. "You are not too familiar with the situation in the Orumi Federation, and it is easy to reveal yourself.

If I am here, you can better cover you. And you should try to avoid contact with other people. Some aspects always require cooperation. "

"I agree, the gerbil is a local, and the situation here is better than us. If he is there, we will be much easier." Zhao Jianfei nodded.

"When are you going to leave?" a member of the Hammer Resistance asked.

"I hope that the sooner the better. Entering the refugee camp early will help us understand and familiarize ourselves with the situation as soon as possible.

In addition, we have to keep in touch with outsiders, because some outsiders know better than us.

We have to avoid other losses due to untimely intelligence. "The gerbil replied.

The member of the Hammer Resistance Group looked at him, but hesitated.

The gerbil frowned, "What else can you say directly."

The member of the Hammer Resistance Group nodded and whispered, "It's about your father... The old captain's body has been hanging there for several days.

We have already come forward by a local elder to find someone from the Union Army of Orumi to help him collect his body.

So we want to ask you about the funeral..."

"Who asked you to do this?" Gerbil stood up, grabbed him, and said angrily, "My father died to cover the entire organization and this important action.

If you do this, it is easy to cause suspicion and expose the entire organization. Don’t you understand? ! "

"Captain... there is no problem with this matter... the local elder doesn't know our specific situation.

We approached him to request the burial of a criminal's body on religious grounds.

Not in the name of family members or friends. And after going through some relationship channels, there shouldn't be any problems. "The member of the Hammer Resistance Organization whispered, "We really can't, we can't look at the old captain, just hang there..."

The gerbil slowly let go of him, gritted his teeth and said, "I understand what you think, in fact, I want to do this more than you...

But I can't! My father is a fighter, and what he needs is not a funeral. It’s up to us to complete what he didn’t do...

This requires us to sacrifice personal emotions and minimize risks. "

"But if we don't do this, the Orumi Federal Army will throw his body to feed the wild dogs." The secret society members bowed their heads sadly.

"He has sacrificed..." Gerbil closed his eyes in pain, "No matter what we do, we can't undo it. What we can do is to make his sacrifice not in vain.

Now is a time of high danger, and we cannot let the entire Hammer Resistance organization take risks. "

The member of the Hammer Resistance Group lowered his head, "I just want him to have a funeral."

"I said it won't work." Gerbil resolutely refused. "The matter of collecting my father's body can easily attract the Orumi Federation's real attention.

If they follow this clue all the way, they will eventually lead you out, and then they will lead to more people..."

Another member of the Hammer Resistance Organization patted his companions, "Listen to the captain."

After the two members of the hammer resistance organization left. The gerbils buried their heads on the table in pain.

Zhao Jianfei looked at him, "If you need to slow down, we can wait two days before we act."

Gerbil shook his head, "No need. If this action can really shake the secret society organization, this sacrifice is nothing.

In order to defend the three autonomous provinces, tens of thousands of us died. I have experienced the battlefield with my own eyes, and the dignity of a soldier is not after death. It was at the moment of his death, the moment of glorious sacrifice for his ideals and beliefs.

Those brothers who died fighting for the autonomy of the three provinces are like this, my father is like this, and I will be like this too. "

Lin Rui patted the gerbil on the shoulder, "Then go take a rest, restore mood and body, and we will act tomorrow."

The gerbil nodded.

The next day, Lin Rui, Zhao Jianfei and others finished their makeup, posing as local civilians, and came to the vicinity of the refugee camp to conduct reconnaissance.

"The place surrounded by barbed wire is a temporary refugee camp. Many refugees are trapped there, with only minimal food rations, no sanitation facilities, and no medical conditions.

Many people are sick, but are not healed, just trapped there waiting to die.

On the periphery are the troops of the Orumi Federation. Their main purpose is not to protect these refugees, but to prevent them from crossing the border.

If the refugee intends to cross the border, they will immediately be regarded as traitors and sentenced to death. "The gerbil pointed at the barbed wire fence in the distance to Lin Rui and others.

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