Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5290: Improved dot

The two people slowly opened the door. They were very careful and stopped when they encountered a certain resistance to avoid the use of brute force to cause the door shaft to make a sound.

When the door opened to allow one person to enter, the two stopped at the same time.

In order to avoid making a sound, the two communicate completely in sign language.

Lin Rui walked ahead and turned on the flashlight for lighting. The inside of this arsenal is very large, with a ramp at the entrance. Obviously, it is possible to make a heavy truck drive in directly.

Coupled with the delivery vehicles in front of the warehouse, this arsenal is obviously used to store heavy munitions.

But it was dark inside and there was not enough light.

Lin Rui searched all the way along the wall, and finally found an alarm device on one side of the wall.

Sure enough, as Zhao Jianfei said, this alarm device is voice-activated and uses an independent power supply.

Even if they cut off the outside cable, the alarm will still be working. Fortunately, it can be turned off manually.

Lin Rui turned around, took Zhao Jianfei with a flashlight, and then illuminated the alarm device on the wall.

Zhao Jianfei nodded and slowly leaned in.

According to the general alarm settings, there should be two to three such alarms, all on the wall.

Used to monitor the sound in this large arsenal, once the sound reaches a certain decibel. Will trigger an alarm.

Zhao Jianfei walked over slowly, took a flashlight and carefully observed the alarm device.

Then stretched out his hand and carefully turned off the alarm device.

As the green light on the alarm device gradually goes out, it indicates that the alarm device has been released.

Zhao Jianfei made a gesture, and Lin Rui continued to search forward. He turned to the other side and searched for other alarm devices.

Two people turned off three voice-activated alarm devices in total, so that they could act with confidence.

The sensitivity of this kind of sound control alarm device is very high, even if there is only a little sound, as long as the alarm threshold is triggered, the alarm will sound immediately.

Now they were finally able to speak, "This thing is quite difficult." Lin Rui said in a low voice.

"Equipment from the 1980s is old but simple and practical. To be honest, if they install an infrared alarm device here, we may not be so easy to deal with." Zhao Jianfei made a gesture, "I'll go here, you go there. side.

Find those polka dot missiles and take pictures of all the numbers and specific models. It would be even better if a tactical nuclear warhead could be found. "

Lin Rui nodded, he and Zhao Jianfei acted separately. Search this large arsenal separately.

The weapons and equipment in this arsenal really make people feel incredible. Lin Rui even found Stinger air defense missiles and Russian hail rocket launchers.

All weapons and equipment accessories are classified and put together neatly. Some weapons are almost only available to division-level units.

Except for various light and heavy weapons, there was no trace of missiles found.

"Strange, aren't those dot missiles here?" Lin Rui frowned. He pressed the communication headset, "Lao Zhao, I didn't find it here, what's the situation with you?"

"My situation here is more complicated, and I'm still checking it out." Zhao Jianfei lowered his voice. "Come over and help me see."

Lin Rui quickly turned around and walked to the side where Zhao Jianfei was checking.

"Come and see what this is?" Zhao Jianfei hit the flashlight.

A lot of things are stacked on the northwest side of this large warehouse. Surprisingly, there are still three stacked containers.

Lin Rui lowered his head and checked the label under the container, frowning slightly, "Medical equipment? The label above indicates whether it is for medical aid or to enter the country through a formal channel."

"Put the medical equipment with these arms?" Zhao Jianfei shook his head, "Besides, don't forget that the customs of the Orumi Federation is basically controlled by the secret agency itself.

If they want to transport contraband into the country, there are some ways, using various names.

This type of sensitive heavy munitions is the easiest to be brought in in the name of aid materials and medical equipment. "

"Then let's open it and take a look." Lin Rui nodded.

"Be careful, these containers are all sealed with lead. It is easy to leave traces if you open it." Zhao Jianfei stopped him, took out a knife by himself, and slowly moved along the lead seal of the container.

He didn't nod to Lin Rui until the lead seal was completely pryed out and the container door could be opened.

Lin Rui opened it and opened the door of the container. The scene inside really shocked them.

Inside this large container is the dot missile they have been looking for. The projectile is 6.2 meters long, 650 mm in diameter, and weighs 1500 kg.

Two polka-dot missiles painted in sand color lie cold on the shelf in the container.

"Finally found them." Lin Rui immediately rushed to take a detailed shot with a video recorder. The number on the egg and the specific model of the missile.

"The model number is not marked on it, but there is a number." Lin Rui said in a low voice.

"Without marking the model number, the fact that this is a Dot missile cannot be changed. There are many special features of the Dot missile, especially that the tail of the Dot missile has a four-piece grille tail.

This grille tail can also be seen on the R77 mid-range intercept air-to-air bomb. Its advantage is that it reduces the weight of the tail.

Reduced the airflow separation during the climbing process of the dot missile, reduced the aerodynamic hinge torque of the rudder surface, thereby reducing the power of the rudder, reducing the energy consumption of the rudder, increasing the aerodynamic lift and control torque, and improving the low-speed flight, especially the ascending section. Stability and maneuverability during high-speed flight.

Although the two missiles are not marked with specific models, they are completely characteristic of the dot missile. "Zhao Jianfei said in a low voice.

"But it has a number on it." Lin Rui said in a low voice while shooting. "Does this number show anything?"

"It's too telling. 9K79 is the number of the dot missile, and the subsequent code represents the production location of the improved model." Zhao Jianfei muttered while checking.

"The number above shows that this is an improved version of the dot missile?" Lin Rui asked in a low voice.

"Yes, in order to confuse people's eyes, the secret agency once attacked US military bases with dot missiles.

At that time, the US military was puzzled because they had never seen this type of missile. Even Russia does not understand, because they have never produced this type of improved missile.

But these numbers are sufficient to show that the two missiles and the missile that attacked the US military base are of the same batch and were produced in the same place. "Zhao Jianfei said in a low voice.

"Unfortunately, there are no tactical nuclear warheads here, otherwise we will really catch their painful feet." Lin Rui whispered.

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