Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5288: Secret arsenal

"Our luck has always been good." Lin Rui nodded with a smile.

"But our crawling speed in the ventilation pipe may be too slow, and we have to know the structure of each part of the entire underground bunker.

In order to determine the location of the storage missile. "Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"It's really too slow. And the use of ventilation ducts, although it can well cover our whereabouts.

But in crowded places, this trick may not be applicable.

Moreover, this is a metal pipe after all. When we are crawling, it is impossible not to make a sound at all.

If someone notices an abnormal movement in the ventilation duct, we will be done. Lin Rui nodded.

"Then what can you do?" Zhao Jianfei asked.

"Let's leave this place first, and try to crawl out of a place with few people. Pretending to be red tide militants, they all wear hoods under their helmets, and they can't see their faces clearly.

Therefore, it is not difficult for us to pretend to be the red tide troops.

After all, they are wearing the same desert camouflage as we do. If you want to impersonate them, the problem shouldn't be too big. "Lin Rui whispered.

"They all carry the armbands of the Red Tide Troops, so we can't pretend to be." Zhao Jianfei shook his head.

"Since I said that, I naturally already have a solution." Lin Rui slowly stretched out his hand and took out two red armbands from his backpack.

"This is the armband of the Red Tide Army? Where did you come from?" Zhao Jianfei said in surprise.

"This was taken from their bodies when I was fighting with the Red Tide troops before. I originally wanted to be a souvenir.

Now it seems that its practical value is far more useful than a souvenir. "Lin Rui smiled.

He and Zhao Jianfei both have black hoods, which are in response to the needs of some special tasks.

And when they put on the black hoods and the armbands of the Red Tide Army, they looked no different from the militants of the Red Tide Army.

The only difference is that their camouflage styles are slightly different.

However, because they are all desert camouflage, the styles of the camouflage uniforms are not too different.

After the two people packed up, it looked like they were not much different from the red tide militants operating in this underground base.

"This method looks good." Zhao Jianfei nodded to Lin Rui.

"Let's go, we walk around the base. Maybe we can find some clues.

These missile depots will certainly not be with the soldiers' residence.

And I’m sure that there will be firefighting tools outside such buildings. Because no matter where it is, the ammunition depot pays the most attention to fire safety. "Lin Rui smiled.

"You mean fire hydrants, fire-fighting sand and the like. There must be these things in the place where the ammunition is stored." Zhao Jianfei nodded.

The two began to search in this underground facility.

On the way, they ran into more than one or two soldiers from the Red Tide Troop.

But the same costume did not attract the soldier's attention.

These soldiers all walked face to face with them, without any hesitation. They should be regarded as their comrades in arms.

Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei didn't talk too much, and started looking around this underground building.

"Separate action, you go there, I go here. Once you find something, use the team communication channel to contact." Zhao Jianfei whispered.

Lin Rui made a clear gesture, then turned his head and walked to another corridor.

"Hey, where are you... planning to go?" A soldier from the Red Tide Army stopped him.

"It's nothing, just want to go around." Lin Rui replied.

"Whose order?" the soldier asked.

"Of course it was the commander's order. We just took over the Orumi Federal Army base. He wanted me to look around and see if there were any security loopholes." Lin Rui replied.

"But this is a restricted area." The soldier of the Red Tide Troop shook his head.

"Because of this, I was sent." Lin Rui made a gesture, "The more important the position, the more important it is to take precautions.

After all, we have just taken over, and the chief wants to know if there are any hidden dangers in terms of fire safety. do you understand me? "

The soldier from the Red Tide Troop nodded, "Okay. Do you need me to accompany you?"

"I don't think it is necessary. I will check around and go back." Lin Rui replied.

The soldier said nothing.

"What are you doing here again?" Lin Rui asked while looking at the soldier.

"The situation is similar to yours. We have just taken over here, and there is no further arrangement. Before the new implementation plan comes out, the officer asked me to be responsible for the inspection here." The soldier replied, "The arsenal is the top priority here. There can be no one."

Lin Rui nodded, "It turns out that this is the case, so I won't delay you. I'm mainly here to check if there is any fire hazard here.

For example, are there signs of aging in electrical wiring, and are there any damages to fire-fighting facilities? "

The soldier nodded.

Lin Rui passed by the soldier, but a secret joy in his heart. The soldier inadvertently revealed that the arsenal was in front.

This will prevent him from looking around again.

It's just that this soldier is around, and he doesn't have time to notify Zhao Jianfei. I can only go over and talk about it.

Along a wide underground passage, Lin Rui walked to the front. Under the light of the light, he finally saw the whole picture clearly.

This should be part of the main city of ancient ruins buried underground. The wide passage and the towering stone pillars all around bear traces of ancient Arab culture.

It seems that the secret society organization has indeed worked hard in this place. Lin Rui saw that many structurally fragile places were reinforced with concrete and steel beams.

Such a place is almost a natural underground bunker, covered with a layer of soil tens of meters thick on the top. The space below is quite open.

The secret agency organization should have installed a separate power supply facility here, and judging from the lines laid out on the wall, there are wired communication lines in addition to the power supply lines.

The location of the arsenal is a huge space, with hoisting equipment and carrying forklifts parked at the door.

The specially reinforced steel gate has a few Chinese characters written on it, and entry is prohibited.

Lin Rui realized it immediately after thinking about it for a moment. These few Chinese characters that seem to be interchangeable should be in Japanese.

I'm afraid it was the Red Devil Army who was responsible for the construction of this underground base in the first place.

Because the Red Devil Force is a special force composed of a group of Japanese-Russians. It has a long history, dating back to the Second World War.

So it's not surprising that Japanese has appeared here.

The door of the arsenal is closed tightly, and the door of this arsenal needs to be opened from both sides at the same time.

This means that two people are required to open it at the same time with two keys. No one alone can open this door.

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