Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5271: Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger

Three days later, the excavation and cleaning of the culvert was still in progress. In order to speed up the progress, Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei, the magician, even participated in the excavation work personally.

Lin Rui was covered with dirt and came out of the pothole.

Zhao Jianfei looked at him and asked, "How is the situation inside?"

"It's worse than expected. The previous section is completely blocked. And the top is a loose sand structure. Now the only way is to go around, otherwise it may collapse at any time..." Lin Rui shook his head, shaking off. The sand on the head.

"Damn, how could it be so troublesome?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"We have tried our best to avoid the loose ground and have adopted supports for some dangerous positions." Gerbil replied, "And from the distance and position, we have already entered the enemy's camp.

In two days at most, we should be able to bypass this landslide area.

You only need to wait two more days to find out if there are any missiles hidden in the underground facilities in the barracks? "

"What you think is too simple." Lin Rui shook his head, "I saw it completely when I was down just now. The structure at the top of this culvert was very unstable, so it collapsed.

Even if we bypassed the collapsed area, I am afraid that we may not be able to lead to the ancient city ruins underground.

And what I am more worried about now is this position..."

Lin Rui walked to the side of the map, took a pen and drew a line on the map.

"From the current direction of the underground culvert, it should be like this. Drive past us, then turn a corner and enter the enemy's camp diagonally.

But after entering the camp, this culvert should lead directly to the underground ruins. In other words, the line I drew is the true direction of the underground culvert. "Lin Rui turned his head and asked the gerbil, "Do you think this is the case?" "

The gerbil nodded, "These are the results of our measurement, there should be nothing wrong."

"Then there is another problem. This underground culvert will pass through the road of the barracks, and this road is often trafficked by heavy vehicles.

In addition, the stratum structure is not good, if we dredge this culvert, it is easy to cause a problem.

That is, the top is over-pressed and collapsed. "Lin Rui drew a circle on the map.

"Don't forget, this is the main road for vehicles in the barracks. There are vehicles coming and going on this road every day.

Once the pressure cannot be held up, the road will collapse. We are digging vigorously now, but if it is really spent there, it is a very dangerous thing.

We dug through the culvert, but the soil structure on the top of the culvert is loose and it is basically sandy soil.

In case a car above drove over and collapsed directly, a big hole would appear in the road. This is tantamount to self-exposure. "

Zhao Jianfei looked at the map and thought about it carefully, "This is indeed a problem. Is there any way?"

The gerbil was silent for a while and shook his head. "From where we are now digging, I'm afraid we will definitely cross this road.

We didn't really consider this before. "

"I have an idea." The magician frowned as he looked at the drawing, "but I don't know if it can be done."

"If you have any thoughts, let's talk about it first." Lin Rui looked at him.

"My idea is that we will start from here and stop digging. Then we will find a location with a better soil layer, continue digging deep, and pass underneath.

This can increase the thickness of the top. Although the structure of the top is loose, it can still be supported as long as the pressure is not too large.

And we dig down a section, bypass the road, and dig up again. At most, it takes more time, but it can guarantee absolute safety.

Because in doing so, we are tantamount to increasing the thickness of the top of the structure.

And we can use this shape to form a stronger structure. This is called a shear structure in architecture.

In this way, there is no problem. "The magician drew a few strokes on the drawing with a pen.

"But in this case, it would take a week for the original five days to complete.

And we are not sure whether the underground facility is actually a missile weapon base organized by the secret agency.

In case there is nothing there, it's just a trap. Then there are only fifteen days left for us. "Zhao Jianfei frowned.

Lin Rui took the towel and wiped the sweat from his face, "But now, we can only do this without other information.

Although I doubt this is a trap, there is no evidence to prove that it is a trap unless we go in and take a look. "

"Initially I thought that the action time for this mission was enough. But if we delay it like this now, our mission time will be very tight.

The later period is especially full of many uncertainties. "Zhao Jianfei frowned, "We need a faster way to solve the problem." "

"How are you going to do it?" Lin Rui turned to look at him.

"Make some movement and let the enemy make a wrong judgment. If the enemy stays still, we will never have a chance.

I think we will only have a chance if we let the enemy move. Even if there is no chance, we can judge the enemy's movements and their deployment. "Zhao Jianfei smiled slyly.

Lin Rui suddenly became interested, "What are your plans?"

"Knock the mountain and shake the tiger." Zhao Jianfei whispered, "First of all, we have to trouble the Hammer Resistance Organization."

He turned to the gerbil, can you find a way to contact your people, not necessarily here.

It can be anywhere in the Orumi Federation.

I need you to launch attacks on the Orumi Federation forces in various places in the Orumi Federation in the near future.

It can be assassinations, explosions, various sabotage activities. But I need you to strengthen your activities and cause frequent disturbances during this period of time.

To arouse the tension of the enemy. "

"But if they get more nervous, wouldn't it be more difficult for us?" The gerbil was a little strange.

"It's not necessarily. You have to remember that only panic can make mistakes." Zhao Jianfei said in a low voice, "Frequent incidents and tension are created.

Then we tried to reveal a false message to the **** in the barracks, making them think that the Hammer organization might attack their arsenal. "

"Doesn't this make them better guard?" Squirrel frowned.

"No, it makes them nervous. Because they know how important the secret arsenal they guard is.

They will definitely try to report to their superiors and ask more armed forces to come over for strict protection.

When the time comes, we only have to look at whether the troops sent are concentrated in their barracks or have gone to other places. "

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