Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5264: New Gerbil

When Lin Rui arrived at the scheduled meeting place, he found that Zhao Jianfei and the magician were already waiting for him.

"You're slow, kid." Zhao Jianfei smiled.

"You are not much faster than me. And it looks like you ran all the way and are still breathing." Lin Rui smiled. "Do you feel that you are not forgiving at your age?"

Zhao Jianfei touched his nose, "Forget it, I won't fight with you. We have to meet with the local Hammer Resistance Organization. According to safety regulations, they are not allowed to know where we landed or when we arrived.

They can only be notified after we arrive.

The magician sends the coordinates and asks them to come over. "

The magician nodded, took out the radio and began to call, "Call gerbil, call gerbil. The package has arrived, and the coordinates have been sent. Please come and pick up the goods...finished."

"Well, we'll just wait here for a while. If they don't show up within an hour. Then it's probably a problem.

Whatever the reason, we have to leave on our own. In addition, look for opportunities to contact the Hammer Resistance Organization. "Zhao Jianfei nodded.

Lin Rui leaned on Zhao Jianfei and sat on the sand. "The members of the Hammer Resistance Organization responsible for the response don't know the exact time and place of our arrival?"

"Yes." Zhao Jianfei nodded.

"Why? Is it because they are not trustworthy?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It has nothing to do with belief or trust. This is a security measure. In case they betray us, they become running dogs of the secret society organization.

So what awaits us here may be a large group of militants. Our mission will end before it starts. "The magician whispered.

"But in the end we still have to notify them to come over, what's the point of this?" Lin Rui frowned, "If they want to betray us, they can still betray us now."

"Yeah, it's never too late to be a traitor. But if that's the case, they have to notify the secret society, and then the secret society must make corresponding arrangements.

When it comes time, it will be too late, and then we have another group of people monitoring this response team.

Once the above situation occurs, this monitoring team will notify us and evacuate in time. "Zhao Jianfei replied.

Lin Rui nodded, "Aladdin is really thoughtful."

"The power of the secret society organization has far surpassed before, and their control of the Orumi Federation has also been very strict. Under this situation, we have to take some corresponding precautions." The magician explained.

"Indeed, under the control of the secret society organization, no one is always reliable." Lin Rui took a deep breath.

After waiting for more than 40 minutes, a red light flickered in the distance.

"Hidden!" Zhao Jianfei immediately patted the magician, and at the same time, he and Lin Rui quickly took out their weapons.

"The two are long and the other is short, the light signals match." The magician turned his head and nodded to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they took out tactical flashlights to respond.

Soon a car came in the distance.

Sitting in the car was a young black man who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. After he saw Lin Rui and Zhao Jianfei, he immediately raised his hands.

Zhao Jianfei moved his eyes and stepped forward immediately. Raised the gun and shouted, "Kneel down, don't move!!"

The black guy knelt down immediately after smelling it, holding his head in his hands.

Zhao Jianfei winked at the magician, "Search him to see if there are any weapons or any other electronic equipment."

The magician went up and searched the black boy for a long time.

I took out a pistol, but nothing else.

The black young man was in shabby clothes, but he was extremely calm at the gunpoint. "I am the correspondent."

"Lying, the respondent is a gerbil!" Zhao Jianfei shook his head, "I have met the gerbil himself, he is a senior member of the Hammer organization, he is more than 50 years old."

"Yes, he is my father." The black boy said in a low voice.

"Why didn't he come himself?" Zhao Jianfei shouted in a low voice. "Why send you since?"

"My father's name is Eminem, codenamed Gerbil. Hammer Resistance, the captain of the Fourth Wing. But he died two days ago.

I am his son. After his sacrifice, I took over his position. I am currently the captain of the Fourth Alliance. My name is Crewe. After taking over from my father, the code name has not changed, and it is still gerbil. "The young black man whispered.

"You mean that the gerbils have been sacrificed and such a big thing happened. Why didn't you notify us? Why didn't we receive any information?" Zhao Jianfei shouted sharply.

"Because according to regulations, absolute confidentiality must be guaranteed during this mission. We have no right to contact you unilaterally except to pass on necessary information.

This is to reduce the possibility of exposure, and we have no right to go beyond our authority.

I am a member of the second phase of the Hammer Special Operations Squad, a member of the secret commando, and I used the number 804. Regarding these, you can check. "The young black man replied.

"Member of the Secret Commando, Issue 2?" Zhao Jianfei frowned.

"Yes." The black man nodded.

"What's the code for this action?" Zhao Jianfei took out his pistol and slowly screwed on the muffler, facing the black man's head. "Tell me now. Otherwise I will let you never say the second sentence."

"9948602" the black man read word by word.

The magician nodded, "The action code is correct. Only the gerbil knows this group of codes. And even if he dies, he won't tell the code."

Zhao Jianfei put away his weapon and looked at the young man. "How did your father die?"

"The transmission of information was accidentally exposed. They killed a soldier in order to cover their identity. He knew that during this special period, the members of the Orumi Alliance would definitely investigate this.

So he decided to sacrifice himself, creating the illusion of robbery and murder. He took away the soldier's belongings, and then took it to the market.

He was then deliberately arrested and was classified as a murder, robbery and murder. Make the whole thing have a result, so that the secret society organization will not continue to pursue the investigation.

He used his life to cover the action. "Black Crowe replied. "The organization decided to let me take over his work. "

Lin Rui nodded to Zhao Jianfei, "It seems to be telling the truth. They are forbidden to initiate communications with us during the mission, which was also emphasized in detail in the mission briefing."

Zhao Jianfei also nodded, "Some things have to be guarded against. But if he matches the communication code of this operation, it means he is credible."

"Take us away, Gerbil." The magician nodded at the black man.

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