Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5208: Special investigator

Downstairs in the hospital, Sergey whispered to Lin Rui. "The floor they are on has been clear, and the entire floor is guarded by their people.

It is not easy to get the target out silently. If we don't make it right, it will hurt ourselves. "

"Okay, wait if you don't have a chance. People can hide, but chances will always appear." Lin Rui patted him on the shoulder.

"I have an idea. I got his location on the floor. The wounded soldiers are all placed on the eighth floor. If we can get to the ninth or seventh floor.

Then maybe we can go in from the outside and directly into his ward. Sergey said in a low voice.

"This can't work. If that's the case, even if you go in, how can you take him away? Will he follow you obediently?

It certainly won't, and there are so many guards outside. Even if you can sneak into his ward from outside the building, how do you take him away after you enter? Sausage shook his head, "Don't forget that the guard is outside his door.

As long as he shouts loudly in the ward, you have nowhere to escape. "

"What should I do? If he waits as it is now, he will most likely notify his accomplices if he has the opportunity. Try to transport the bulk and raw materials." Sergey frowned.

Lin Rui thought for a while, "Perhaps there is a way. Do you remember before? The sniper captured by us explained, what is the name of this internal code lurking inside the French army?"

" seems to be the code name." Sergey whispered.

"Yes. So I have an idea. Let's go straight up. If the guards stop it, just call Chrisman.

Let him explain that the guards let us go up. Of course, we told Chrisman that we need to find witnesses to understand the situation at the time.

Since he has signed an entrustment agreement with us, he should satisfy us with this requirement.

So as long as Chrisman speaks, we can go to the sixth floor. And be able to pass those so-called close to that black internal response.

However, we may need to think of a way to make the other party believe that we are members of the secret society.

First of all, we knew his code name, and for the rest, we need to convince him that we are the secret agency organization that has encountered some problems, so we sent it urgently.

He himself is also waiting for the reception staff, but he is like this, I am afraid that the secret agency’s reception staff will also be difficult to approach.

So we simply pretend to be secret people and get the information we want from him. "Lin Rui whispered.

Sergey hesitated, "But how can we make him believe that we are members of the secret society?"

"First of all we need a pair of sunglasses." Lin Rui smiled.

"Sunglasses?" Sergey said in amazement.

"Yes. He and the person who attacked the team didn't know each other. The only thing that could connect them to each other was that he had to wear a pair of sunglasses for identification.

Now we go to look for him, and also bring a pair of sunglasses, although they have no more agreement in the later period. However, only they know the previous code.

In addition, if we mention the word businessman, he might be fooled. I thought this was because the action team could not contact him, so I came up with an emergency contact method temporarily.

If this is the case, he might believe that we were sent by the secret agency. Plus he can't get out now, he can only trust us. "

"This is also a way, but who will go?" Sausage looked at Lin Rui.

"I'll go." Lin Rui whispered, "If I go, there is an advantage. Because the Red Devil troops under the Red Baron are almost all Asians.

So if I go, I should be able to win his trust even more. "

"I think this is fine too." Sergey nodded, "but you still have to be careful. What if he doubts your identity?"

"Anyway, I can't do anything with suspicion, because I signed an agreement with Chrisman. It's normal to talk to the witnesses at the time.

So at least there is no danger for me, it is much stronger than brute force. "Lin Rui replied.

A few minutes later, the elevator door on the sixth floor of the hospital opened. Lin Rui walked out of the elevator in a suit and leather shoes with a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry, sir, traffic is prohibited here." The guard in charge stopped him.

"I understand, but I am an employee of the intelligence service. My name is Rick. You can call Mr. Chrisman to confirm this.

We were hired by him to investigate the recent incident of the looting of supplies. Lin Rui stood there and nodded.

"But you already have investigators here." The soldier hesitated.

"I understand, it is official. Since the official procedure is to be investigated, it is still necessary. As for me, I do something that the official procedure can't do." Lin Rui nodded to him, "I think you should call for instructions. .

So as not to waste our time. "

The soldier in charge of the guard glanced at him and called and asked responsibly.

After getting an affirmative answer, he made a gesture to Lin Rui, "You can't carry weapons when you enter. So sir, I need you to hand over the guns you wear with you."

"I didn't bring a gun. I came to talk to the witnesses and assist in the investigation. I didn't come to fight." Lin Rui opened his suit and asked him to check.

After the soldier carefully checked Lin Rui, he nodded to him, "Ward No. 609. We will have someone take you there, but I think you'd better wait a while.

Because you just had an investigating agent already in. "

"No more. I can do it at the same time without interfering with them." Lin Rui nodded.

The guard soldier made a gesture to another soldier next to him, "I have confirmed it. It is the consent of the head of the intelligence department. Register and sign him. Take him to the number six and nine."

The other soldier nodded and led Lin Rui along.

Until he was taken to Room 609 at the end of the corridor, "This is it, Lieutenant Pittman's ward.

However, an investigating agent is currently talking to him. Are you sure you go in now and will not disturb them? "

"Of course, I'm actually here to listen. To help understand the situation." Lin Rui smiled.

"Okay, go in." The soldier opened the door of the ward.

Lin Rui strode in.

The intelligence agent inside was talking with Pittman, and while talking, he was recording in the logbook.

Seeing someone coming in outside, he seemed a little strange. "This is a high-security zone and no entry is allowed. How did you get in?"

"Authorized by the chief of the intelligence department. I am a special investigator appointed by the commander Chrisman in charge of this operation. Come to find out the situation." Lin Rui smiled.

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