Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1300: War on the streets

The streets are full of rubble and debris from the explosion, and some places are still smoking. A soldier killed by the opposing faction fell under the collapsed concrete floor on the side of the road, and a few hungry dogs circled the body.

Lin Rui said in a low voice while advancing with the gun, "Pay attention to the surrounding situation. According to the information provided by Cobain, in this area in the early morning, there is still fierce fighting, we cannot rule out the possibility of encountering other South Sudan militants. . In case of encounter, don’t say anything, just shoot. Because they will do the same.”

"Understood the boss. But why should I come here?" Sergey frowned. "The peacekeeping force is located five kilometers away. They evacuated very quickly, so there must be some equipment left there. Since we are I want to pretend to be those blue helmets, instead of looking there, why are you here instead?"

"Tell you one thing, Russian. In the war-torn areas of Africa, people are like locusts. As soon as the blue helmets of those peacekeeping troops are evacuated, within an hour, their premises will be raided by the locals, even the gates. Will be pried away." Crazy Horse shrugged and said, "So if we go there, we won't get anything."

"Okay, but what are we doing here?" Sergey asked suspiciously.

"Okay, shut up, hurry up and follow me." Lin Rui said in a low voice, bending over and hurried forward. He stopped by a truck that had been burnt down, waved his hand to stop the team behind him, and observed the situation around him. "Sergey, come on."

Sergey trot with a gun in his hand, came to a building that was half destroyed by the bombing, took a look, and made a safe gesture.

"Very well, the others stay on alert. Sergey, Sandro, Koreans follow me in." Lin Rui walked quickly into the bombed building.

"Isn't it, a paint shop?" Sergey looked helplessly at the toppling paint buckets around him.

"Unless you have a better idea, you can pretend to be those blue helmets." Lin Rui took the helmet off his head and found a can of blue paint, and painted sky blue paint on the helmet. "Come on, hurry, hurry up and finish it, and it will be done soon." Sandro patted Sergey.

"Oh, hell, it smells like heavy paint. I said, the boss has no other better ideas?" Sergey complained.

"Don't talk nonsense, unless you want to stay to watch the car. Otherwise, you have to act with us. Paint the helmet blue, it will be safer than usual. Not everyone dares to attack the blue helmet. And this is more effective. That **** spy was brought out. Are you doing it or not?" Crazy Horse stared at Sergey.

"It's doing it, isn't it just applying some paint?" Sergey said helplessly, "Isn't it possible for me to paint?"

The emblem of the earth and olive branch is too complicated to draw without any artistic cells. However, it is simple to brush the word "un" on the helmet. So in just a few minutes, the mercenary squad headed by Lin Rui transformed into members of the peacekeeping force, all with new shiny blue helmets, and the two white words "un" on the forehead were very eye-catching.

"Well, what shall we do next?" Sergey shrugged.

"Do what the peacekeeping forces should do, go around and see if there are any refugees in need of assistance." Lin Rui whispered, "Sergey try to behave normally. You and Yelena had better not speak, lest you get hurt. The Russian accent makes Alexei suspicious. Although he hides, he may be watching us nearby. If he confirms that there is no problem, he will show up on his own initiative. This is much faster than if we tried to find him. ."

"Well, let's move separately so that it looks more real." Crazy Horse nodded, "The small patrols of peacekeeping forces generally do not exceed ten people."

"Well, you go east, we go west, after we have the results, remember to communicate." Lin Rui nodded.

"Understood." Crazy Horse waved to the other team members, "The rest will come with me. Be careful, guard the formation."

Lin Rui and the others also walked towards the other side. They were all experienced soldiers, advancing very fast and the formation arrangement was very reasonable. After searching for a while along the way, Lin Rui can basically be sure that the people here have been evacuated. But he still didn't give up. He felt that in the dark, someone was staring at him in the distance.

"Damn it, where is this **** Russian agent hiding?" Lin Rui asked secretly in his heart, but the emotion that could not be on his face showed the slightest.

After a few more steps, Jiang An suddenly stopped advancing behind him and grabbed Lin Rui in a low voice, "Don't move."

"What?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Did you hear any sound?" Jiang An whispered.

"Voice?" Lin Rui closed his eyes and listened intently. It seemed that someone's voice was coming from a faint voice. The voice was not loud, like the cry of a child.

"Upstairs!" Lin Rui suddenly took a step back, leaned his body against the wall, and held up the m4a1 in his hand. He and Jiang An tacitly covered each other and touched upstairs. This is a three-story building. The doors, windows and glass have all been shattered in the explosion, and there are bullet marks on the walls.

Lin Rui's army boots stepped on a bullet shell on the ground, which made his eyes stern again. The bullet shell on the ground and the bullet marks on the wall showed that there had been a battle here. And this bullet case is very small, it is a pistol case.

He made a gesture to stop the action, and lowered his body and picked up the shell from under his feet. This is a 9mm cartridge case, Lin Rui's heart moved slightly. This is a special bullet for the Russian Giurza 9mm automatic pistol.

This specially equipped pistol bullet has a unique structure and good ballistic performance. It can penetrate a body armor made of 1 or 2 1.4mm thick titanium plates and 30 layers of Kevlar material within 50m, or penetrate within 50m 4mm thick steel plate, its killing efficiency is 1.3 to 1.4 times that of similar pistols in Russia or abroad.

And this Giulza 9mm automatic pistol, commonly known as the Viper, is the favorite pistol used by Russian agents. It is comparable to gsh-18 and Yarikin pya pistols in shooting accuracy and bullet lethality, and is known as the nemesis of special police and police. Because their body armor does not have much defense against such bullets.

Lin Rui slowly got up, made a gesture to Jiang An, and then reached out and made another gesture to Sandro behind.

He nodded and quickly concealed to the side of the corridor. Sandro also returned Lin Rui's gesture, turned over and jumped out of the window, climbing up from the window with the strength of his arm. Lin Rui raised the m4a1 in his hand and walked slowly upstairs.

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