Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1292: Intelligence speculation

Lin Rui hesitated and pressed the communicator on the side of the helmet, "Kebain, can you get a firefight between the South Sudanese army?"

"Information is incomplete. (Www.MianHuaTang.CTxt free of charge) It can be learned that this conflict is very serious. In addition to artillery, helicopters and tanks have been put in. Especially in the past two days, the military has broken out. The two factions have attacked each other and have caused many casualties. A large number of refugees have fled to temporary asylums established by the United Nations. However, the number of refugees is still expanding. This shows that this conflict will have the possibility of further expansion." Ben replied.

"Damn it, the helicopters and tanks have moved. It seems that we are in a big battle." Lin Rui shook his head.

"This also means that our actions are more difficult." Jiang Jian looked at him in a low voice.

"Yeah..." Before Lin Rui finished speaking, Yelena's voice came from the earphones, "I found a group of armed men in position three, which looked like Sudanese military forces. Two armed vehicles, There are six people in total. They are trying to search our landing area, and they seem to have found us airborne. They have entered the shooting range of Snake Eye and me.

"Unlucky. [Just need some information. Capture them, but don't shoot them." Lin Rui frowned, "I will let Crazy Horse pass you."

"No need. We can handle it." Snake Eye's voice replied.

The black men in camouflage were walking out of the car, carefully observing the surrounding situation. They were holding ak47 assault rifles and rpg rocket launchers in their hands. They looked alert, but soon the gunfire turned their alertness into panic.

The soldier walking in front was shot, and the bullet hit the assault rifle in his hand, shaking his weapon away. Before he could get over, the knees of the two soldiers around him were beaten. Snake's eye's precise sniping made these two guys crippled in just a few seconds.

These South Sudanese soldiers did not even determine the location of the gunfire, and their faces were confused. Then they flung their weapons and ran away like frightened rabbits, but their vehicle was punctured by two consecutive shots. The South Sudanese soldiers were dumbfounded, and walked out of the car with their hands high. The rights of prisoners of war were read out loud in English.

"Good job, girl." Sergey walked up with a big laugh, kicked the weapons beside the few South Sudanese soldiers, and then escorted them back. When these South Sudanese soldiers discovered Sergey and Lin Rui who were not from their own country, their faces even looked desperate. He clearly judged that these people were mercenaries.

Of all the wars in Africa, the battles involving mercenaries are often the bloodiest and cruel. When the soldiers saw foreigners like Lin Rui, their hearts collapsed in an instant, and they couldn't even say a single word.

"What's going on?" Lin Rui frowned, "Is this guy scared or something?"

Sergey went up immediately and rewarded the two blacks with an old punch. "They have to beat me up even if they are fools."

"Come on, you Russian **** has too dark hands, and you will stop breathing after you hit it." He pulled Sergey away.

Lin Rui looked at the few South Sudanese soldiers and said slowly, "Don't be afraid. Tell me honestly and be lenient. Uh, forget it, I guess you don’t understand this. Anyway, to tell the truth, you can release, lie, and be on the spot. Shot." He slapped the gun in his hand and gestured.

At this time, the soldiers understood. In fact, South Sudan speaks English and these soldiers can communicate in English. However, apart from the commonly used tactical language, Lin Rui's English is not too standard. Just now when these soldiers were in a daze, they didn't understand what Lin Rui was talking about. Now that Lin Rui slowed down and spoke to them patiently, they immediately understood. And immediately expressed willingness to cooperate.

"Well, I ask you, where are your troops mainly deployed? How many people? Where are the enemy's troops, and where are your most recent battles concentrated?" Lin Rui asked, pointing to a map.

"Deployment?" The black man said in a daze.

"It's where the troops stay, where they attack, and where they defend, right?" Lin Rui frowned.

The black buddy from South Sudan shook his head like an idiot, "I don't know, we just listen to the company commander, he will go wherever he says. I don't know the deployment. The enemy troops must be opposite us, and they will face you. Just shoot the gun in front."

"Uh..." Lin Rui was helpless. These black buddies were also normal. They were small soldiers, how did they know the deployment situation, didn't they carry their guns and follow the company commander when they started fighting? The company commander said he would go wherever he wanted to go. If he didn't go, he would desert the soldier-shot dead. They really don't have to think too much, just follow the team and shoot.

As for the map, these black soldiers from South Sudan stared at it for a long time, but Lin Rui doubted whether they could really understand the map.

"Forget it, these two goods are useless, take them away." Lin Rui shook his head and said.

"Just let it go?" Sergey frowned.

"If you can't ask for relevant information, then kill them? Did they pay you? I think it was a waste of bullets." Lin Rui shook his head. "Furthermore, I have said many times that we are mercenaries, not butcher thugs. Let go."

"But let them go, they won't sell our position?" Snake Eye frowned.

"After paying their guns and cars, do you think they dare to go back?" Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Besides, we will leave soon. Can they find us when they come back? It's a **** if they can find it!"

After Sergey drove away the few South Sudanese soldiers, he turned back and said, "Where are we going?"

"Although these guys didn't say why they came, they still exposed a lot of useful information to us. First of all, it should be about half an hour from the airborne to the present. In other words, these few The station of South Sudanese soldiers is only a half-hour drive away from here. Taking into account the road conditions here, I estimate that their station is only 30 to 40 kilometers away from us.” Lin Rui explained.

"Yes, this judgment should be correct." Crazy Horse nodded.

"Then compare the map and circle the 40-kilometer range of our airborne location, and then look at the location where this circle overlaps with the town where the target is trapped. This is the approximate location of the South Sudanese troops. Let’s click this first. Action, after a few hours, Cobain will provide us with more accurate information via satellite." Lin Rui put away the electronic map in his hand.

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