Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1261: Defeated like a mountain

Just before Jiang An and others set off, there was already a riot outside. The secret society attacked from the front.

Jiang An said in a deep voice, "As I thought, they will strengthen their frontal offensive. But this is not the point, the point is to cover the surprise team. And we have to be more direct and more fierce than the surprise attack. Lao Lao! Act according to the plan, concentrate, this is nothing to do with us." They flew directly to the opposite side.

The battle started like this, and a fight was a fierce battle for several hours. Wallman was full of depression, after the secret agency stepped up its attack. He immediately led his staff to the frontal defensive position through the city, but on the way he was blocked by a squad of the secret society. Facing the influx of enemy troops, Wollman's men kept firing, and bullets flew over their heads. This was the only secret agency force that broke through the line of defense.

There was chaos everywhere in the suburbs. Because Wolman consciously blocked the road, the armed men of the secret society could not pass by the road, and they were afraid that they would be wiped out again after the delay. The commanders of these secret society immediately led a detour to the east. Go. There were explosions everywhere in the suburbs of Naryi. The Masi shouted and the wounded screamed.

Because the secret society's offensive was very fierce, it was a fierce attack that didn't count casualties. Wallman's front line of defense is being lost a little bit. Due to the many wounded soldiers abandoned by the troops, the wounded soldiers who were barely able to move also retreated into the city with sticks, wailing and cursing as they walked.

Since most of the troops in the city retreated along the road from the outskirts of the city to the city, the two roads on the left and the right were blocked in advance by Wolman, and only the middle road was allowed to pass. The soldiers scrambled to get past each other, not giving way to each other. The crowds were too many and the gates were very crowded. There were even some soldiers who were crushed and trampled to death. There was chaos everywhere.

The defense situation in the suburbs is even more chaotic. All the troops have lost control and they are fighting to withdraw. The secret society armed forces are still approaching frantically.

Sitting alone in the dim light, General Wallman's mood was extremely mixed. Although the chaos outside was like a pot of porridge at this time, no one of his staff was willing to run outside to deal with such panic. The cold, ruin-like bunker was filled with a repressive taste. Without heating, not even enough electricity can be supplied. The only reserve power must be used for this communication.

But compared to these, the terrible battle situation made Walman, the old warlord, worried. The lights dimmed once again, and the staff officers of the Outer War Department made complaints and curses. Almost two hours have passed since the secret agency launched its offensive.

Within these two hours, Wollman’s garrison troops on the south and southeast lines were broken and collapsed, and they were almost out of form. The defensive positions were breached in many places. In comparison, the combat troops on the eastern front are better, at least the guards there can withstand the offensive of the secret society. Wolman knew in his heart that if that place was breached, the entire outer defense of Naryi City would be completely finished.

The defensive line in the suburbs is already terrible. The defenders under Wolmanbu suffered heavy losses under the attack of the secret society. As soon as the retreat order was issued, all defenses collapsed, and several officers and their troops hurriedly retreated into the city in the dark. Although at this time, the troops on the outskirts of the city that had lost their unified command were not so confused that they were immediately defeated, they were not far away from the complete collapse.

Especially when the news that the secret society armed forces have begun to send reinforcements circulated below, the defenders in the outer suburbs had almost lost their will to fight. Both the officers and the soldiers threw away their weapons one after another and rushed to the city to rout, and the offensive launched by the secret society deepened the fear of the routs.

Even if he did not come to the battlefield in person, Wollman knew what would happen next. The defense on the first line of the southeast suburbs only resisted for less than an hour, and because of heavy damage, it lost the main defense position and was forced to retreat to the second line. The troops completely lost their fighting spirit and became lambs to be slaughtered. From the south, southeast and then north, there are retreating floods everywhere.

Without the suppression of the officers and the scolding of the officers, whether it is a soldier or a lower-level officer, everyone has only one thing in mind: that is to escape. The farther you escape, the better. The left wing lost its cover, and the right wing garrison troops ran away. The troops that were once in contention with the secret society on the east side also had to withdraw from their positions, which further expanded the scale of the rout.

Under the chasing of the secret society, the road of retreat has become a road to death. There are more than 500 people in Wolman, and now it is estimated that there are less than two hundred people who can fight.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the wreckage blocking the main road, the scorched corpses all over, the guns and ammunition that were thrown away everywhere, the abandoned vehicles and supplies. Thinking of these Wollman generals, he could no longer conceal the despair on his face. In contrast, the retreat order he issued was not executed to the letter, and the retreat was extremely chaotic.

The current battle, especially after the retreat order was issued, brought only despair to Walman's armed forces. No one had expectations for this battle, even Walman himself, as the highest commander. There is also chaos in his headquarters. The staff members have begun to retreat, and the air is full of tension and anxiety.

Wallman shook his head helplessly. At this time, the headquarters is no longer a combat hub. No one here still has confidence in the future. Some are just complete despair, a despair before death. The internal chaos in the headquarters became a pot of porridge, and nervous-looking staff were arguing about the evacuation route.

Wallman looked at the busy officers with a grim face. Because the secret agency’s offensive was too fast, the various combat troops were beaten into chaos. The southern river beach front-line troops had already invaded the outskirts of the city, and his headquarters had to be evacuated urgently.

"General, it's time to go!" A staff officer came over and said softly to the silent Wallman, "The evacuation of the troops has been basically completed! Please immediately transfer the command position!" Wallman sighed and smiled bitterly. Shaking his head, he walked out of the messy basement headquarters. The fire outside was so brilliant that he almost couldn't open his eyes.

"Is that the end?" Wallman stopped at the door, turned abruptly, and shouted, "We are not over yet. Although we have lost the suburbs, we can still retreat to the southwest. As long as we insist on two or three more God. Everything will turn around!"

"General," the staff officer whispered, "but the morale of our troops is too low. Even if they retreat into the southwest city, we don't know if they can hold on for another three or four days."

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