Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1246: Turbid waves

The equipment was only delivered in the afternoon, and a quartermaster of Wallman drove it.

However, Lin Rui shook his head straight after seeing it. Although he sent a dozen sets, only four or five sets were really usable. A few of them can only be regarded as snorkeling equipment, not for birds at all. This kind of BCD buoyancy vest, snorkeling equipment without air pressure, depth, and north-pointing triple table can not meet their requirements at all.

Picking and picking is considered to have assembled four sets that can be used. The only thing that satisfied Lin Rui was the gas cylinder, which was still freshly filled. After a few people tidied up, they couldn't help but smile wryly. This diving suit is not military equipment, it's a bit like a sports diving suit. The big yellow and green ones are very fancy.

The four people standing together did not have the cold underwater killer temperament of the SEALs at all, but looked like a miscellaneous army of vacation diving.

"Damn, what does it look like?" Lin Rui was upset, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Several people were waiting there quietly. The gunfire of the river beach battle continued for the whole afternoon, and occasionally there was the sound of mortar explosions. Judging from the location of the mortar explosion, the battle was far from the outskirts of the city. Very close.

At 5:20 in the afternoon, General Wallman's troops finally could not withstand the offensive firepower of the secret society armed forces and began to gradually withdraw. Secret Service armed personnel have begun to clear and occupy beachhead positions. This position is very important to them. Defending here is tantamount to setting up a barrier in front of the pontoon bridge to ensure the transportation of supplies for the troops ahead.

However, most of the secret society soldiers turned to the pursuit of the retreating enemy, attempting to take advantage of the victory and beat them to an unstable foothold. Who knows that General Wallman's gang of warlords can't do anything else, they have quick legs. This is probably also related to the athletic talent of blacks, but most of those who can make a name for themselves in world track and field competitions are these black buddies.

The speed of chasing by the secret society troops failed to keep up with the speed of their escape, and it was obvious that there was a second line of defense in this suburb of Wolman, and the soldiers who withdrew were immediately covered. The cold guns from the streets and the windows of the buildings caught the secret society's pursuit troops off guard and were seriously injured.

At least a few teams are caught in the dilemma of street fighting. The complex terrain of the alleys and the hidden firepower hidden by the buildings everywhere make it very difficult for the secret society forces to advance.

The battle report also spread to the rear, and the commander of the secret society Red Baron was a little angry. He severely rebuked the wrong choice of the commander of the forces ahead. He was forced to withdraw from the suburban area and come back to consolidate the river beach base. But helplessly, several troops fell into bitter fighting at the same time, and it was difficult to withdraw them for a while.

Wollman’s armed forces are well prepared, and there are hidden fires everywhere under the concealment of this old building, and it is usually a cold shot. It is difficult for people to find out where they are. This made the armed personnel of the secret agency very uncomfortable, but helpless.

When he heard the gunshots, Lin Rui nodded and said, "It's going." He put on his diving mask and turned over into the water. Behind him are Lincoln, the captain of Team B, Korean Park Dong-sang, and the black reggae with dirty braids. In addition to basic equipment. They also each carried 30 kilograms of underwater high-energy explosives.

Because of the buoyancy of water, their negative importance is much greater than on land. So even so, they still kept a certain speed and sneaked forward. This is still a physical task. Because they don't have underwater propellers, they have to dive by manpower. General Wallman can get these useful diving suits. As for the luxury equipment of underwater thrusters, he certainly does not have them.

So they can only carry heavy explosives and swim underwater by human. This is a very physical consuming thing, because the resistance of a person underwater is much greater than that on the shore. Such swimming requires very high physical fitness. Fortunately, under their years of training, they are very physically strong. Take the black reggae as an example, compared with ordinary people, it's an individual monster.

Visibility is very low under turbid water. Most of the rivers in Africa are caused by rainfall. Contains a lot of sand and suspended matter, of course, it is not much clean. But because of this, nobody knew that there were four ghost-like water ghosts approaching the pontoon.

Lin Rui sneaked into the bottom of the floating bridge with his teammates. He made a gesture to Park Dongxiang and took the explosives to the other side of the bridge. Park Dongxiang nodded and took Lincoln to the other side. The middle part of the pontoon was given to the black reggae.

Lin Rui quickly installed underwater explosives under the bridge.

General military pontoon bridges are built by professional pontoon troops, using a large number of profiles and steel cables and some highly buoyant materials. Some large floating bridges can even walk on tanks and trucks. A professional pontoon bridge unit has a lot of professional equipment, so it can quickly build a pontoon bridge for military purposes.

However, this pontoon built by the secret society is obviously impossible to be so elegant. Just use a large number of diesel drums to be sealed and welded together. Using this as buoyancy, a layer of material is added on top to build a simple floating bridge. There is no problem with the passage of soldiers, and general jeep is not a problem, but large vehicles are not acceptable.

Of course, the structure, which is mainly welded, would not be very strong. Lin Rui and a few people quickly fixed the explosive under the bridge. Park Dongxiang quickly installed the detonating device. This Korean is indeed a rare explosive expert. Although he is fast, he is very efficient, busy and not chaotic. Every explosion point has been carefully checked to make sure it is done without fail.

After finishing everything, Pu Dong raised his hand to Lin Rui and folded his five fingers into a fist, indicating that he had finished setting up the explosive.

Lin Rui made a gesture to him and asked about the explosion time. Park Dongxiang swam and gestured to him underwater—a five-minute delay. This means that they must leave quickly, otherwise, if these explosives detonate, they will not only blow up the pontoon bridge, but also shake people near the water to death. Because the energy of underwater explosions is so great, this energy will propagate in the water in the form of waves. It is very dangerous to be near the underwater explosion point.

Lin Rui and the others snorkeled quickly in the water. They had to leave the pontoon as far as possible, and they had to keep from being discovered by the secret society on the river beach. Lin Rui swung his flippers desperately underwater, pushing forward harmoniously like a fish. Take a look at the timer every now and then.

Finally they reached a relatively safe area. Several people surfaced, quickly climbed ashore and fell to the ground. In the distance, there was a series of loud noises that shook the sky and the earth, the pontoon bridge was splashed by fragments, and the waves caused by explosives splashed higher. Amidst the turbulent waves, the pontoon bridge was blown to pieces, and there was hardly a complete one.

Lin Rui let out a sigh of relief, "It's done."

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