Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1243: Get off the horse

The earth should have grown in June. As an important water and land transportation and an important industrial and commercial city, Naryi should also be very lively. But now there is only lifelessness. Refugees crowded with roads, helping the old and the young, gathered together with all kinds of transportation, and headed northward formidable. People are ragged, their faces are wilted, and their dirty bodies are stinking in the heat.

They were driven out by General Wallman, and there was a continuous sound of gunfire behind them, and they were fighting again. Warlords never stingy with shells and bullets, they are murderers. And these refugees don't even know who is fighting with whom, they just know that there is going to be a war, and General Wallman needs them to leave.

There was a strange sound from the sky, like the roar of a large truck with a serious engine problem, but soon the sound tore up, scaring my heart from my ears. Seeing several helicopters swooping over at low altitude. The crowd exploded and fell into a huge panic. They scrambled to step on the ditches under the road on both sides. The road ditch seemed to be swollen with water, and the cascading people suddenly surged. They lie down under a big tree, huddled together, lest the people on the plane see themselves.

However, this was the helicopter squadron belonging to General Wallman, not the secret agency armed on the opposite side, which made the refugees breathe a sigh of relief and continued to move forward.

The two helicopters quickly flew over the city and even over the Naryi River. The helicopter was shooting along the road, and the bullets of the aviation machine gun swept everything into pieces. They are intercepting the armed personnel of the secret society in air raids, and the armed personnel of the secret society are about to approach the Naryi River.

Blood was all over the ground as the bullet mark passed, and the dead corpse made a blood-red path. The last two ran into the two road ditch, they flew easily, but let the limbs in the ditch fly horizontally, the dead and the undead hugged and rolled to the bottom of the ditch at the blood puddle.

The secret agency’s military vehicle also had a combined machine gun that fired against the air, but after only a few rows of bullets were fired, the gunman was shot into parts. People on fire rolled on the ground and were hit by the fallen car. After two rounds, the two helicopters seemed to be out of bullets, swept through two demonstrations, and flew straight to the temporary floating bridge being erected in front.

The people in the secret agency thought that the two helicopters were going to blow up the bridge and immediately increased their anti-aircraft firepower. But these helicopters did not bomb the bridge at all, but were bombarding the engineering units on both sides of the river. Because they got the instructions of General Wallman, they must try to kill the opponent's personnel. The engineers and soldiers of the secret agency came to understand, they all fell madly in swarms to hide on both sides.

"Hurry up, they will definitely come to other helicopters." A small boss armed with a secret agency roared loudly. Sure enough, two other helicopters arrived. In addition to shooting machine guns, they were still clustering grenades down, blowing the opposite bank of the Naryi River into flames, and the blasted water was scattered with yellow sand, blocking the escape of people. Nostrils and eyes.

General Wallman made a fierce attack and dispatched several of his helicopters at once. The convoy below was fighting back and squeezing out the soldiers who were in the way. Some secret society soldiers simply jumped out of the water and held their guns high in the air. However, ant-like secret society soldiers still flock to the bridge from all directions. On the farther horizon, the outline of the secret agency convoy was clearly visible in the dust.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop abruptly! A helicopter was hit and it fell with heavy smoke. Amidst the sound of an explosion that was shaking the mountain, a bigger explosion was emitted, and the flames rose into the air. Accompanied by the cracking sound of the ear drum, various fragments were thrown high to the shore and fell heavily to the ground. In the sky full of yellow sand, a huge flame mingled with red steel, fragmented people, and fragmented helicopter fragments, slowly tumbling to the sky, and then falling into the turbid river, splashing turbid waves.

A helicopter and its pilot disappeared into the world in an instant. Several secret society trucks and soldiers on the pontoon went up to the sky. On the other side of Naryi City, Lin Rui put down the telescope in his hand and shook his somewhat numb arm.

He understood that those helicopters were killed by General Wallman, trying to create as much damage as possible to deter the opponent psychologically! To delay their erection of the pontoon bridge.

Putting the shore by Lin Rui's side, using binoculars to watch the opposite shore under the helicopter shooting, the secret society armed in all directions, they ran desperately under the impact of cluster grenade explosions and machine guns, killing and trampling many people, the living After all, desperate and chose to jump into the river, the crowd was like a collapsed dam, as if it were flowing down. The one who had just fallen into the water had no time to float, and was smashed by the people behind.

A soldier was wounded and disappeared after he went into the water, except for the reddish river water. There are also people who are standing by the river hesitating, but if they hesitate, they will be shot by the rain. The blood stained the river water, poured into the dye vat like buckets of red material from a dyeing workshop! Several corpses floated down next to each other and piled up at a bend into a floating graveyard.

The soldiers armed by the secret society screamed sternly and raised their guns to the sky. The machine guns on several trucks also fired. Countless guns started to fight, cursing and beating. Some helicopters were beyond the range and the bullets fell heavily. Some helicopters were hit, spinning and falling to the ground in a thick smoke. A large flame exploded in the secret agency armed only on the other side.

Most of the armed personnel of the secret society did not expect this sudden disaster, and countless casualties. Many people were bombed into the river and mixed with the corpses. The Kishi cheered, forgetting the same dead pilot.

Lin Rui stood high and looked at the chaos on the opposite side, and whispered, "Do you think Wollman's plan can succeed?"

"If it is to prevent the secret society from crossing the river, it is impossible to do it with a few helicopters. But if it is for morale, he has to do it. Wollman's people are poorly equipped, and the reason why he did so at the beginning of the war , Is to give his opponent a disarm and boost his morale as much as possible. Even if he loses a few helicopters, he has to make the secret agency not dare to take it lightly and build a pontoon under his nose so swayingly." Jiang An sighed.

"But the helicopter is not a fighter plane, and the threat to the ground is limited. They can even throw cluster grenades down from above." Lin Rui whispered, "This doesn't help."

Sure enough, after losing two of them, the helicopters started to fly back high.

Lin Rui sighed, "Look, they just temporarily suppressed the opponent's arrogance and delayed the erection of the pontoon. And this is just the beginning. The following secret agencies are the elite troops of the Red Baron. No matter how crazy the remaining two helicopters are, they will soon be killed by individual missiles."

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