Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1241: Two hole cards

&nb Although Lin Rui and the others knew that there was a problem with General Wallman's decision, they could only follow the warlord leader. After all, the task is on the body, at least to protect this warlord, until the arrival of the African Legion of Black Panther Gulei can not end.

&nb And Wolman's army quickly reached the city of Naryi, which is probably the only place in Turimo that can be called a city. Because it is close to the Naryi River and located in an alluvial plain, it is the most developed agricultural area compared to other barren areas. It can even be called a trade center and the only industrial area. Although it is backward, it is relatively prosperous.

&nb What surprised Lin Rui was that the people in this city seemed to support the butcher general. Although General Wallman's troops declared martial law as soon as they entered the city, the entire city was placed on alert and completely sealed off. Moreover, he requisitioned all means of transportation and implemented strict traffic control. Even the common local donkeys are in the category of forced expropriation by the army.

However, these citizens don't seem to have a confrontational attitude. In this land, they have completely learned to endure and struggle to survive. General Wallman blocked all traffic and blew up the only concrete bridge on the river that was still passable. Then there was a large-scale construction of fortifications, and a large number of fortifications were built in the city near the river.

&nb participated in the construction of fortifications, as well as local civilians. Some of them were driven, but some were voluntary. Because Wolman is quite prestigious here. Lin Rui noticed that although the city is not big, it has all the internal organs. There are even public facilities like schools and hospitals that are common in other places but are very rare here.

&nb "How about here?" General Wallman put down the telescope in his hand and looked at the meandering river in the distance, slowly tunneling.

&nb "If you go back a few hundred years, this place might be considered a strong city. But we are not in the age of cold weapons. The blocking effect of the river is not as good as you think." Lin Rui shook his head. "Although the river is wide, but the depth is average, it can be fully armed for swimming. You blow up the bridge, at most you can restrict the opponent's motor vehicles. You can't stop the infantry assault."

&nb "I didn't think about stopping their infantry." Wallman shook his head, "I just asked what you think of this city?"

&nb "Fortunately, much better than other places." Lin Rui nodded and said, "There is even a post office and a movie theater."

"There are also schools and factories. Although they are just beginning to take shape, they are strategically located here and will develop better and better in the future. I have invested a lot of money here over the years." Wallman shrugged. "This is like a dream of mine."

&nb "Dream?" Lin Rui frowned.

&nb "Everyone has a dream, don't they? Don't think I'm just a warlord. In fact, I hate war more than anyone else." Wallman shrugged, "The city of Naryi is like a model. I hope the whole picture Mo Du has become like this, far away from war, normal development, as a normal country. There is a future, and there is hope."

&nb "This is your site too?" Lin Rui frowned.

&nb "Yes, but I don't come often. I don't want to let the smell of gunpowder here." Wallman said slowly, "but this time is different. If I don't resist the secret society’s arms here, I will withdraw. To the east. Then this place will be occupied by the secret society because they need a stable outpost headquarters. No other place is more suitable than this."

&nb "Is this the reason you stayed?" Lin Rui frowned.

&nb "It should be said to be one of the reasons, in fact, there are also the reasons you said. This is like a hope of mine. I can't watch this city be destroyed." Wallman shook his head.

&nb "Turning this into a battlefield, isn't it ruining it?" Lin Rui said slowly.

"That's not the same. This is my dream. To defend here is to defend my dream. To let the secret society occupy here is to lose my last hope. Turn Turimo into a normal country and stay away from the end of the war. Hope. So I must fight here and get the respect of the entire Turimo. People will know who the heroes guarding the ideal homeland are." General Wallman chuckled.

&nb "What if you fail?" Lin Rui frowned, "What if you fail here?"

&nb "Then I have nothing left." Wallman looked into the distance and said, "I hope they don't come too fast, we still have time to prepare."

&nb "At most one day." Lin Rui nodded, "According to our satellite information, at most one day, the Red Baron will bring his soldiers to the city. You don't have much time."

&nb "There is also news from my people that this time they will put in at least two thousand troops. And all of them are good players. Much better than my people." Wallman nodded.

&nb "So you know." Lin Rui said coldly.

&nb "But they don’t have any heavy weapons this time, especially after these rocket launchers were taken by us. Coupled with the destruction of the bridge, they will be forced to abandon a large number of vehicles and vehicles, and use the most primitive way to fight us. Win or lose.

&nb "Even so, they also have three times the strength of yours." Lin Rui shook his head. "And their combat capabilities are above yours. I still don't see how much advantage you have."

&nb "Yes, you are smart, but I am not that stupid. Remember my helicopter squadron? They evacuated at the same time as us, but they did not follow our large forces because they were hidden under my orders .

&nb Once the war is critical, they will become a rare soldier here. You know what is the concept of air supremacy once you have mastered the concept of air supremacy in such combat. "Wolman whispered.

&nb "A few helicopters alone can't change the course of the battle. They can only help you delay a little time. As long as one round of battle is over, they can wipe out your helicopter by half, or even more." Lin Rui shook his head.

&nb "Yes, but I only need this time, on the flanks, there will be our reinforcements. My two sons will send troops from the other two states and outflank them from the two flanks. They each have less than a thousand people. The armed forces cannot launch a fatal blow to the secret society armed forces, but it is enough to delay them." Wallman said slowly.

&nb "Your two sons? The warlords of the other two states?" Lin Rui frowned, "You didn't seem to mention them before."

&nb "These are my last two hole cards. I will not show them until the last moment." Wallman said.

&nb "If they can successfully contain the offensive of the secret society, then there is indeed a possibility of defending here. The Panther Gulei is still in good condition, although it is still blocked by many extreme weapons on the road, but it is much better than before , As long as you can persist in the last week, then the problem will not be big." Jiang An thought for a while, breaking the silence.

&nb "Okay, I hope our luck will be better this time." Lin Rui nodded.

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