Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1209: Past events in Russia

"Do you believe in fate?" Yelena looked at Lin Rui., please search () to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

"I don't believe anything." Lin Rui shook his head.

Yelena sighed, "But, I believe. My father died in Grozny in the Chechen War in 1994. It is said that there was only one officer and 10 soldiers left in a combat regiment of more than a thousand people that broke into Grozny. The soldiers left alive. The 26 Russian tanks that entered the city were destroyed by Chechen forces; 20 of the Russian armored vehicles were also lost; the Chechen forces even turned the Russian corpses into sandbags and used them as street bunkers. The soldiers lost their last dignity."

"Have heard of it." Lin Rui nodded.

"I was young at the time, although I was sad, but I didn’t know too much. Since then, I have lived with my uncle and aunt. My uncle is also a soldier. I have shown shooting talent since I was a child. He helped me find a coach. Help me participate in training and give me the opportunity to become an athlete in my youth.

But it seems that there is a certain number in the dark. Six years later, my uncle also died on the battlefield. The place where he died was in a famous terrorist incident in Beslan. Chechen bandits took hostages from a school. The Russian military sent signal flag special forces to surround the school for 3 days in an attempt to rescue the besieged civilians and students. In the end, they stormed helplessly, resulting in heavy casualties of the special forces. My uncle is a special force. One of the troops. "There was a trace of painful confusion in Yelena's eyes.

"I understand, it is not easy for you." Lin Rui nodded.

"After the accident, my aunt had a car accident on the way to collect the ashes again, and she has since been half body discomfort." Yelena said slowly, "Can you imagine my situation at that time?"

Rui nodded, "Each of us has been helpless."

"You were wrong, I didn't know it at the time. Because many people concealed the news from me, mainly the coaches. They were afraid of affecting my athletic performance. I was already the best shooter in the youth group. What can I say? This is the environment at that time.

Four years later, when I was able to compete for the first time and got a medal to go back, I knew the truth. All the dreams were gone for a moment, and the world was painfully cold. Yelena whispered.

Lin Rui was silent. He could imagine the joy of a little girl when she returned home with a medal, and she could also think of her sadness after she knew the truth. But he could only listen in silence, "What about after?" he asked again.

"I was crazy, looking for all kinds of information, wanting to know what happened to my uncle when he died. My aunt didn't know too much, and she shed tears when she asked her. Later, I got news from my uncle's comrades, and his This gun." Yelena clapped the weapon in her hand. "He is a good shooter. After that, I couldn't do anything that didn't happen. I left for Chechnya the next day."

"The war is over." Lin Rui looked at her and said, "And you are not a soldier."

"Yes, but I think I have to do something. I thought about joining the army, but I was not old enough. That year, I was only sixteen. But I have good marksmanship and I still have this gun. It was a period of crazy out of control. , I rely on drugs and alcohol to survive, and spent several months in the mountains of the Caucasus.

At that time, I had a big plan. I felt that all my misfortune was caused by those Chechen bandits. I had to find a chance to kill the bandit. Yelena whispered.

"Who?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It seems like a man named Basayev. The Chechen war is basically over, but the militants are still active in the mountains." Yelena shrugged, "I didn't think so much at the time, I just thought about what to do."

"You alone?" Lin Rui looked at her in surprise, "Sixteen years old?"

Yelena nodded, "And this gun."

"God." Lin Rui shook his head, "Going into the mountain alone to find the most famous terrorist leader at the time, how did you survive?"

"No one will pay attention to me, and I will try my best not to be discovered. I have hunted with my father and uncle since I was a child, and I know how to live in the woods." Yelena smiled, but her eyes were still melancholy, "No one would believe A sixteen-year-old girl can survive in that environment. Those Chechen terrorists would not think so either."

Lin Rui shook his head for a while, he could only shake his head for this kind of crazy desperate thing. The phrase "battle nation" came to my lips, and I felt that it should not be so ridiculous. He could only say, "Later, what made you change your mind and come back?"

"I killed him." Yelena looked at Lin Rui and said.

"Who?" Lin Rui was taken aback.

"The terrorist leader." Yelena whispered, "I went into a village where they often move in the mountains. I didn't go into the village, or even when I was hungry, I didn't go into the village to find food. I ate rats in the mountains. And bugs, many things that make girls scream. But I know these proteins can replenish physical strength."

" mean, you used this gun to kill the terrorist leader?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes. At that time, I stayed in an ambush outside the village for four days and figured out their movement patterns. It's like hunting. You have to know where the prey goes for food and where to drink water. Then you can move on them. Waiting for them to pass along the route, once they stop, it is your chance." Yelena whispered.

"You are incredible." Lin Rui shook his head.

"I lurked for a long time. Almost a few times, my hands and legs were numb. But I moved a bit and continued to wait. Finally I found the target. There were dozens of them at the time. I didn't have the opportunity to start because I knew that as long as I will be spotted as soon as the gun is fired, unless I can get rid of them all." Yelena whispered.

"What happened later?" Lin Rui frowned.

"God gave me a chance. They were in a truck carrying arms. I saw the Basayev, he was playing with a landmine. So I picked up the gun and aimed it at the mine." Yelena whispered. "Because I was born in a military family, I know the detonation structure of landmines. And my shot was very accurate."

Lin Rui looked at Yelena in surprise.

Yelena continued, "It was an old landmine. After the fuse was hit by a bullet, it exploded. All the ammunition in the car was destroyed. None of those people survived. That was the first time I really killed someone. ."

Lin Rui stunned, "No wonder there are many rumors about the terrorist's death. The cause of his death is still controversial. The Russians claimed that he was killed by the fsb agent of the Russian Federal Security Service, and the Chechen rebels said he died. An accidental explosion. There are also data showing that he was assassinated by other factions of the rebels."

"No one would have thought that it was a sixteen-year-old girl standing in the jungle." Yelena whispered, "Even if this matter is said, no one will believe it."

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