Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6276: flood of refugees

, the fastest update battlefield contract workers! Six thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters floods of refugees

In the end, whether to stick to waiting for help or abandon the city to break through, the Red Baron watched as the generals of the Orumi Federation disagreed and couldn't argue. No matter what the choice is, there seems to be a way out, and there seems to be no way out. In the end, the Red Baron decided to stick to the situation and wait for help. Let's look at the situation later. As for the situation, no one knows what the Red Baron is thinking.

At this time, the follow-up troops of the Anmore army and ground also arrived. The densely packed Anmore Army troops almost made the Orumi Federation Army soldiers in Orumi City dizzy. They seemed to spread over the mountains and fields and headed towards Orumi City, with the blue flag of Anmore flying. Almost shrouded the brilliance of the sun. These are all Tuareg troops under the Anmor army. The Tuareg troops officially appeared, marking the arrival of the large force of the Anmor army.

Strangely, however, the Tuareg troops did not attack the city of Orumi. They just deliberately showed their strength outside the city of Orumi, and then disappeared. Afterwards, they went south as planned, and together with all the other Anmor army troops, they swept the northern plains of the Orumi Federation like the autumn wind swept the leaves, creating a wider and larger no-man’s land. Driven by the Anmor army, a large number of refugees from the Orumi Federation either chose to flee south, or in the direction of Orumi City, or were killed on the spot.

Only at this time did the Red Baron and the officers of the Orumi Federation understand that the Anmor army deliberately created tension and chaos in the northern plains of the Orumi Federation, in order to exacerbate the deterioration of the situation in the Oromi Federation and reach its unspeakable level. human purpose. The current domestic situation of the Oromi Federation was originally a huge powder keg that could explode at any time. The more turbulent the refugee flow created by the Anmor army, the faster it will take until the powder keg explodes.

Sure enough, in just three or four days, more than half a million residents of the Orumi Federation fled into Orumi City. Where the Rumi Federal Army is stationed, although the Orumi Federal Army is also unable to protect itself, in the eyes of ordinary people, they will always feel a little safer with them around. What's more, besides Orumi City, they have Where to go?

The originally empty city of Orumi has gradually become overcrowded, and the number of refugees is still increasing. However, Orumi City is not a city without any restrictions, it simply cannot accommodate so many people, and various problems will follow.

The Orumi Federation has been fighting for many years, which has had a great impact on the food reserves of the Orumi Federation. The blockade of the Orumi Federation by the Anmor Army has also made it difficult for the Orumi Federation. The food reserves in Orumi City are barely enough for the Orumi Federation army itself to use for a few months. If so many refugees are added, it will definitely not be enough. According to the estimates of the Red Baron, if the number of refugees increases to 500,000, the food reserves of Orumi City can last for a month at most.

What's more troublesome is that the influx of a large number of refugees also has a huge negative impact on the security of the city. People who have no food can do anything. Robbery is the norm, and even large-scale looting has occurred. The Orumi Federal Army can't manage that much, and in fact, they don't have the heart to manage it either. No matter day or night, the city of Oromi is a hell. The cries and screams continued, and even the voices of women being insulted were almost never interrupted. It is very easy for people in despair to lose their minds.

Even the relatively small number of Orumi Federation troops did not dare to appear alone at night, otherwise they might be attacked.

The influx of a large number of refugees has overwhelmed the food reserves in the city of Orumi. For the chaos of the security team, the Orumi Federation army can only let it go, and cannot interfere effectively at all. Many Orumi Federation officers complained and demanded that the city gates be closed and refugees no longer be admitted into the city. The Anmor army deliberately created panic in the surrounding areas and drove the people into the city of Orumi. The purpose was to consume the food of the city of Orumi and eventually starve them to death. How much of the hundreds of thousands of Orumi Federation people can Orumi City receive?

Every time this issue is mentioned, Lieutenant General Isaac, the commander-in-chief, has a livid face and does not say a word. As a general of the Orumi Federation army stationed in Orumi City, can he sit back and watch the arrival of the common people?

Of course it is not impossible, but if he is so cruel to refuse refugees to enter the city. Then the hearts of the troops will be chaotic, and it is impossible for the soldiers to watch him ignore these civilians. In particular, most of the soldiers of the garrison in the capital area are from the surrounding areas. Those refugees are their relatives and families. If they don't give them a way out, I'm afraid they will have to make a mutiny.

At this time, if there is another mutiny and civil strife, it will really be over. So knowing that this was a trap deliberately woven by the Anmor army, Lieutenant General Isaac had to admit it.

Compared with the tension in the city, the Anmore army cavalry outside the city is much more relaxed, and it even feels a bit like a vacation, although the time and distance of this vacation are a bit far, and the season is not very suitable. All sunburned. A large amount of farmland in the northern plains of the Oromi Federation was affected by pests and diseases, and all the grains were not harvested, and the green and yellow were not connected.

A large number of ordinary people of the Orumi Federation fled in a hurry, leaving behind a lot of property and items that could not be taken away, which became the spoils of the Anmor army. What Qiu did not commit, the Anmor army did not understand this. They took everything that could be taken away without hesitation, and then burned down most of the houses. The purpose was to drive the local residents to flee south, or Orumi City flees.

Lin Rui and Kassan are both insidious. When doing these things, he all chose to use Tuareg troops. Because the Tuareg people are a group of bandits, they don't know what is etiquette and shame, what is morality and morality, they are a barbaric people with nomadic tribes. They burn, kill and loot, which is a normal operation. This hand is really too vicious.

Lin Rui deliberately indulged the nomads to plunder the northern plains of the Orumi Federation. He did have his purpose. He provided weapons to empower these ferocious nomads, causing great harm to the people of the Orumi Federation. At the same time created greater panic. Although the fighting strength of the Anmor army has increased greatly, it is indeed not very good at this aspect. Only those nomads, their predatory nature will make them turn the northern plains of the Orumi Federation into ruins.

This is Lin Rui's purpose.

Gradually, the Orumi Federation army finally understood the strategy of the Anmor army, and also deeply felt the insidiousness of the Anmor army's highest command. Head-to-head collision with the hard and Oromi federation forces. For the Orumi City Anmore Army, it was a mobile siege method, using the speed and mobility of the mechanized troops to force the Orumi Federation defenders in Orumi City to finally surrender. A large number of innocent people of the Orumi Federation became the victims of this strategy.

In fact, the Anmore army cavalry developed such a strategy.

Under the unified arrangement of Lin Rui and the actuary, the Anmor army swayed wave after wave like a circle, with Orumi City as the core, and continued to develop further afield. At this time, the Orumi Federation army outside was completely on the verge of being defeated. Not in the mood to fight at all. Often, before the Anmor army appeared, they ran away first. The Tuareg people who circled around from the south even appeared not far from Ankewei. Almost all of the northern plains of the Orumi Federation were included in the arms of the Anmor Army.

A week later, after the uninterrupted sweeping of the Anmor army, the Anmor army closest to Orumi City was already a hundred kilometers south. When it is time to let them go, they can't go. They were also besieged and couldn't walk either. These brothers and sisters stood alone in the north of the Orumi Federation, quietly waiting for their demise.

In the south of the Orumi Federation, to be precise, in the middle of the Orumi Federation, under the edge of the Anmor Army, it also fell into large-scale chaos. The local Oromi federal government has been completely ineffective, and the Hammer resistance organizations who launched riots and uprisings have emerged in an endless stream. They have different goals from the Anmor Army, but the targets of the attacks are all organized by the secret society and loyal to the secret society. Oromi Federation Army. Local officials at all levels of the Orumi Federation either chose to escape or were killed by the rioters.

The large number of refugees heading south not only greatly disrupted the local order, but also brought a large number of panic rumors, triggering a larger-scale panic. This led to a larger number next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

The influx of refugees caused everyone to scramble to flee to the south. Rumors come one after another, and no one knows if they are true or not.

However, the huge consequence of the rumors was that they all fled collectively, and thousands of ordinary people in the central region of the Oromi Federation also joined the ranks of fleeing. The target of their escape is Orumi City. They also felt that there were still plenty of troops out there that could save their fate. But in fact, the Anmore Army cavalry was at least a hundred kilometers away from them, and even if they hurried day and night, they would have to travel for half a day to get there. What's more, the Anmor army didn't intend to go so far. They had to reserve enough time to make the ordinary people of the Orumi Federation panic and join the fleeing team.

Another huge consequence of the rumors is that it stimulated the rebels who launched the rebel Thammer organization. They continued to clash with the Oromi federal government forces, and the two sides had several **** battles. In fact, the fleeing Orumi Federation army is no longer different from the bandits, and they are also burning, killing and looting. No wonder he was attacked by his own people. A large number of militias were also organized locally to fight against the Anmor army. Some states even declared self-government and re-selected officials at all levels, because the original officials had all given up.

Of course, all of this is unknown to the generals of the Orumi Federation in Orumi City, because the distance is too far, and some information channels have also been cut off. They have run out of information from the country. The only thing they can do every day is to see the world with their naked eyes and look around the city of Orumi in despair.

In the underground bunker of the Federal Command, there were no soldiers of the Anmore Army, as if the Anmor Army had never appeared before. What happened in the past few days was completely a dream. However, none of the Orumi Federation soldiers dared to leave Orumi City easily. The local people here all understand that if they stay in the city, the final result must be death. But if you leave Orumi City, you will definitely die faster.

They have been completely besieged here, and no one knows what their future fate will be. Maybe they have to wait until the day when they don't eat or wear the ground, maybe they can't bear it anymore and have to raise their hands to surrender, maybe it's the infantry of the Anmore Army who arrived and shot them with heavy artillery All bombed to smithereens. No matter what kind of fate, no one seems to be willing to accept it.

Lieutenant General Isaac looked up to the far east, when will this day end? Oromi Federation, is this the end?

"Okay, you are in favor of negotiating peace. How about you?" Several senior officials of the Oromi Federation had no expressions on their faces, and they secretly gathered together to discuss.

The other officers seemed to be hesitant to think seriously for a while, before hesitatingly said slowly: "I listen to everyone..."

The previous officer asked directly and unceremoniously, and said sternly: "Is it war or peace? Be clear!"

The officer grimaced, didn't answer, just clenched his fists uneasily. The military strength in his hands is not strong, and he has absolutely no confidence in defeating the Anmor army. However, once the Anmor army once invaded the city, he would bear the brunt, and he would not be able to do so without fighting. Of course, the other option is to raise your hands to surrender and become a prisoner of the Anmor army, allowing them to be slaughtered. In the end, he raised his eyebrows, gritted his teeth and said, "Fight!"

An officer next to him looked at him and hesitated, but in the end he didn't object.

Lieutenant General Isaac nodded and said, "Okay, the four of us are in the main battle. How about you?"

Another general said in a low voice: "I'm about to retire, and you all know that my soldiers are not suitable for high-intensity battles, but they can do their best. In addition, if we can successfully break through the siege and rush out of Orumi City, And break through the enemy's blockade and enter my jurisdiction, then my tribe can provide some financial and material assistance..."

Several senior officers clapped their palms and said loudly at the same time: "Okay! Refreshing! If you have money, you will be able to contribute! As long as we all work together like this, we will definitely be able to break through, defeat the Anmor army, and defeat those mercenaries!"

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