Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6261: puzzling telegram

Chapter 6261

puzzling telegram

Without enough ammunition, Lincoln and others knew that the battle was dangerous, and the Anmor army who followed them were also ready to sacrifice.

The thousands of Orumi Federation troops on the east side of the Gul Bridge are still a group of sheep, and they are still messy and unorganized because of the scattered people and their own affairs.

But by tomorrow morning, or even late into the night, they would have turned into wolves with ever-closer danger, desperately besieging the Goul Bridge.

No matter how messy they are, they must finally sit down and seriously consider attacking the Goul Bridge.

If the Anmor army came in pursuit, it would be even more incredible. They would definitely jump up like rabbits and rush to the Goul Bridge at all costs.

In their impressions, the Anmor army are fierce nomads. They don't like surrendering enemies very much. It is also common for them to kill prisoners in violation of discipline. Oops.

Death is a very serious word.

Human beings are inherently dead, and no one can escape it. But how to die, and the meaning after death, are very different.

Every Anmor army soldier present is not afraid of death.

They are all carefully selected to participate in this operation. Each of them has deeply received the ideological education of the Anmore Army. They or their families have obtained huge benefits from the Anmore Army. As soldiers , they know their mission.

Even if they must die, they will not regret it, and their grace will be left on the blue Anmor flag.

But they are all ordinary people after all. When facing death, there will always be some reactions, and there will be some thoughts in their hearts.

Fortunately, there is no moonlight or starlight at this time. Everyone is bathed in complete darkness, and no one can see the specific movements of the other party. Otherwise, many people will definitely find that their comrades in arms are silently praying to their families. Peace and longevity, pray for the prosperity of Anmore, perhaps, this is the last prayer they have done in this world.

Pop, pop!

The sharp gunshots came sporadically.

It broke the tranquility of the darkness and made everyone around the Goul Bridge feel weird in the darkness, as if the sound of gunfire had brought their thoughts back to their hometown.

The sound of gunshots came from the mountains on the west side of the Goul Bridge. After crossing the Grand Canyon, it was still so sharp.

Starting in the evening, the Orumi Federation army from the west side of the Digur Bridge also arrived, and the battle between the two sides started immediately. These monotonous and sharp gunshots were the soldiers of the Anmore army shooting quietly.

Just as predicted by the Anmor army, the Orumi Federation army from the west side of the Goul Bridge arrived soon.

However, their aggressiveness was not high, and they were obviously perfunctory.

Each time they attacked, there were only a few hundred troops, and they were advancing very slowly. It only took a few minutes to slowly advance a distance of tens of meters.

According to observations, even if the Anmor army did not fire, it would take them two hours to move to the west side of the Goul Bridge.

A deputy company commander of the Anmore Army commanded a platoon of Anmore Army soldiers, utilizing long-range accurate fire.

Played hide-and-seek with the group of Orumi Federation troops who were passive and war-weary, forcing the Orumi Federation army to dare not launch a real attack.

In fact, the Orumi Federal Army did not launch a strong attack. Compared with the Orumi Federal Army on the east side of the Goul Bridge, they were much less dangerous.

On the east and west sides of the Goul Bridge, there are two completely different worlds.

The Orumi Federation army on the east side was eager to cross the bridge, avoid the edge of Anmore's pursuers, and save their lives.

The Orumi Federation army on the west side was unwilling to draw too close to the Goul Bridge.

They don’t want to risk their lives to take the Gul Bridge back. They know better than the Anmor army that the Orumi Federation army on the east side of the Gul Bridge is at stake, and they will definitely try their best to pass the Gul Bridge.

Since someone is willing to contribute, why waste so much effort?

"I miss my woman.

Yankee, do you want a woman? "

In the darkness, Khan slowly leaned against the wall.

He suddenly said slowly, his voice was a little weird, if there was moonlight at this time, you would definitely see the sadness of missing in his deep eyes.


Lincoln's voice had no emotion at all, and he didn't put down the map in his hand.

"You've been married before, and you've had women, haven't you..." Khan slowly lengthened his voice, with a touch of lovesickness in his tone, and his eyes became even more gloomy.

It's a pity that it was night and Lincoln couldn't see clearly, but it was precisely because it was night that he made his eyes look so gloomy.

Several Anmore officers who were dozing also slowly opened their eyes, as if they had discovered something curious, blinking their eyes.

A soldier put the bazooka he was carrying beside him, and made room for the officer to sit down, but the officer didn't sit. He still stood there upright.

"In no mood."

Lincoln said succinctly, and his voice became grim.


Khan said with a slight sigh, as if full of regret.


Lincoln seemed reluctant to speak, and he put away the map.

Although Lincoln's answer was very succinct and very cold, everyone around him knew that Lincoln's ability to say a um was the limit of Lincoln's performance.

Because of his own experience of too much pain and regret, Lincoln, who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, was used to closing his emotions and thoughts, refusing all approaches from outsiders.

Perhaps in this world, Lincoln is the loneliest person.

Perhaps, no one can knock on the door of Lincoln's closed heart.

"I also think that my child, if I have the chance to see her, should also be of school age."

Khan said slowly, with an undisguised sadness in his tone.

Among the commandos, Khan was known as a tough outlaw.

The mercenary warriors rarely heard him talk about his family, his lover and children, only occasionally, he would silently look at their photos.

The night was very quiet, and there seemed to be an indescribable smell in the air slowly drifting away.

"And you?"

Khan suddenly turned his head and said.

" women..." The Anmore officer was caught off guard, stunned, and then said involuntarily and shyly.

Such a big man with five big and three rough, usually used to handling machine guns and cannons, and even talking like thunder, suddenly became shy at this time, which suddenly made people feel strange.

Both Lincoln and Khan looked at him with admiration, "You're already a lieutenant, you don't have a woman yet, you have to think about it..." Lincoln smiled.

"I was a top soldier for the first two months, and I... no one likes me, I am a rude..." the young officer muttered to himself.

It seems that there is indeed a bit of emotion. Any man who is physically and psychologically normal, when he reaches his age, will think about girls, and he is no exception.

It's just that it seems that the current girls don't like his type very much, and the current situation is turbulent, so he can only think about it.


Shit, your stuff can't be thicker than those black people, right? "

Khan said sarcastically, deliberately veering off topic.

The young officer blushed suddenly, not knowing what to say.

Most of the soldiers in the army used swear words, and they were no exception.

Seriously speaking, he is also a slut, and he is not ashamed when he talks about dirty jokes.

But when it comes to myself, it is an exception.

Lincoln walked to the edge of the bridge, stood beside the railing, and let the evening wind sway his heart. The evening wind that swept across the water of the Gur River brought a trace of chill, which made him gradually burn and gradually swell in his heart. Frozen, and once again refused to be tempted and approached by others.

"What, are you homesick?"

Lincoln suddenly turned his head to look at Khan, unable to see clearly in the darkness, only four eyes staring straight at each other.

"Nothing, just whining." Khan smiled and walked away.

How can such a lawless guy talk so much tonight.

Are you intimidated by the coming **** battle?

Khan stood up silently and walked to the bridge, merging himself with the bridge rail. If next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Inadvertently, I looked at it from a distance. I really thought that he was the bridge rail standing there, an inseparable part of this ancient Goul Bridge.

The evening wind swept across the bridge deck, but the Khan remained motionless, only the air he exhaled was wafting with the smell of wine.

Beside them, standing still like them, there are at least more than sixty soldiers of the Anmor army.

There is no moonlight or meteors tonight, only the surging Gur River, everything seems to be slowly going away with the Gur River.

In the silence, a rustling voice suddenly came. Lincoln and Khan still did not move, but the lieutenant Anmore came back to his senses. He looked back and saw that it was the commando. The correspondent, who seemed to be holding a telegram in his hand, seemed to be able to make a small piece of white in the dark.

The commando headquarters was located in the bunker where Tedt was killed, but Lincoln hardly ever went into that place, and communication with his superiors was mainly handed over to the correspondent.

"Our troops are here?"

The lieutenant looked forward to the tunnel, his eyes shining.

If the chasing troops of the Anmore Army can arrive at this time, they will be really overjoyed. Not only will the Orumi Federation troops on the east side of the Goul Bridge not be able to escape, they can take it all in one pot, and they don't have to end here. Once praying that my family is safe.

"No, it's the boss's telegram." The correspondent said a little excitedly, with a hint of excitement evident in his tone.

He didn't bring news of his own troops, but he brought more shocking content, which was actually a telegram directly sent by Lin Rui.

The people present did not know that Lin Rui was near Gul, and thought he was in Songshi Town.

But they always felt that Lin Rui was very close to them and seemed to be by their side.

Hear Lin Rui's name.

Everyone on the bridge seemed to shake slightly at once, turning to look at the correspondent.

Lincoln took the telegram and ignored the possible danger. He took out a flashlight directly from a mercenary and turned it on. Everyone looked at the telegram from the Anmore High Command.

Usually the telegrams of the Supreme Command are Kasang, and Lin Rui rarely sends telegrams through the high command, only when the situation is very urgent.

From this, it can be seen that Lin Rui also knew that they were in danger at this time, so he sent a telegram to them.

There is no doubt that this call made the blood of all the mercenaries boil quietly.

The telegram was indeed sent by Lin Rui, and there was no turnover from any superiors, but the content was very simple.

The only message on the telegram was "Keep the bridge, reinforcements are coming."

these eight characters.

Lincoln read the telegram over and over again, unable to understand what it meant, and there was no other valuable information on the telegram.

"What does it mean?"

While deeply feeling that the Supreme Commander brought them excitement, they also seemed very puzzled.

I don't understand what Lin Rui wants to instruct.

Lin Rui may know the current situation of the Goul Bridge and hope to convey some information through this telegram, but it is a pity.

The level of people at the venue is not high, and it is impossible to understand the meaning behind the words literally The correspondent immediately took out a telegram. He said with a bit of regret: "Pinestone Town also received a telegram, The clear answer is that the transport plane can't come..." Lincoln took the telegram and nodded indifferently, but his mind was still on the telegram sent by Lin Rui.

Regarding the fact that the Anmor Army transport plane could not come, the answer has been basically guessed in the previous telegram. Maybe Songshi Town really needs the Anmor Army transport plane, or there may be other reasons. The Anmor Army transport plane is It will definitely not come, although the above promises to continue to strive for it, but the final result of the struggle is still that the transport plane will not come.

The transport planes could not come, which meant that they had no reinforcements and no ammunition replenishment. They had to rely on the existing personnel and the severely insufficient ammunition to defend the Gul Bridge and stop the retreat of the Orumi Federation army.

Until the pursuit troops of the Anmor army arrived successfully.

In fact, it's not a big deal if the transport plane doesn't come. In fact, each of them has prepared for the worst, and has done everything that should be done.

But Lin Rui's telegram gave them new hope. They didn't understand, what did this mean?

Call it encouragement, but it doesn't seem to be encouragement. Call it guidance, but I don't know what the specific content of the guidance is. It seems that there is a certain spirit of instruction implicit in it.

But none of them could guess.

Especially the sentence that reinforcements are coming, but Anmore's pursuit can't arrive so quickly.

They have only communicated in time, and the vanguard of Anmore's side will at least wait until tomorrow afternoon.

The arrival of the main force is likely to arrive the day after tomorrow.

But in this case, what does it mean that reinforcements are coming?

Where did the reinforcements come from?

Lincoln smiled bitterly, "The boss is the boss, any word can make people think for a long time."

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