Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5954: airborne troops

Airborne troops

"It's not quite right, it's actually counterattacking?" An Anmore officer frowned with his binoculars.

"The counterattack will not be this level. The inability to counterattack shows that the enemy's current strength and firepower are indeed at a disadvantage.

But even so they will try their best to stop us,

And what we have to do now is to get rid of all the unfavorable distractions and take Mirto as quickly as possible.

Ignore any entanglements and accept no delays. "Lin Rui said slowly.

"Understood, sir." The officer nodded.

"One more thing, Hill 9 is of great significance, and you must keep it for me no matter what." Lin Rui turned around and said.

"Yes, sir," replied the officer.

Lin Rui turned to the actuary, "What's your opinion?"

The actuary nodded Kishi, "Judging from the current situation, I maintain my previous opinion.

I'm saying that without any reinforcements, Mirto's defenses would have to be strengthened by a small contingent of surrounding troops.

If so, they will be breached within three days.

If our army can keep up with the speed and the Orumi Federation forces collapse too quickly, it may not even take three days. "

"Yeah. We're here to make sure of this." Lin Rui nodded.

"To be honest, I was a little worried before. I was worried about whether the situation would change, but now it seems that the enemy's response strategy has basically remained the same.

That is to withstand our attack here, while opening a second, faster and deeper front near Draytown. "

"Yes," the actuary replied.

"Let's go, they have enough to deal with here, we have to go north." Lin Rui stood up.

"Two sirs, you..." Officer Anmore said strangely, "Where are you going?"

"Delai Town, soon, there will be the second battlefield." Lin Rui turned around and strode out.

"But it's still fighting." Officer Anmore said quickly, "Be careful of shelling."

Lin Rui made an action, "Learn to listen to the voice, Commander. The sound of gunfire is the enemy's language, and you need to learn to listen.

No matter how stupid the enemy is, the shells fired will not deviate more than three kilometers.

So the enemy's attack direction is over there, the eighth battalion's site. Get ready, maybe the Eighth Battalion will need your support. "

After speaking, Lin Rui and the actuary took the shore to the helicopter.

The helicopter took off quickly and flew out of the area.

For Lin Rui, the battle that belongs to him has not yet begun.

The key to the success of this strategy is not Mirto. In other words, no matter how lively Mirto's side played, it was only a small step in trying to gain a strategic advantage.

The real key is in Delai Town, and it can only be Delai Town.

The Red Baron thinks so too. The battle in Draytown has not yet begun, but it is destined to completely change the current situation.

Whoever controls Delai Town in the end will dominate the next battle.

This is also the reason why he has not rushed to help Mirto. Even at the risk of losing Mirto, he must ensure that the Battle of Draytown goes smoothly.

The Red Baron has begun planning a daring and risky operation to bypass the Kem River defenses and attack the town of Dray, the heart of Anmore, in order to fully seize the initiative early in the war.

His strategy was to call on some of the elite combat power of the two main regiments of the Orumi Federation Army,

The Red Devil troops organized by the secret society, in turn, carried out airborne landings in Delai Town and other places in the rear of the battle.

Capture a bridge southwest of Dray Town and west of the Kem River, opening the route for the Oromi Federation Army to attack.

Also make sure to appear on the right bank of the Kem River before the other Orumi Federation troops arrive,

Direct control over Anmore's Draytown industrial area and major northern transportation hub.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the airborne operation of the Oromi federal troops began.

A small number of fighters and bombers from the Oromi Federation flew over the Kem River defenses and carried out air strikes on targets near the town of Delai.

The main objective was to focus on the anti-aircraft artillery positions and anti-aircraft installations along the Delai Town Railway and the route through the Kem River.

Then Orumi Federation troops took off from 4 airports in the central and southern regions of Oromi Federation by plane.

Among them, there were several transport planes and several fighter jets as cover, and almost all the air power of the Orumi Federal Army was dispatched.

To ensure that these thousands of people can be successfully airborne and implement the battle plan.

It is a pity that the airborne combat operation of the Orumi Federation army just started, and soon, the Anmor army decided to carry out a powerful counter-assault against the combat intention of the Orumi Federation army.

The method used by Lin Rui was to strike on the flanks of the Oromi Federal Army Airborne Forces to stop their progress.

At the same time, the defense of each road section has been strengthened.

Although Anmore was well prepared for this, the Orumi Federation forces did not gain anything.

Their airborne troops did have a surprising effect,

Even if they got the news in advance, when the first round of airborne operations took place, the Anmor army still failed to react.

Therefore, the Orumi Federation seized the opportunity to occupy many important areas at once, and quickly repelled the garrisoned Anmor army.

On Anmor's side, there is actually a hardship, they lack air defense weapons.

No anti-aircraft guns, no anti-aircraft missiles, just some backward anti-aircraft machine guns.

Few African countries have a decent air force. So their air defenses are even weaker. This is the situation of the Anmore Northern Coalition. A few of their anti-aircraft machine guns are also old models, and they are similar to those without them.

There is absolutely no way to stop the opponent's sudden airborne.

It can be said that the airborne troops of the Orumi Federation Army were relatively They immediately landed and assembled near the town of Mirto, and moved towards the west side. Except for the loss of a small number of personnel along the way, they easily avoided the interception of the Anmor army and advanced towards the northwest.

The next day they had marched all night, and the scheduled rendezvous point was close at hand. According to the scouts' report, there was no sign of Anmore's army in the vicinity.

Their scheduled rendezvous point was in a large town, although not as much as Dray.

But this town has a perfect main road and a concrete railway bridge. The seemingly flawless road hides a deadly murderous intention.

This area used to be the training station of the Anmore battalion-level battle group. It was temporarily composed of mercenaries who were responsible for training the non-commissioned officers of the Anmore Northern Coalition Force at that time. There were about a thousand troops.

These mercenaries also have an independent name, they are the famous Slavic battalion under Lin Rui. These people consisted almost exclusively of members of the Russian branch of the year. Most have very rich practical combat experience. They're here to fight these airborne killers.

(End of this chapter)

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