Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5924: emergency defense

Emergency defense


"Then what do we do now?" an Anmore officer asked.


"Temporarily suspend the reinforcement operation, let the two battalions withdraw to a safe area, and wait until the situation of Clover becomes clear." Lin Rui replied.


Cassan shook his head, "But if Clover hadn't been captured by the enemy, we would have lost the best opportunity to rescue.


And Clover's position is too important. Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it will pose a direct threat to Pinestone. "


Lin Rui nodded, "I agree with you, so we must be more cautious."


"Cautiousness is not waiting." Cassan whispered.


"But to move blindly is to be imprudent." Lin Rui responded, "Do I still have the command you gave me now?"


"Yes." Cassan nodded.


"Then let the two battalions withdraw to this area." Lin Rui marked on the map.


"Why?" Cassan frowned.


Lin Rui pointed to the map, "Because it can get support from other troops here, and this is a commanding height, it is easier to monitor the movements of Cloverfield.


You can attack if you advance, and you can defend if you retreat. Step by step to leave room for. "


"Okay, you can figure it out, I believe you. To be honest, I don't have a clue now." Kassan sighed.


After more than three hours, they received another piece of intelligence. Kassan and Lin Rui were all shocked by this information.


A member of the intelligence team handed a report to Lin Rui, "Clover was occupied by the enemy last night.


The enemy army infiltrated and infiltrated with a small team, rushed directly into the headquarters and executed the beheading operation.


He controlled the entire headquarters of the Cloverfield garrison on the spot.


In addition, a large number of troops suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Clover, and within three hours, the occupation of Clover was completed.


Only a small number of the northern coalition forces managed to break through. "


"Has this information been confirmed?" Lin Rui asked immediately.


"It has been confirmed." The intelligence team member replied, "We have made contact with a small number of people who ventured out.


Another source has proved that the Orumi Federal Army is likely to have mastered a secret passage through the jungle.


Because just in the early hours of this morning, a 4,000-strong Orumi Federation force had also entered the vicinity of Clover.


and stationed in both locations. "


Kassan looked at Lin Rui in surprise.


Lin Rui nodded, "I guessed right. They really have other means.


If our previous two battalions tried to rescue Cloverfield, their route would be from this location to Cloverover.


And this Orumi Federation force that suddenly appeared in the early morning will make a perfect double-team blocking against them.


All of this was indeed planned. "


Kassan couldn't believe it, "They used thousands of troops last night, and they assembled about 4,000 more early this morning, and it was when we were unprepared.


How is it done. "


"According to our information, there is an old road in the jungle that is hundreds of years old. It was probably left over during the colonial period.


Because it is so old, no one knows it for a long time. But somehow, they found that way.


And using this shortcut, he quickly raided Cloverfield Town. ' replied the intelligence team member.


"Damn, this is trouble." Kassan turned around angrily.

"Indeed, although we avoided additional losses due to reinforcements. But the loss of Cloverfield Town brings us great danger." Lin Rui nodded.


The actuary walked Kishi from the outside, "The artillery bombardment by the Oromi Federation Army has stopped, but according to the report of the reconnaissance unit.


There are still many Orumi Federal Army troops moving to the south of Songshi Town, and at least tens of thousands of troops in the southwest have been assembled. "


"The southwest position is the key. If a large number of enemy troops gather on the south side, it will form a three-directional joint attack on Songshi Town." Lin Rui nodded.


"What do we do now? Do we need to dispatch other troops to help defend Songshi Town?" Kassan asked.


"The most important thing now is not to transfer other troops from other positions, but to rearrange the defense in the area of ​​Songshi Town.


Originally, the focus of our defense was mainly on the south side. But now, the town of Clover in the northwest has fallen, and a large number of enemy troops in the southwest have assembled.


And the enemy is still moving toward the south of Pine Stone Town.


Their lines of attack have all been opened, and we must be forced to adjust our original defense plan. "The actuary beckoned them to the electronic sand table.


"Our troop deployment needs to be adjusted immediately, and the enemy will not give us much time.


Once they've finished assembling the south side location, it's time for them to do it.


If we don't take the time to adjust our deployment, this wave of offensive will put us in a very unfavorable situation. "


"This is their staging position, so the most likely attack point will be the southwest front line, because this is the weak link of our defense before.


Because we only focused on the south side before, but with the fall of Cloverfield, the enemy's attack focus is moving to the northwest side.


This means that our previously weak defenses along the southwest line will bear more pressure,


And whether it is the enemy army at the gathering point on the south side or the enemy army base camp farther away, under the cover of Cloverford Town, they can calmly launch an attack on this position. "


General Kassan looked at the electronic sand table, "This means that we will experience a major troop movement and reset our defensive positions.


It will take at least three to five days. "


"Actually this is also the necessary time for the enemy to complete the assembly on the south side.


Their troops are not yet fully in place, and even after they are in place, it is impossible to immediately enter the attack state.


So we still have time to make adjustments, but this time is not ample. I suggest that we stop wasting time and make corresponding adjustments immediately. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.


Lin Rui was silent for a while and said, "To be on the safe side, we still need to transfer two or three more battalions at the Kem River Fortress and place them here.


It is equivalent to expanding the defense range. This ensures that Cloverfield's enemies cannot directly attack Pinestone.


And take Songshi Town as an important support to support several of our battalions to build an expanded defense circle at this location. "


"Yes, our rocket battalion can be deployed here.


Can form effective fire support for frontal and flank positions. The fourth and sixth battalions defended this area.


In this way, the defense of Pinestone Town can be made more resilient. The other surrounding troops can also support them.


These battalions can undertake tasks independently, or when necessary, the troops of several battalions can be formed into battalion-level tactical groups for group operations.


This is also our original intention. "The actuary nodded Kishi.


(End of this chapter)


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