Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5921: first attack target

First attack target


"Baron, you mean there is a hidden road in this place?" the commander of the Orumi Federation Army asked in surprise.


"That's right, and so far the Anmor people haven't discovered that. That's a huge advantage for us.


Our intelligence team has previously found the approximate location of this road by comparing the historical data of Anmore with satellite maps.


And just last week, a small team of ours has identified the existence of this road and conducted a site survey to see if it can be used.


The result is very good. Although this road, which has been abandoned for a hundred years, is completely covered by vegetation growth, the roadbed of the road has not been damaged and can withstand heavy vehicles. ' replied the Red Baron.


"There is still such a road. We didn't get the slightest information before. Our reconnaissance team also spent a long time scouting the surrounding terrain, but did not find this road at all." An Oromi federal officer was shocked. .


"Because this road has been completely covered by the jungle, let alone you can't find it, even the aerial reconnaissance into deeper areas didn't find anything.


And after a hundred years of changes, even the locals in Anmore don't know the existence of this hidden road. This is a great opportunity for us. "The Red Baron said slowly.


"Very good, our personnel and equipment are basically in place, and we can launch the offensive next week." The commander of the Orumi Federal Army nodded.


"No, you have to start the offensive this week, and not from the location of that hidden road. I need you to feint Pinestone on a massive scale and use you to attract the attention of the Northern Alliance Army.


And my people will take this opportunity to follow the hidden road, bypass the enemy army in Pine Stone Town, and attack the important town of Clover, which is northeast of Pine Stone Town. ' The Red Baron shook his head.


"Clover?" The Oromi Federation Army commander looked at the map in surprise, "This is the important town of Anmore, which is more than 30 kilometers away from Pine Stone Town.


If we take over there, there will be a direct threat to Pinestone. The Anmore coalition could either quickly recapture Clover, or they could only withdraw from Pinestone and retreat to the other side of the Kem River.


Otherwise, a large number of the main forces of the northern coalition forces in Songshi Town may be surrounded. "


"That's right, you finally have some brains this time. But this time, one is to be fast, and the other is to be secretive. When the enemy is aware of it, we must firmly control Clover.


Otherwise, the enemy would have plenty of time to react. And I would never allow that to happen. ' snapped the Red Baron.


"I'm afraid this will be difficult. Although Clover is not the enemy's key defense area, there are also a considerable number of Northern Alliance soldiers there, plus the local local armed forces and the Northern Army Alliance are basically one family.


According to our previous judgment on the strength of the enemy army, the Northern Army Alliance in Clover and the local local armed forces will have at least 2,000 to 3,000 troops. "The commander of the Orumi Federation Army shook his head, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a quick decision. "


"Still worry about your own mission. I have my own arrangements for Clover. Crimson Tide already has two teams that have infiltrated Clover.


With their cooperation with the Red Devils, we are confident enough to take down Clover quickly.


But if you can't give this raiding force enough cover from the front..." The Red Baron sank his face.


"Don't worry, Baron, we will definitely complete the cover mission." The commander in the Olumi Federation stood at attention.


"It's not just as simple as covering the raiding team. I need you to show enough posture to convince the warlords of Anmore that you are the real main attacking force." The red baron said sharply.

"Yes sir." The Oromi Federation Army commander nodded immediately. "We promise to get the job done."


The Red Baron didn't speak any more, but looked down at his watch.


He didn't have much hope for these Oromi federal troops. In his opinion, the Orumi Federal Army. Even after extensive training, it has so far failed to meet his requirements.


This group of people can be used in large-scale combat. However, some delicate tactical tasks may not be able to be completed entirely by relying on them.


I can only rely on the red tide and the red devil. These two powerful secret society troops.


Especially for this first battle, he has been preparing for a long time and will never allow any mistakes.


Two days later, the Oromi Federation Army launched a full-scale offensive by the town of Pinestone in Anmore.


The large-scale artillery bombardment began. Songshi Town was the first-line defensive position of the Northern Coalition Army. The Northern Coalition Army set up many fortifications and bunkers here.


Inside the command post, General Kassan is holding an emergency meeting. In response to the enemy's artillery raids, make defensive arrangements.


"The enemy's artillery fire is very fierce. It is estimated that they will launch a large-scale attack on Pine Stone Town this time. If this is the case, then our previous judgment was indeed wrong.


Mr. Rick is right, Pinestone Town is their real main attack direction. "A Union Army officer stood up and said.


"A shelling of this magnitude is usually a precursor to a major attack. Does that mean we need to act urgently to get our troops into defensive positions," another officer asked, standing up.


"Everyone, don't be impatient. I did ask everyone to gather near Songshi Town before, but I didn't explicitly say that Songshi Town is the main attack direction of the enemy." Lin Rui shook his head.


"But judging from their current attack posture, this is definitely their key target." An officer replied.


"Pinestone Town is the most strategic forward town along the ceasefire line. Of course it will be the focus of the enemy's But what we need to discuss is whether this will be the primary target of the enemy's attack." Lin Rui replied.


"Is it the first target to attack? But they are already shelling us. Judging from the information we got ahead of us, several units of the Orumi Federal Army are advancing towards Songshi Town.


Judging from these circumstances, Pinestone Town must be their primary target. I think the enemy army used a method of steady attack.


Take Pinestone first, build an offensive outpost, and then gradually control the Kem River area. ' an officer stood up and replied.


"It's quite satisfactory, there are no obvious bright spots, and there are no obvious shortcomings." Cassan shook his head, "But I don't think our enemy is that simple.


Judging from the many times we have played against them, they rarely reveal their tactical intentions so directly.


Attack the town of Pinestone, and push firmly north, gradually occupying the Kem River. Such a tactic is too law-abiding.


And Pine Stone Town is not so easy to win.


Even if the federal troops storm the town of Pinestone, as long as there is no problem with our defense. Maybe it can last two or three years here.


I don't think the enemy army will have this patience, so I think this operation is a little wrong. "


(End of this chapter)


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