Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5908: Troop change

5590 The change of troops


"I don't think this is possible. It's too demanding of a company-level commander." Kassan shook his head.


"So we have to strengthen the comprehensive training of grass-roots officers, which is the fastest way to increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time.


A good grass-roots commander plays a huge role in the overall improvement of the army. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.


"But it takes time, and we don't have much time. We are ready to fight at any time." General Kassan shook his head.


"Then learn war in war." Lin Rui nodded and said, "Company-level commanders mainly come from war practice.


Maybe they have insufficient theoretical knowledge and cannot form their own military theoretical system, but they can quickly form a self-understanding and interpretation of the state of war through war.


If they were trained, it would be even faster. "


"What do you mean?" Cassan asked.


"The training of lower-level commanders has to start right away, and it can't be stopped even in battle.


Give them a boost in battle. We want to empower commanders at the battalion and company level to operate independently.


And the judgment and grasp of the general direction are entirely attributed to the headquarters. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.


"I have no opinion." Kassan nodded. "After the meeting, you can gather grass-roots officers for unified training. The time will be arranged by your military advisory group."


"One more thing, the Americans have recently received a batch of rocket launchers.


We hope to concentrate the rocket artillery of the original battalions, and add this batch of rocket artillery to set up a separate rocket artillery battalion. " Lin Rui replied.


"Bazooka Battalion?" Kassan frowned.


"That's right. There are expensive and cheap rocket launchers. The 107mm rocket made in China is the cheapest. The price of a 107 rocket is only a few hundred dollars.


However, other MLRS salvos to hit targets still cost a lot of ammunition.


We decided to make some adjustments and split the light and cheap 107 rocket launchers to each battalion.


And unify other expensive equipment to build a rocket battalion. for important combat objectives.


In doing so, the benefits are obvious. It makes the heavy firepower more concentrated and avoids the waste of the scattered use of the heavy firepower. " Lin Rui replied.


"It's not a big problem, the rocket launchers originally owned by each unit are generally 107 rocket launchers.


Since that's the case, let them continue to use it.


A small number of powerful rocket launchers are concentrated in my troops, and a few other powerful alliance member troops.


I talked to them. It should be no problem to jointly set up a rocket battalion.


I am more concerned about vehicles now. To form a complete motorized infantry battalion, the current vehicles are not enough.


You know that our mechanized strength is equal to none, and there are currently gaps in transport vehicles.


The Orumi Federation has a certain amount of mechanized troops, and has basically completed motorization.


Once we fight the Orumi Federation, our mobility is a big problem. ' Cassan nodded.


The actuary smiled, "We have entrusted a special person to handle the vehicles, and we have already ordered a large number of new cars.


Soon, there will be a batch of second-hand vehicles arriving that can be converted into armed vehicles.


In contrast, although the Orumi Federation has a small number of armored units, it is not a very advanced model.


Most of them are varieties that have been eliminated by developed countries, and their armor and firepower are very average.

As long as it is equipped with enough anti-tank weapons, it is not a big problem.


In addition, we can equip recoilless guns on some combat vehicles. In order to strengthen the offensive and anti-armor capabilities. "


Linda came over, "What are you talking about, it's so lively."


"We are just discussing the establishment of a rocket battalion." Lin Rui replied.


"I don't think it makes much sense." Linda shook her head, "These weapons still belong to each battalion, and it is more appropriate to use them flexibly.


After all, the northern coalition lacked the ability to coordinate artillery and fire, and the communication was also flawed. "


"It is with these considerations in mind that we will set up a separate rocket battalion. General Kassan's men originally had a rocket battalion, but they were dissatisfied with the organization and poorly equipped.


The batch of heavy rocket launchers you provided this time plus the heavy rocket launchers of several other warlord troops,


It just happened to fill the gap for their rocket artillery battalion, which not only fully equipped but also strengthened.


Considering the concentrated use of heavy firepower, we decided to set up this rocket artillery battalion. As for the issue of command, we plan to dispatch it directly to the headquarters. ' replied the actuary, Kishi.


"You are experts, I'm just talking casually." Linda shrugged, "But I'm not here to chat with you, let alone talk about military issues."


"What's wrong?" Lin Rui asked.


"According to our latest news, the Orumi Federal Army has been making frequent changes recently. Some of their forces in the central and southern parts of the country have begun to gather in the northwest.


And in the past six months, their troops have expanded rapidly. And there are many mysterious troops that are not in the Orumi Federation battle sequence, appearing in the Orumi Capital District.


We suspect that the recent changes in the Federal Army are all related to the Anmore area. ' Linda replied.


"Is there any specific information?" Cassan became serious.


"Not yet, but I think it's not too far away. At present, the military demarcation line between the two of you should still be based on Songshi Town.


Take the river channel in the southeast of Songshi Town as the dividing line. At present, the main garrison position of the Orumi Federation south of Pinestone Town is at the Mierto Barracks.


It controls the railway transportation to the central and southern parts of the Oromi From the first news we got, the Oromi Federation has interrupted all railway freight.


This shows that they are very likely to use this railway. And this railway is the fastest way to transport a large number of troops to the side of the ceasefire line.


Although their news is well blocked, their current actions are enough for us to form a judgment. ' Linda replied.


Kassan's face changed slightly, "You mean, they temporarily stopped the normal railway transportation business,


Is it to concentrate the transportation capacity and quickly project a large number of troops to the side of the ceasefire line of both sides for deployment? "


"Besides this, is there any better explanation?" Linda asked rhetorically.


Lin Rui nodded, "The mobilization of troops requires a lot of materials and baggage, and using the existing railway transportation is undoubtedly the fastest and most concise delivery method.


And from this point of view, the troops they project should not be small. See they are ready. "


Linda nodded, "The news of the Anmore region cannot be concealed from the secret society organization.


They should have discovered the recent buildup of Union troops and weapons shipments.


So I reacted in advance. "


(End of this chapter)


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