Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5905: dangerous elements

Dangerous elements


"You, you..." Dove suddenly knelt down, "Give me a way to live, let me do anything.


The people in the secret society still trust me, and I can help you in turn. "


"You have never been trusted, neither here nor in the secret society.


Because, no one would ever believe in a traitor. A person betrays once, and soon there will be a second time.


So you were never trusted. "Lin Rui shook his head.


"No, no, I still have value..." Pigeon looked at them in horror.


"Take it away, we have to continue the meeting." Isaac was expressionless.


A few mercenaries came up and dragged the pigeons down.


"Okay, the rest are my own." Isaac took a deep breath, "This time we plan to return all of us.


All personnel returned to their posts according to the previous system. Files and wrenches, you are still in charge of the previous department.


In terms of intelligence, we will have a more professional team.


In fact, we started to infiltrate and enter the Orumi Federation one year ago.


Now some of our people have entered many key departments of the Federation and established a more complete intelligence network than before.


In addition, we have a special force of more than 1,400 people. They will be our main force in the future.


And our combat operations also have to be adjusted on a large scale, which will be dominated by intelligence special operations.


Fully cooperate with our old friend, the Northern Army Alliance. "


"What about our people?" asked a small leader of the Hammer Organization. "We still have some people in our hands. Although there are not many, there may be thousands of people in total."


Lin Rui replied, "Your people are still not moving to avoid exposure. You can secretly recruit more people, but you can't act rashly. You can only use them when you really encounter difficult situations.


Because to be honest, a militia is a militia, and its combat ability and tactical execution ability are slightly inferior.


And using these people too early can easily lead to the organization of the secret society being aware of it. So I want you all to be tight-lipped about today's meeting. "


"But you don't need us to organize action,


Why did you call us here for this meeting? "The little leader of the Hammer Resistance was a little upset.


Isaac replied, "Because, we are a family, and I have never forgotten you, my brother.


I'm sorry that we haven't been able to contact you in time because of the pigeon problem. But we are always with you, and we are all iron fists united against federal tyranny.


Only when the five fingers are united can the fist be clenched. We were born and died together before, and we will still need you in the future.


I have to tell you our plan. "


Lin Rui also nodded, "Isaac is right, but I have a simpler and more direct reason.


Because we came to you to give you money and weapons. "


"Money and weapons?" The little leader of the Hammer Resistance Organization was a little strange.


"That's right, stacks and stacks of dollars, a whole carload of automatic weapons.


Preliminary estimates are enough to arm a division at least, and all these are paid for by the Yankees. "Lin Rui smiled.


"Is this true? Are the Americans willing to fund us?!" The leaders of the Hammer Organization burst into an uproar.


"Mr. Rick, do you mean that the Americans are willing to give money to weapons, without any conditions to subsidize us?" Wrench asked in surprise.


Lin Rui shook his head, "What do you think of a good thing? Do you think the Yankees will do business at a loss?


Of course they also want something. But what they asked for was to bring down the Orumi Federation.


And the Americans have always been unreliable. I took this task for the US dollar, not for the Americans.

So you have to be careful when cooperating with them, and when necessary, you can just take the benefits and not work.


So as not to pit yourself. "


The leaders of the resistance army were startled for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter.


Lin Rui stretched out his hand and made a pressing motion to stop the conversation, "Let's talk about the next step first.


At present, the Northern Army Alliance is already preparing for combat, and their large-scale operation will definitely not escape the attention of the secret society organization.


But you are different, you have always been hidden before.


And the locations of the activities are all in the Oromi federal control area, the so-called dark under the lights, the more dangerous the place, the safer it is.”


So you must do a good job of cooperating with the coalition forces.


But remember, you must not appear alone until the Northern Alliance does not appear. lest you be exposed prematurely.


Your value is not in fighting the Orumi Federation head-on, but in gathering intelligence, and playing a key role at critical times. "


"We understand that this time we won't be the same as last time, blindly rushing in.


After all, the last lesson was too profound. This time we must be in full accordance with the overall strategic deployment. "Isaac said solemnly.


"It's good to understand, you haven't seen each other for a long time, and I won't participate in your internal meetings.


We can discuss the specific details later. Excuse me. "Lin Rui stood up and walked outside.


Outside the conference room, Crystal was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette.


Seeing Lin Rui walking out of the conference room, she smiled, "It seems that Isaac and the others came just in time."


Lin Rui nodded, "You brought them here yourself?"


Crystal smiled, "It's not easy to get them together, some of them were trained on the Huxin Island base, and some were on Dengshen Island.


When I received your call, I was very busy for a while. "


"Thank you very much, and thank you to your father. It seems that he still has foresight. The Hammer Organization was sent to Dengshen Island and Huxin Island for training in advance.


Who would have thought that such a loose resistance organization would be completely transformed. "Lin Rui sighed.


Crystal nodded, "What have they become now?"


"Cold and dangerous." Lin Rui replied. "But this state is more suitable for their Originally they were just a group of militia guerrillas, but now, they feel like..."


"Like what?" Crystal smiled.


"It's like a group of dangerous secret society militants.


Strictly disciplined, decisive in killing, and determined to sacrifice everything for the sake of faith.


To be honest, the more this happens, the more uncomfortable I feel. "Lin Rui shook his head.


"It's true that my father trained them in the cruelest way possible, but for now, they have no hope of becoming that way.


Otherwise, why would they fight with the Orumi Federal Army, relying on a group of peasants who are only full of blood and will be counseled at critical moments? ' Crystal asked.


"I didn't say your father was wrong, but I didn't like it very much.


I met a child under 20 years old before. He watched his father hang to death with a calm expression, even very happy and proud.


Because his father died for the country. And he longed for it, because he felt that was the greatest honor.


You turned a group of farmers into a dangerous group, and I don't like that very much.


What is the difference between disregarding one's own life and the lives of others and those terrorists who commit suicide attacks? "Lin Rui shook his head.


(End of this chapter)


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