Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5901: Opportunity to choose

Choice Opportunity


"That sounds nice. But he won't come, what can you do?


Aren't you still absent today? ' one of the warlord chiefs muttered in a low voice.


Of course, he didn't dare to say this out loud.


But soon the door to the conference room was opened, and a person in a wheelchair was pushed in.


Everyone turned to see that it was General Zach.


This General Zach was neatly dressed, in a military uniform customized by himself, with leather boots on his feet.


But he was fixed in a wheelchair and covered with scotch tape.


I don't know how many layers of these tapes were wrapped around him. In short, he was firmly tied to the wheelchair, and he couldn't move his neck.


"I have long heard that General Zach is ill and has limited mobility, so he cannot come to the meeting.


So, I found someone to send him a wheelchair. Kassan said slowly, "Okay, now that everyone is here, we can start." "


"Kassan, what do you mean?" General Zach's anger turned red.


But before he could finish speaking, a piece of Scotch tape was slapped on his mouth. He whimpered for a long time, but finally he didn't speak.


Lin Rui also walked up at this time and reached Kassan's side.


His appearance caused quite a stir.


A young officer frowned, "Who are you? Who let you in."


Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was immediately covered. Another officer beside him hurriedly covered his mouth and nodded to Lin Rui, "Hello, Mr. Rick."


"Hello, everyone." Lin Rui sat there and stopped talking.


The atmosphere in the conference room became very strange. Many people are a little strange to the appearance of Lin Rui and General Zach.


Everyone knows General Zach, but no one ever thought that he would appear in this way today.


Only a few knew Lin Rui. There are quite a few old warlords in these Northern Army Alliance members, but most of them are young warriors like Kassan.


These young officers did not know him. But many old warlords of the alliance know it.


When General Logan led the alliance, Lin Rui was a member of the military advisory group. Many people believe that he is the key to Anmore's ability to save in the end.


These guys from private military companies can be called the big killers in the hands of General Logan back then.


In the first battle in Albion City that year, they completed an almost impossible defense in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, which completely convinced these warlords.


Seeing Lin Rui's appearance, these warlords already knew it. No wonder Kassan dared to attack Zach. It turned out that he found someone to support him.


The mercenary who stuck to Albion back then came back.


Cassan spread his hands, "I think everyone still knows Mr. Rick, right? Maybe some people don't, but it doesn't matter.


Mr. Rick is my newly hired military advisor. He and his team will assist us in launching military operations against the Oromi Federation.


Do you have any opinions? "


"General Kassan, what do you mean? I mean, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to treat General Zach this way.


He is one of the important members of the alliance. When your uncle, General Logan, formed the alliance, he was the second batch to join the alliance, and he was considered a veteran.


At least your senior. I'm afraid it's not very good for you to treat him like this. "The previous warlord who supported General Zach said angrily.


"Then you say, what should I do to him? I invited him to the meeting more than once.


I also begged him to return the town of Delai to me, or even not to return it to me, but at least open the restrictions on entry and exit. "Kassan said slowly,


"However, how did he do it? He refused to return it, sent someone to seize the goods, and prohibited the goods from entering or leaving the country.


He personally pinched the necks of his alliance brothers. Do you think this is appropriate? "


"General, you can't say that." The warlord said helplessly, "General Zach also has a lot of pressure. The Orumi Federation is threatening him, and he is also doing his best to safeguard the interests of the alliance."


"I don't have any pressure anymore?" Kassan sneered, "Olumi Federation is pressing step by step, and we are restricted everywhere.


If you wait like this, everyone will be finished together! Today I will tell you one thing, this time I will turn the defense into the offensive.


And we have allies this time. Mr. Rick is here on behalf of the Americans, and the United States can provide us with funds and weapons.


Mr. Rick's team, responsible for military guidance. Anyone else object? "


When he said this, the warlords burst into an uproar.


"The Americans are going to help us? What are their conditions?" a warlord asked tentatively.


"The condition is to kill the Orumi Federation. Are you going to do it?" Kassan looked at everyone.


"Done! The Oromi Federation has been eyeing us all the time. This battle will be fought sooner or later. In this case, it's better to prepare early." Someone immediately agreed.


"Well, we will vote publicly today. Anyone who is willing to do it with me will stay. If you don't want to do it,


Or if you dare not do it, then our Northern Army Alliance will not take in such waste.


My uncle, never accepted any objection before.


But I am different. I leave the right to choose to you. Do it with me or not, you have the final say. "Kassan said coldly.


There was a little commotion among the crowd.


"General Kassan, do you mean to attack the Orumi Federation on a large scale?" An officer stood up and asked.


"That's right. But we're not going to fight tomorrow, we have to have time to prepare.


That's why I invited General Zach over today, and he has to come if he doesn't. "Kassan turned to look at Zach, who was tied into a dumpling with scotch tape.


"The funds promised by cia will come soon, and the arms and weapons they provide need transportation channels. I hope everyone understands this.


General Zach took control of Drytown, blocking my line of communication. I was forced to do so.


But I am a very reasonable So I approached him to discuss, and asked him in front of everyone. "


Cassan made a gesture, and a soldier stepped up and pulled the tape off Zach's mouth.


Zach resisted the pain of his beard being ripped off, and said loudly, "Kassan, you despicable villain, you plot against me."


"If I want to plot against you, you won't be able to live here." Cassan sneered.


"The reason why I brought you here is to make it clear to me in front of you. Do you agree to hand over the town of Delai?"


"What if I don't agree?" Zach said angrily.


Lin Rui said, "If you don't agree, you have to withdraw from the Northern Army Alliance.


And if you quit the Northern Army Alliance, then Kassan, including everyone else in the alliance, doesn't need to treat you as an ally anymore.


Not an ally, but occupying the transportation throat of the coalition forces, you know what the result is. "


Zach gritted his teeth, "You guys are plotting, it's a sneak attack. You..."


"We are giving you a chance, although it seems that you don't care about this chance. But I am a very fair person, and the opportunity to choose must be given to you.


If you refuse, that's another story. "Kassan said calmly.


(End of this chapter)


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