Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 581: Dead War

?As soon as Jason and Jiangan and others who were in charge of cooperating on the periphery heard the explosion, they knew that Lin Rui and others had succeeded and were anxiously waiting for them to come out. Seeing that Lin Rui slyly led away the patrol team, he neatly dealt with the guards at the door.

Jason and others immediately greeted them, "I'm also going to fight to cover you, so it doesn't seem like we have anything to do."

"Don't talk nonsense, we have to leave immediately." Lin Rui said solemnly, "Let's dodge in the jungle, and then quickly evacuate."

"Hey, the white scorpions have already been killed by you, so this should be enough for them to be busy for a while, why do we have to run in such a hurry." Yelena whispered.

"We killed most of the officers, but it was still a large force. And this force was formerly the Presidential Guard. He was stronger than the others in preventing assassinations and investigating and tracking. I'm afraid they have experienced After this chaos, forces will be organized to hunt down soon, so it is no longer safe for us to stay here." Lin Rui said without turning his head, "If we don't want to leave our lives here, we must seize this opportunity to evacuate. It's too late to change"

"I agree." Jiangan followed behind him and said, "Our main mission has been completed. The entire command system of the capital garrison has been completely destroyed. Even if the troops are not withdrawn, their morale has plummeted, and it is impossible to continue fighting. So It doesn't make any sense for us to stay here any longer, and a quick evacuation is a good idea."

Lin Rui said as he walked, "Notify Surya, we have completed the task. Ask him how it is there, as long as he persists for one or two more days, the news of the withdrawal of the capital garrison will reach those government troops and Morningstar Company. In human ears, they will collapse without a fight."

"Yes, I'm notifying him." Masaki said solemnly, "but he didn't respond."

"No response." Lin Rui's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "If you get in touch again, be sure to get in touch."

Ten minutes later, Jiangan looked at him regretfully and shook his head, "Lin Rui, they still haven't responded, the situation doesn't seem to be very good."

"Damn it, he promised me that I would keep it." Lin Rui pushed a palm against the tree beside him and said after a long silence, "Ask the headquarters of Hei Dao and see what Cobain said. He should have news."

Jiangan looked at him and said, "I've already asked. Cobain has no further news. The last time Surya contacted him was eighteen hours ago. So the situation is not very optimistic."

"Bastard, how could he just die like this?" Lin Rui angrily kicked the tree beside him, "how could he?"

"Things with Lin Rui may not be as bad as you think. Maybe it's just a communication problem. At least according to Cobain, Tekrit is still in a fierce battle and has not fallen."

Lin Rui frowned with some pain and said, "You don't understand, I found him before the war. I told him that even if he died, he would never retreat. If I knew this, I shouldn't have said this to him."

"You did the right thing. If Tekrit fell, then everything we did would be meaningless. Including this operation, including our assassination of the White Scorpion. All efforts will be lost because of Tekrit's loss." Shen said, "Trust me, Lin Rui, you did nothing wrong."

"I know, I didn't do anything wrong. But I feel like I killed him. If I hadn't told him that, maybe he wouldn't have tried so hard, maybe he would have survived. You know what I'm not I'm sad about his death. It's because it may be my personal judgment that caused his death." Lin Rui hugged his head anxiously, "It's not him who is to be damned, even a mercenary doesn't. not goddamn"

"Maybe it's not that bad, maybe he's not dead." Jiangan whispered, "We'll rush over now. Even if he's dead, we'll find his body."

Lin Rui was silent for a while and nodded, "Sorry, I was a little rude just now. Let's go, we still have a way to go." He said to the others, "Everyone pays attention, we must quickly return to Tekrit, and start again. Throw in the fight to protect Tekrit. Never let Tekrit fall into the hands of government forces."

Lin Rui and others quickly walked through the woods, came to the riverside of the Azura River again, and used the rubber boat to return to the other side and rushed to Tekrit.

At this time, Tekrit had become a mess, and the government army's fierce and fearless charge had already made the defense line of the National Liberation Organization crumbling. A few places were almost on the verge of being breached, and the soldiers of the National Liberation Organization suffered heavy casualties and were powerless to resist. All the mercenaries of the Black Island Company are acting as the firefighting team on the battlefield. Where the most dangerous, run to where.

These taciturn Gurkha mercenaries seem to be born with a warrior temperament that is tough to the bones. Although Surya was injured in multiple places and had bandages wrapped around her arms and head, she was not dead yet. The man who was commanding him was struggling to resist the attack of the government army.

"Damn, why are these people so powerful? When did the government army have such fighting power?" The colonel shouted while commanding the defense, his face covered in sweat and dust.

"They have no food, and they dare not be deserters. It is said that there were riots and deserters on the opposite side last night, and the government army shot a total of 200 people to quell the situation. Now they have no choice, either starve and shoot, or try their best to seize the special forces. Crete," Surya gritted his teeth, "Hunger and despair will burst out the deepest ** in the hearts of people, enough to turn people into beasts."

"We will not be able to bear it if we go on like this. The first line of defense on the north side is about to lose its may fall at any time. The casualties on the west side are also huge, and I have no reserve team in my hands. If I continue to fight, I will go to the battlefield in person with a gun." The colonel gritted his teeth.

"I'm not much better than you. My people have been exhausted, rushing to help each position to deal with the crisis. Now a third of them are dead, and the rest are almost all injured. You can see from my appearance. ." Surya shook her head.

"Then why don't you retreat?" the colonel whispered, "You are different from us. You are just a mercenary and have no responsibility for this country."

"But I have a responsibility to my comrades and a responsibility to our employers. We are not patriots, and are even spurned by most patriots. However, at least we can honor contracts and keep credit." Surya said solemnly , "More importantly, I have confidence in Lin Rui."

"Lin Rui, that young mercenary is really sorry, I have no confidence in him." The colonel gave a wry smile. "We are facing a situation where no one can create a miracle."

1The latest chapter of the novel High Speed ​​Battlefield Contract Worker, this chapter is Chapter 545 The address of the place of death is


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