Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1109: flash attack

&&&&o2 Squad withdrew from the corridor flank, waiting for the group of Delta troops to pass. (w&&.&&.) Lincoln whispered anxiously in Lin Rui's ear, "What's the matter, don't we fight?"

&&&& Lin Rui shook his head, "They are very experienced and cautious, and they won't let the crack team come over without confirming whether the 12th control room is safe. So the front of this team is almost a defected member of the Delta Force. , they are clearing the way. If we start now, the cracking team behind will not follow up, and we will be caught in close combat with the Delta Force. This is not the result we want."

&&&& "But, when will that wait?" Sergey whispered. He is still a little weak because of the injury, and his voice is a little hoarse.

&&&& "When these people pass, they will send a signal to the cracking team after confirming the safety of the 12th control room. Then it is time for us to take action." Lin Rui whispered, "Take off the night vision goggles. , they also have equipment. And in this melee state, the night vision goggles are limited. It is better to make good use of this."

&&&& "Understood." Lincoln took out a flashbang and smiled slightly, "You're talking about this."

&&&& "Smart." Lin Rui smiled slightly, "Night vision devices can't stand strong light. A flash bomb can temporarily blind them. Then it's our show time. Snake eyes, Yelena, are you ready? "

&&&& "Don't worry, leave the cracking team to us. All you have to do is focus on dealing with others." Yelena said calmly.

&&&& Lin Rui nodded, silently watching the delta troops pass by in the distance. These special forces members were very alert, and some even raised their guns to look at the passage where Lin Rui and others were hiding. Lin Rui's heartbeat accelerated slightly. If he hadn't acted decisively just now and led the team back, he might have been forced to face them this time.

&&&& Fortunately, these renegade members of the Delta Force focused most of their attention on the No. 12 control room and the surrounding area, and did not pay too much attention to this flank passage. But even so, after checking the No. 12 control room, they still sent two soldiers to guard the entrance of the flank passage, and they did their best in deployment.

&&&& It's just that they didn't expect that Lin Rui and others were hidden at the corner of this passage. After all, the gun body in the distance has a certain degree of confusion for these special forces, they always think that maybe the opponent is not so close.

&&&& Lin Rui and Crazy Horse gently touched the wall against the passage. The two soldiers guarding the exit seemed to have received instructions from their superiors in their wireless headsets. They were pressing on the communication headsets, and replied smoothly, "Yes, the seventh position is safe."

&&&& "Confirm, the crack team will pass within five minutes, pay attention to vigilance." The other end of the headset ordered.

&&&& "Yes, sir," the soldier responded, then cut off communication.

&&&& Lin Rui and Crazy Horse were waiting for this opportunity. Lin Rui took the lead and rushed out, punching the soldier's cervical vertebrae violently from behind.

&&&& The sound of broken bones is chilling. The cervical spine is the most important nerve center of the human body. Under this level of violence, it is very easy to cause damage to the central nervous system, causing instant syncope and permanent paralysis. The room for resistance softened.

&&&& Crazy Horse on the other side also slashed at the side of another soldier's Adam's apple. The soldier collapsed in pain while hugging his neck. Crazy Horse made a sudden mistake with both hands and broke his neck. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Lin Rui.

&&&& Lin Rui nodded to him, and the two picked up the soldier's armband and hung it on their arms, and then stood at the entrance of the passage. The team behind dragged the corpses of the two soldiers into the depths of the dark passage.

&&&& "Pay attention to the signals I send." Lin Rui whispered, "Get ready."

&&&& Finally, footsteps and voices came from the passage. Lin Rui and Crazy Horse stood there and turned to look. Although they were all covered, their US military camouflage and delta armbands on their arms clearly showed them. identity of. Therefore, the Delta Force and the Militants of the Secret Society who were walking in front did not care.

&&&& Lin Rui also deliberately made a tactical gesture for them to pass safely. Several armed personnel nodded and continued to form a vigilant tactical formation and walked forward. The armed men at the back are covering the members of the cracking team and are moving towards this side.

&&&& Lin Rui had his hands behind his back, and a flash grenade with the safety removed was already in his hands. In order to avoid making the guards suspicious by making too much action, Lin Rui did not throw the grenade out with his hand, but let go, rolled the flash grenade to the ground, and then kicked the grenade far into the ground with a very covert kick. in the crowd.

&&&& "Boom!" The flash grenade exploded, emitting a dazzling light within seconds. This strong light can temporarily blind the attacked target for a short period of time, making the target instantly lose the ability to resist. Especially because of the power outage, most of these heavily armed special forces and militants of the secret society are wearing night vision goggles.

&&&&The function of the night vision device can magnify the low light many times, forming a visual state to a certain extent. When the flash bomb exploded, this strong light greatly stimulated the eyes of all special forces wearing night vision goggles. Many people covered their faces and panicked.

&&&& The o2 team that had already been ambushed on the flank immediately killed Crazy Horse and Lin Rui raised their guns to suppress the team in front of the Delta Force, while the other team members concentrated on the opponent's follow-up troops. The sudden flash bomb attack made these dizzy special forces members and the armed forces of the secret society suddenly lose their combat effectiveness.

&&&& The two snipers, Snake Eye and Yelena, started sniping at a leisurely pace, specifically picking out those technicians in the team who didn't wear military uniforms and helmets. In just ten seconds, this passage became a **** Asura field. Bullet casings and plasma were all over the floor, and blood and bullet casings splattered all over the walls.

&&&& The entire battle lasted for more than ten seconds, which was like a torrential rain for more than ten seconds. It's not even a raid, it's a brutal life harvest. With the vanguard unit being suppressed and the follow-up units being raided by flash bombs, they could hardly organize a decent resistance and were dealt a fatal blow.

&&&& After one of the armed members of the secret society recovered his blurred vision, he suddenly found that there were almost all lying corpses beside him. What frightened him the most was that none of the crack team members survived! And all of this happened within ten seconds of their attack. The strong smell of blood even made the members of the secret society vomit.

&&&& And those attackers were almost like a gust of wind, when they came, they were violent and abnormal, but after they blew, they disappeared.


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