Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1064: Colonel Polka

&&&&Kinshasa, a city with a short history, but almost always filled with the smell of gunpowder.

&&&& The Second Congo War from 1998 to 2004 was the largest war in modern African history. It involved 9 African countries and 20 armed forces before and after, resulting in a total of more than 1 million people being forced into exile, and a large number of people migrated to neighboring countries, which is known as "Africa's World War".

&&&&Although the armistice in 2003 marked the official end of the war, the entire country is still in constant conflict, with fierce armed conflicts in the east from time to time. Even in 2004, when the war ended, at least 1,000 people died every day from military conflict, inadequate social security or lack of food. Continuing local conflicts have resulted in large numbers of people being forced into exile.

&&&& From 1996 to the present, the two Congo wars and the subsequent Lake Kyiv crisis have killed at least 5.5 million people, making it the deadliest war after World War II.

&&&& There are still many armed forces in eastern Congo, and there is no fixed position at all. Today, we joined forces with this one to fight another, and a few days later, we changed our position and fought with our friends the day before yesterday. Anyway, interests are the most important, business opportunities are more beneficial than anything else. Kinshasa, the capital, is also a place where various mercenaries gather.

&&&& The whole Kinshasa, in Lin Rui's small county town that looks dilapidated like his hometown, feels khaki everywhere. Lin Rui was not familiar with this place, and his days as a mercenary were not too long. But the two old fritters, Crazy Horse and Snake Eye, are frequent visitors to this place. Crazy Horse can even speak to the locals in half-baked Lingala.

&&&&After gesturing and saying a few words to a local, Crazy Horse turned his head and said, "Captain, I think we need to meet someone."

&&&& "Who?" Lin Rui frowned.

&&&& "Polka, a small local warlord. If we want to retrieve those stolen viruses, we will need more information for a long time. Although this Polkadot has average strength in the local area, he is very shrewd. It is definitely not easy to find information from him. Wrong." Crazy Horse turned around.

&&&& "Is this person reliable?" Lincoln frowned.

&&&& "Everyone who thinks he is reliable is dead now." Snake Eyes mocked, "Besides, only people with problems in their brains will believe in an African warlord. Polka is a mercenary thing, but as a local snake, he does There are intelligence channels."

&&&& "Since he is unreliable, why are we still looking for him?" Yelena frowned, "We can determine the location of Yilong Yamashita, and we can also find the virus."

&&&& "Yes, but the difference is whether we can get out after we find the virus." Lin Rui said slowly, "The mission is very important, we can also find them, but we don't fight unprepared battles. Only us Only after I have mastered their number and armed situation will I order the action. I am still the leader of the team, so I cannot let you die with me."

&&&& "But looking for this Polkadot to find out about the situation, there will be unexpected risks. We don't know his relationship with the secret society. Maybe after we have found him, we walk on the front foot, and he informs the secret society with the back foot. In this case, If we want to deal with the secret society, it will be even more difficult." Wang Haoze frowned.

&&&&"But you have to try." Jiangan shook his head and said, "We can currently determine the location of this group of people, but if the operation is to be successful, there must be more intelligence support. The idea of ​​Crazy Horse is a good idea. "

&&&& "Then let's find this guy, and hope he can give us some information." Lin Rui shrugged.

&&&& "Hey, you guys!" a smoker shouted at Lin Rui and the others, seeing that he was dressed like a local military police. Several soldiers with live ammunition walked towards Lin Rui and the others, "Check!" Another person shouted.

&&&&Crazy Horse turned around and said coldly, "Check?"

&&&& These military police were wilted at that time. They were far away just now, and they only saw Lin Rui and Wang Haoze sitting in the car. Two Asians, and neither were armed. Only then did the cha cha whistling come over to check, saying that the check was actually taking the opportunity to see what oil and water they had on their bodies. Searching for luggage in the name of inspection, and then stuffing everything into his pocket. It is the only way for these guys to extort foreigners.

&&&& But when they got closer, they said they were unlucky, they were clearly mercenaries. All of them were ferocious, and the back of the pickup truck was also full of various light and heavy weapons, which made the local smokers and military police suddenly softened.

&&&& The leading smoker waved his hand awkwardly, then turned around, pretending that he had never seen these people.

&&&& "Ignore them, they're just scumbags. In this place, they're nothing." Crazy Horse turned around and said, "Not even the local warlords can do anything to foreign mercenaries, let alone a few of them. Yes. I guess I saw the two of you just now. The Chinese have always been their favorite targets for extortion."

&&&& "Damn." Wang Haoze was stunned, "What's wrong with the Chinese, they still pick the Chinese to bully?"

&&&& Snake Eyes shook his head and said, "These guys are a bit nasty. The more polite you are to him, the more they like to blackmail you. They have guns and cannons, most of China is not very resistant to this situation, so they like Bullying the Chinese. Ironically, many of the buildings in this place were built with Chinese aid.”

&&&&Crazy Horse turned to the smokers and shouted, "Come here!"

&&&&The smokers looked at each actually hesitated and walked over slowly.

&&&& "Hurry up, Lao Tzu!" with a sloppy face, an automatic rifle in his hand. The smokers looked at him, and even stood aside in a bit of fear.

&&&& "Take me to Polkadot." Crazy Horse gestured, "Does Colonel Polka know?" A smoker nodded hesitantly. Crazy Horse drew a bill from his pocket, waved it before his eyes, and tucked it into the smoker's jacket pocket. The smoker nodded immediately and took the initiative to lead them away.

&&&& "Mummy, people are good at being bullied, I know it." Wang Haoze shook his head.

&&&& "Stop talking nonsense and follow him in the car." Lin Rui patted his shoulder, and followed the smoker military police to a small camp. The smoker and the guard whispered a few words, and the guard entered.

&&&& Soon after, a smoker came out. Although he was wearing a military uniform, his chest was open, revealing his smoky skin. After seeing Crazy Horse, he immediately walked over and hugged him with a smile, "Hey, House, my friend. We haven't seen each other for a few days, and I can't think of you still alive."

&&&& Crazy Horse also jumped out of the car, "Even if he were to die, I would never die in Africa. How are you Colonel?"

&&&& "It's still the same. But without you, it seems to be a little more relaxed here." Colonel Polka smiled heartily, revealing two rows of frighteningly white teeth. But in Lin Rui's eyes, his smile was always a bit cunning.

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