Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1044: road blocking

At noon the next day, Zhao Jianfei and Jiangan came with a mercenary who was a black island. After they met with Lin Rui, Lin Rui told them about the plan. Then I observed the situation at several ambush points, and spent the whole day under intense planning and arrangement. For the team that is about to arrive a day later.

A day later, the United Nations convoy arrived. The peacekeeping soldiers at the checkpoint stopped the convoy, and a peacekeeping officer with the rank of second lieutenant came over and asked them for relevant documents.

An Asian man in the car was dressed in desert camouflage and had a blue beret on his head. However, he did not wear a UN badge, indicating that he was not a member of the peacekeeping force. He slowly rolled down the car window and handed a few documents to the second lieutenant of the peacekeeping force.

This is the official vehicle of the United Nations, with the relief supplies in the back. These are the relevant documents. The man smiled slightly.

The second lieutenant looked at the Asian man suspiciously and said with a frown, who are you?

Deyang Military Company, responsible for the security work along the way. These are our people, what's the problem? The man smiled slightly.

No, that's fine, it's just that it wasn't mentioned that there were so many security personnel. The second lieutenant said suspiciously.

The situation here is not peaceful and we must prioritize the safety of our customers. I think about this, you should also have a deep understanding. The blue beret sighed helplessly.

Indeed it is. But sir, can I see your ID? The lieutenant looked at him.

certainly. The man took out a notebook and handed it to the second lieutenant of the peacekeeping force.

Deyang International Corporation military contractor, your name is Bruce? The second lieutenant of the peacekeeping force looked at the documents and frowned, "I thought you were Asian.

yes. The man smiled. In our native language, my last name is Bruce, which means blue. He pointed easily to the blue beret on his head.

The second lieutenant nodded and returned the documents and documents to him. There is nothing wrong with the documents. The headquarters has also confirmed the aid convoy. You can leave.

Understood, sir. The man in the blue beret smiled slightly, took the document and put it in the car, then started the car and entered Route 24. There are also a lot of heavy-duty vehicles behind them, all of which should be transporting relief materials.

After hitting the road, the man slowly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that our mission was half completed. Just get that hapless ex-president to his destination and we're done.

A big man sitting in the back of the car glanced at him, Lan Qilin, do you think it is a good choice for us to take this road?

Here you go again, Pluto! I've said it several times, it's none of our business, it's a white-handed plan. We just do what he says, no need to worry about it. Not in his place, not seeking his government. We only get one salary, so why bother thinking about this guy. The blue unicorn wearing a blue beret turned back.

I'm not worrying about him, it's about us. Pluto is somber, and I always feel like we're not safe that way.

Safety? There is no safe place in this world! Even if you hold it in your mother's womb, you have to be careful about being miscarried. Lan Qilin sneered, the hound died on the mountain at the end. There is no security whatsoever in our line of work. This deal is done, and we can at least be free for a while. For other things, what do you want to do so far?

I'm just worried that the journey will not be peaceful. I don't know why, but since the morning, I always had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. Pluto shook his head.

Don't worry, it's safe this time. There are so many of us, and the blue helmets of the peacekeepers as bodyguards. Who will do to us? And who would know that Tim Marlowe was on our team? Lan Qilin took a cigarette and threw one to Pluto by the way. By the way, what about the one in the back?

Lying in the truck, two brothers watched. I checked on departure and it was strapped tightly. should be no problem. Pluto replied.

That's fine, as long as he doesn't have a problem. I've heard that the former president is worth a lot of money. The blue unicorn said.

The team went all the way, and there was no problem. It seemed that it was just what Lan Qilin said, and no one knew about this mission. No one knew that a person was lying in the car carrying food and medicine. Even a lot of people in the team don't know it, they're just regular staff. A noble work of humanitarian aid is going on, that's all.

But things changed after the convoy drove calmly for an hour. The vehicle driving ahead suddenly fell to the side of the road with a loud Smoke billowed on the road, and a fierce gunshot broke the calm.

The face of the blue unicorn changed suddenly, not good! There is an enemy attack! Everyone is ready to meet the enemy!

Pluto grabbed the automatic rifle and jumped out of the vehicle with several armed mercenaries. Several armed pickups on the side of the road swarmed up, shooting them frantically.

Damn it! Pluto suddenly lowered his head and hid his body under the cover of the car body. A burst of bullets shot out of the body, and the bullet holes left behind were 127mm heavy machine gun bullets at a glance.

Taking advantage of the gap between the shots, Pluto jumped out and fired back with an automatic rifle. But the opponent's firepower is fierce. The continuous strafing directly suppressed him so that he couldn't lift his head. And the mercenaries of Deyang Company turned into a fireball under the bombardment of the opponent's recoilless guns in front of a clearing vehicle!

See who doesn't? ! Lan Qilin asked loudly while raising his gun to shoot.

Not sure, these **** guys are wearing face masks and look like local militias. But the militia did not have such tactical cooperation! They look like connoisseurs. Should be a mercenary! Pluto roared while raising his gun to shoot, protect the target vehicles, don't let them hurt the hostages!

After the mercenaries from the Deyang Company heard the order, they were all driving their transport vehicles and approaching the container truck behind them. Do your best to block the container truck. To avoid unidentified armed personnel from injuring important targets in the vehicle.

And none of this escaped the eyes of Lin Rui, who was watching from one side. He put down the telescope in his hand and said solemnly, paying attention to the red container truck. The target person may be inside, and now the focus is on attacking other vehicles, mainly to damage their mobility. Aim for the tires, the engine area, and try to immobilize other vehicles as much as possible.

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