Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 600: The Chosen One, the regular season is over!

After several rounds in advance to determine the throne of the league championship, Zuo Li's reputation has reached a new height after the All-Star.

Although the regular season championship is generally not counted as an important personal honor, being able to lead the team to win the regular season championship can certainly prove the player's own strength.

What's more, Zuo Li is only a second-year player, and he is still the absolute core, leading the Knicks, who were at the bottom of the league two years ago. The gold content of this regular-season champion is unquestionable.

"Gorilla" Ewing was not stingy with his compliments when he was interviewed: "Zuo Li has surpassed me, he took the team to the finals in only one year, and it took him only two years. He won the regular season championship, but he is still a champion with such high gold content. His achievements are no less than mine. What I have more than him is that it takes time to accumulate points, but looking at the efficiency, maybe in three or four years, he will be completely Leaving me behind, he's not going to be compared to guys in Knicks history, he's going to be compared to guys like Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar."

Ewing's evaluation of Zuo Li is very high, the implication is that Zuo Li is already the first player in the history of the Knicks.

These words have even been recognized by many people, such as Olajuwon, who believes that Zuo Li is obviously better than Ewing in leading the team.

"I defeated them back then, but this time, even if it's me, I'm not sure. After all, there is no Ewing on the opposite side."

Of course, Zuo Li regarded this as a mutual blackmail between old friends. It is estimated that no one does not know the story between Olajuwon and Ewing. From high school to college to the league, the two have been fighting for a lifetime.

In this regard, Zuo Li thinks that Ewing has praised it. At least until he leads the team to win the championship, Zuo Li will not mention the first person in team history. The core of the team that brings the championship is not a fully qualified core.

When James left Cleveland, the reason why thousands of people were black, in addition to the biggest reason for joining the group, was to break his promise and say that he was Akron's child every day, and he wanted to bring a championship to his hometown, but he was hammered several times. Seeing that they can't beat it, they get up and run. Can the Cavaliers fans collapse? Burning jerseys are all rational fans.

Later, the fundamental reason for the change of wind commentary was to return to the Cavaliers, and finally brought a championship, so that James was re-accepted by the fans in his hometown, and the wind commentary gradually improved with the efforts of the public relations team.

Of course, what Zuo Li didn't know was that Lao Zhan left later...

So in the final analysis, nothing is important, the championship is the most important, there is no championship, other honors are nothing but a mirror, and even become a tool for others to ridicule you.

For example, Stockton, who ranks first in assists and steals, is just lucky to meet Malone in the mouth of later people, and his name is never considered in the discussion of the best point guard.

It's so true, otherwise if the Jazz could defeat the Bulls in the finals, end the Bulls dynasty, Stockton won the championship, even if there is one, he will definitely not be in this position today.

If you have good personal data, and you have won the championship with more personal honors, you are a hero; if you have good personal data and more personal honors but you cannot win the championship, then you can only be a cancer.

Zuo Li has always believed in this.

So Zuo Li, while thanking Ewing for his recognition, also said that he is still far away.

"Ewing has done a lot of work, he has made his mark in New York, and I still have a lot to learn from him. At least for now, I haven't thought about the problem of No. 1 in team history."

"About the future? I just want to focus on the present, maybe we can discuss how to not get 67 wins." Zuo Li brought up the old story and solved the problem subtly.

High EQ!

Many people feel that Zuo Li has used the smartest way to maintain the face of famous players such as Ewing, and at the same time let people refocus their attention on the game.

Of course, the sunspots thought they had found a black spot, and each and everyone commented that Zuo Li was not worthy of the Knicks' No. 1 in team history, and there were even comparisons between the great centers of various teams and Zuo Li.

Zuoli fans scoffed at Tsu, Xia Zong was speechless, and arguing with the sunspots would only lower his IQ.

For example, when the Knicks themselves discuss the first player in team history, what about the centers of these other teams, he is a genius, and it has nothing to do with the Knicks.

Of course, except for the one who said Zuo Li was not as good as Oakley... he had already been swept away.


Now on to the 67 wins thing.

After getting 65 wins, the Knicks have also completely entered the rhythm of the playoffs. The information of the three teams of Bobcats, Bulls and Raptors has been placed in front of each player. These three are the first of the Knicks playoffs. round of potential opponents.

This may also be the last suspense of the Eastern Conference regular season. Who can get the last ticket for the playoffs? The other seven tickets have been determined, and only the final ranking is left.

The other one is naturally how many wins the Knicks can get, because the last four games have to play against the Heat, Magic, Wizards and Cavaliers. It is generally believed that the Knicks will guarantee a win. The Knicks' posture is known recently, and they no longer care about the regular season.

Sure enough, the Knicks rested many of their main players, causing them to lose to the Heat and Magic, and then beat the Wizards to get 66 The left side only played 27 minutes in these three games, averaging 28 minutes per game. Points and 10 rebounds, because of the relationship between the waves this month, his average data has dropped to 31.8 points, 15.2 rebounds, 4.8 assists and 0.8 steals.

However, because of the huge advantage in the early stage, there is still no one who can shake Zuoli in the position of scoring, rebounding and blocking.

Zuo Li is still very satisfied with the situation at this time. This is a perfect script. In the last game against the Cavaliers who have already won 60, Zuo Li is ready to play soy sauce. He can not only rest, but also read the state and tactics of the Cavaliers. It can also show the enemy's weakness, why not do it.

"Guys, keep playing, don't take it too seriously." Zuo Li said in the locker room before the game.

"Okay!" The brothers expressed their understanding. They have won 66 games. It doesn't matter if there is one more game or one less, and because the playoffs are about to start, it is the right way to recharge their batteries. After all, the playoffs are their real battlefield. .

But Zuo Li did not expect that the knights thought so too!

They directly rested the Sharks and the just-returned Big Z. Jamison also played only one quarter, and James played in three quarters, but he had no desire to score after a long absence, and the audience only had 15 points.

In the end, the Knicks defeated the Cavaliers 88-78, and the season victory was finally fixed to 67 wins and 15 losses, creating the best record in team history and the fifth-best regular season record in NBA history.

The moment the whistle blew, Zuo Liren was numb. Looking at James' cheerful face, he could not have known that the Cavaliers had also made such a move, but they were more ruthless than the Knicks.

"Could this be the chosen person?" Zuo Li raised his head and akimbo, maybe this is his life.

After all, the Knicks have not escaped the fate of 67 wins, so what will happen to their playoffs.

Is it skyrocketing, or just adding to the jokes?

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