Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1099: Championship celebration (below)

"Left stand! Left stand! Left stand!"

"Mvp! Mvp! Mvp!"

At the airport, Zuo Li, holding the cup in both hands, did not disappoint the fans who had been waiting for a while after enjoying the cheers of the fans. He picked up a pen, walked into the fans, and began to sign for them.


! Zuo Li, here, here!


"Am I dreaming, I shook hands with Zuo Li!

! "

"Can you give me one, my son is your loyal fan!"

Seeing Zuo Li come down, the fans were immediately overwhelmed, and the fans who got the autographs cried bitterly, so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Seeing Zuo Li doing this, the teammates also followed suit, and the scene was very enjoyable for a while.

At this time, some knowledgeable airport staff started to play Queen's classic song "We Are the Champions" with the loudspeaker in the airport.

"What happened?"

Excited Knicks players, staff and fans started a chorus, and the atmosphere reached its peak for a while.

"Fool, he has been asleep for a day and a half!"

Lying under the bed with a serene expression, there are two golden trophies beside him.

Bo Yun, who was not worried at all, came to the room, and the backstage nervously gave you the room card. After all, the relationship between you and Aomei has been known for a long time.

So while my teammates were paying attention, I quietly went downstairs to the presidential suite, put on my blindfold, and fell asleep.

"you prepare…"

How does Omei feel about everything that happened in the inner world, because Bo Yun, who put on the phone, has not yet thrown himself into a new round of celebration with his teammates.

I need a bad night's sleep.


It's not a whole day to come and go.

Kuwai, who was with me, also ate with relish, and said while eating: "It would be even worse if there is no hot pot!"

"The Stephen family called and asked if they wanted to have supper together. Zaklan Shaofu said that I had nothing to say to him and asked him if he didn't have time to come out for a high. D'Antoni invited him to my house for a drink of red wine..."

The first stop, of course, is the bar. After a tense season, the alcohol at this time is just right.


"Hmmm... You're the one who chooses, you can't go to eat first, and then go to see that there are no other activities. After all, he has eaten all day." The left hand pointed under the tight chin, forehead Slightly raised, with a look of serious thinking.

Ao Mei was awakened by Zuo Li's kiss. Because of work, Zuo Li did not return to New York with Ao Mei, but returned to Los Angeles with her sisters, and came to New York again before finishing work.

Just from the airport to the nightclub on the Knicks bag, Aomei's ins attracted 1.4 million likes, 680,000 comments and 400,000 reposts.

Tonight, Aomei completely let go, and swept Xiaoban by herself...

Zuo Li took out his mobile phone, and the date below surprised Bo Yun.

Aomei looked at...

Of course, young models and hot girls also came in droves. Suddenly, the situation in the arena changed, and even the lights became more yellow.

In the photo, Bo Yun is holding two trophies, and in front of him are the generals of the Knicks. We all put on exaggerated poses and danced wildly outside the locker room.

When you arrive in New York, the Knicks' celebratory photos are posted online over and over again.

At that moment, Zuo Li felt that his heart was about to melt.

Dolan, who flew back with the team, looked at the back with a flushed face and a surge of emotion. He was so excited. This is the team atmosphere of his dreams.

And the Knicks team also changed a few places. Zuo Li still learned from Kuwai that Aomei was still sleeping in the place on the first day, and she hadn't seen anyone all day.

"Well, it doesn't make sense, it was..."

You may not believe it, the Knicks spent two hours at the New York International Airport before finally leaving, there is no way, the fans are too enthusiastic.

Many fans said cheerfully: "It is worthy of being an Olympic girl, a data shredder, it is only on the court, and it is also thriving off the Internet."

Speaking of that, Bo Yun turned on his phone and posted a photo of himself winning the championship on Instagram, with the caption: "The eighth, Dynasty."

And in Xiaoluxia far away next door, a singer surnamed Wang wanted to cry, so why did I release the album today? I originally thought that a player who plays basketball is still a local, and if he wins the championship, it will have any impact on me, but... Seeing that the cold search from one to ten is occupied by Omei, I can only silently wipe away the tears from the corners of my eyes.

"This is the team I want!"

"Where does he want to go?" Omei asked back.

It seems to know that Aomei has no special liking for Chinese food, and half of the buffet is Chinese cuisine, such as Mushu pork, Kung Pao chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork, couple's lung slices...

Before seeing the sensational effect caused by Aomei's tweet, many celebrities felt taboo, envy and hatred, mixed with some fear.

It was the last photo taken after the Knicks left the Ford Center, and it caused a sensation online by accident.

"Eat him first!" According to our plan, we will celebrate for eight consecutive days until the championship parade!

But it's worth it. Giving back to the fans has always been what Aomei hopes to do. After all, it is conceivable to have the support of fans at this point.

Spicy eyes!

When Zuo Li came to the room, he saw Aomei who was still sleeping soundly.

That was 2012 the era when there was still a small explosion in network data, and that data directly refreshed a few records of a single tweet.


Aomei over there was bored, and Lan Shaofu and his gang of young men here hadn't endured the noise and ended the cold dance.

Seeing Ao Mei wake up, Bo Yun picked up the phone and played the role of secretary.

"You's been a while..." Aomei scratched her head in embarrassment, am I really too tired.

Of course, Aomei just had a taste of it. She drank too much champagne in the dressing room. At this time, I was obviously more interested in the buffet in the corner of the bar.

Anyone sleeping tonight?

Eat slowly!

Zuo Li, who got on the bus, rubbed his wrists. He signed at least 500 names. He didn't hurt his wrists while playing basketball, and the autographs were enough.

"So which one is he going to?"

Aomei who woke up was not a little dazed, and she was not a little surprised when she saw Zuo Li. Is it so slow to get there from Los Angeles! ?

It's such a young age, and Omei still sees such a Chinese-style Chinese food!

Yes stop!

It’s still bad, it’s still bad, whether there is any iron or not, it’s all over if you release an album at that time.

After two days, some invited friends also arrived one after another. For example, Spike Lee, who rushed back on a chartered plane, came there as soon as he got on the plane. How could I miss the Knicks championship party.

Don't look at it as just a home-cooked dish, but it has firmly attracted Omei.

After watching quietly for a long time, Zuo Li decided to wake up Aomei until the Knicks team had finished bombing Aomei with phone calls.

I used to swear I'd never be a **** again!

It's just that Aomei played or moved, I'm too tired, the burden of the Dynasty is a heavy heart, Bo Yun has carried it for a whole season, and now she has unloaded the burden, Aomei feels that she is exhausted.

"we are the champion!"

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