Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1063: 4 years and 4 into the Eastern Conference Finals

Indiana, May 20.

Game 4 between the Pacers and the Knicks.

From the smugness before the start of the series to the desperate game in the third game, the Pacers have experienced what it means to go from hope to despair.

The big score of 30 has almost sentenced them to death. Although they used their indomitable courage and unexpected changes in the third game and were very close to victory, they still fell short in the end.

But the Pacers didn't lose unjustly, even their fans can only admit that it's all because Zuo Li is too strong.

In the case of inappropriate tactics, Zuo Li spent 45 minutes in four quarters, took 22 shots, and scored 48 points, 14 rebounds, 5 assists and 5 blocks.

In the whole game, Zuo Li not only had amazing efficiency, but also controlled the number of turnovers very well. In the case of a total of 21 turnovers by the two teams, Zuo Li only made one turnover.

The +12 win-loss value is also the best in the game. Not only that, Zuo Li also has effects that cannot be reflected in the statistics, such as hitting many key goals in the game, or the 2+1 at the end of the game that determines the outcome. .

Even Vogel kept sighing after the game: "Zuo Li is the **** of the court, he is worthy of being the mvp..."

Compared with Zuo Li, the Big Three of the Pacers, Paul George with 18 points and 10 rebounds, Granger with 16 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, and Hibbert with 12 points, 11 rebounds and 3 blocks are a bit mediocre. .

Even though they really tried their best, even though Zuo Li expressed respect for them...

Basketball is so cruel, sometimes you can't beat it.

Regardless of the historical winning percentage or the situation in the first three games, at this moment the Pacers should be thinking about how to not be swept out.

It's just that when the fourth game started, neither the fans who tried their best to cheer and cheer, nor Reggie Miller who kept shouting, couldn't prevent the Pacers from rout.

"The Pacers can't come up with new things anymore, and their mentality has completely exploded." Barkley shook his head, watching the score of 144 in just 2 minutes and said.

Decline again, exhaust three times. He exhausted my surplus, so I restrained it.

Tonight's Pacers no longer have the vigor and courage of the previous game, and their desire to survive has been completely crushed by the Knicks.

Vogel tried to use chicken soup to awaken the fighting spirit of the players, but at this time, even the chicken soup master Rivers is not easy to use.

The cruelty of reality is far from being resolved with a few words of chicken soup.

The Knicks really restrained the Pacers too much. The current Pacers all rely on the defensive system built by Hibbert. The offensive end is very weak. Granger is weak. Paul George has improved but is immature. George Hill, Deng Tai Jones lacks offensive firepower. Originally relying on defense, the Pacers can play a wonderful offense, but without defense, the Pacers become a rootless duck.

So this round of the series was doomed from the beginning.

86 to 120, the Knicks beat the Pacers in an away game, with a total score of 4-0 in the series. The Knicks swept their opponents in two consecutive rounds and advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals first in a wave of 80!

There, they will be waiting for the winner of the Heat and the Bulls to challenge.

So far, the Knicks have created the best record in team history. They have reached the conference finals four times in four years.

In the history of the NBA, according to the team, there are only the Bulls in front of them for four consecutive years, the Pistons for six consecutive years and the Celtics for eight consecutive years.

This means that the Knicks dynasty has finally begun to take shape.

After the game, D'Antoni said excitedly: "We have experienced a great season. Zuo Li led us to continue to improve, and we continue to maintain our hunger for games and victories."

"Now we have returned to the Eastern Conference Finals again, and the next is a crucial battle. Since the Lakers, no team has won the division championship for four consecutive years. I think we will be the first."

D'Antoni stopped pretending, was no longer afraid of poisonous milk, and finally showed a little bit of ambition.

What he said is also true. Since the Lakers of Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar made it to the Finals four times in a row and won two times, it has indeed been many years since there has been a team that has been able to reach the Finals for four consecutive years.

But this is obviously not the ultimate goal of the Knicks this season.

After the game, Zuo Li was also surrounded by reporters. Zuo Li was more honest. When asked whether he wanted to play against the Bulls or the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals, Zuo Li smiled slightly:

"it's the same."

The reporters were overjoyed, as expected of Zuo Li, he looked down on his opponent!

"You mean they're easy to fight?"

"I'm not me without you, don't talk nonsense!"

Reporter: "I... talking nonsense? A questioning face"

"How many do they have now?"

"Er... 22..."

"Look, aren't they all the same?"

Stand on the left and spread your hands.

Reporter: "Hiss...You seem to be right when you say that!"

"What about the Knicks' ultimate goal?"

"Of course the championship!" Zuo Li didn't hesitate.

"Then you still feel the same?!" The reporter was surprised.

"Of course!" Zuo Li looked at the reporter in surprise: "To win the championship, the next opponent must be Isn't that different?"

Reporter: "Hiss too reasonable..."

Other onlookers: "Awesome, as expected of Zuo Li, with perfect logic."

"Then who do you think will win, the Bulls or the Heat!" The unrepentant reporter continued to ask.


"it's the same!"


I hate all the same!


Zuo Licai doesn't know what to say, and he can't escape the evaluation of poisonous milk or crow's mouth if he is wrong or right.

Moreover, they are all to be defeated anyway!

Reporter vs Zuo Li.

Zuo Li wins big!

After the game, Zuo Li also high-fived the Pacers big brothers one by one. He still likes this team very much, with drive and toughness. If it weren't for a little bit of luck, they might have made it to the finals in history.

Paul George wasn’t too disappointed. It’s pretty good that he made it to the semi-finals for the first time as a core player, so instead he cheered on Zuo Li: “Come on boss, Dynasty is waiting for you!”

"The future is yours." Zuo Li patted Paul George's head, um, it still feels comfortable and comfortable

Paul George:"???"

I am so sincere, why do you curse me!

James has almost no future, I can still wait! ?

But only Zuo Li knows that next season will be the peak of the Pacers, and they will make a comeback. Now they still lack a fairy character. Without Finsen, the Pacers will have a lot of fun. Zuo Li can't wait for Finsen to face James blows up.

Zuo Li returned to New York with the team that night. According to the level of the opponent, they will have another week or so to rest.

During this period of time, the Knicks' task has once again become preparations, and by the way, let's see how the four teams in the West are playing.

The league also determined the final award for the regular season of this season on the 20th.

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