Basketball: Dayao Reopened

: Concluding remarks

1,917,100 words.

It took 8 months from uploading the first chapter of this book on March 30th to the last chapter of this book on December 31st, thank you brothers for your company.

As far as I know, this should be the first masterpiece of Sports Fan Humanities. I can only say something great.

The end of the book is a few days after I wrote the part of the transfer meeting. It is an open end, because the following content is actually a repetition. Although I continue to write it is still a good result in the sports essay, but it is repeated. Forget it.

Not a satisfactory ending for everyone, but it should be the best ending in this situation.

Thank you brothers again for your company all the way, thank you all.

Finally, I will push my new book "NBA Big Yellow Bird", which has 250,000 words.


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