Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 442: Open New Zealand

Before the game, New Zealand coach Crawhan found captain Sean Marcos.

"Sean, your hands are shaking now, are you very excited? Hahaha, I am the same. Thinking of defeating the Chinese team and winning our first Olympic victory, my heart is thumping now. Are you too? As confident as I am?"

Sean Marcos said weakly; "Coach, they are two NBA players, one of them is FMVP, how could we be opponents?"

Fortunately, Wang Dazhi said that Sean Marcos felt that he should be able to push him away with strength. However, that Li is really terrifying.

Everyone knows that Chinese Li's three-pointer is perverted, and his personal breakthrough is even sharper. He once completed a lore on top of Jordan's head, humiliated Luke Langley, and buckled Duncan when he stayed in the air... the defender would become Background Emperor.

Win the Chinese team? This goal is a bit unreal.

Sean Marcos thinks he is an NBA unemployed person, don't think about unrealistic things.

Coach Crawhan patted Sean Marcos on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Sean, you have to remember that the country nurtured you. Without a country, how did you get into the NBA? Without a country, how do you earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary?... Sean, you are now a team The boss, you can’t be discouraged. Even if your opponent is Michael Jordan, you have to go forward courageously. There are so many brothers waiting for you. Go, set them a good example, and encourage them."

Under the gaze of the coach, Sean Marcos raised his head unwillingly.

The coach is right. Had it not been for national training, Sean Marcos would really not have the opportunity to play basketball, let alone go to the NBA.


Taking a deep breath, Sean Marcos walked towards the teammates in the locker room.

In the locker room, the young teammates were eager to try. No encouragement from Sean Marcos at all, everyone is very happy.

Oliver, a 219-high young big man, smiled and approached the captain Sean Marcos. "Captain! You said I will beat that Wang later, will an NBA team pick me?"

Sean Marcos wanted to say, you can't even beat me, and you beat Wang Dazhi? Wang Dazhi is the starter of the Nuggets. You captain and I am just an unemployed person abandoned by the NBA.

However, Sean Marcos still remembered what the coach said, so he said to Oliver:

"Of course, as long as you beat Wang, there will definitely be a lot of NBA teams looking for you."

What Sean Marcos said is right. If Oliver really can beat Wang Dazhi so hard, then the NBA team will definitely come.

"Yeah! I'm going to the NBA!"

Oliver was actually celebrating.

Sean Marcos shook his head: This guy is crazy to be famous.

Who knows, at this time, someone came over again, "Captain, what about me? If I can get rid of Li, am I also famous? Is there an NBA team that wants me?"

Sean Marcos couldn't help but stroke his forehead, wiped it with one hand, but there was a sure smile on his face.

"Of course, Noah, you are the little guy with the best technology in New Zealand. You can definitely do it."

"Captain, you are optimistic, I will definitely beat him to nothing."

Not only Noah and Oliver, but other young people also followed suit.

Soon, the whole locker room became noisy and shouted:


"Victory! Fight for victory!"

"No one can stop us!"

Seeing them like this, Sean Marcos also sighed silently:

Boys, you don't know anything about the outside. This time, it's a lesson, I hope they won't take it too hard.

Listening to the shouts of morale in the locker room, the head coach Crawhan outside gave a thumbs up to Sean Marcos.

"As expected of a player who has played in the NBA, Sean is really good!"


The match between the Chinese team and the New Zealand team attracted a lot of fans.

Players from both sides quickly entered the field.

Li Nan of FMVP Lianglianzhuang was warmly welcomed by the fans.

"Is that Li? Ha, I can't help but want to fight him."

Noah rubbed his hands, keeping his eyes on Li Nan.

Oliver at the side spotted Wang Dazhi, which was his goal.

Sean Marcos shook his head: You really are..., oh~ please be your blessing!

However, since someone helped to keep an eye on Wang Dazhi, Marcos was also happy.

Then I will follow the 220+ big man. The big man looked young, and he shouldn't be that difficult to deal with.

Beep beep!

The starting players from both sides appeared.

The Chinese team starts:

Guo Shiqiang, Li Nan, Zhang Jinsong, Wang Dazhi, Yao Liang

The head coach Jiang Xinquan used a brand new lineup, which is different from the previous Xiao Kuai Ling under the guidance of Gong, Zhang and Wang Fei. He used the Twin Tower lineup.

Li Xiaoyong, Hu Weidong, Sun Jun, Liu Yudong, these previous core players have all arrived on the bench.

Guo Shiqiang, Zhang Jinsong and Yao Liang were mentioned as starting positions.

Guo Shiqiang was promoted by Jiang's guidance. Before the national team was "Wu Qinglong, Li Xiaoyong, Wu Qun, Adijiang" these big names, Guo Shiqiang basically had no chance.

He has strong offensive ability, can make sudden shots, has a fast counterattack, and is very fierce in defense and offense. He is known as the "Desperate Saburo". Although he is only 25 years old and lacks experience in national competitions, he is appreciated by Jiang's guidance.

Zhang Jinsong, this is another "Desperate Saburo", defensive shots, strong breakthrough ability, accurate three-pointers. He is one of the heroes of Bayi team winning this year.

Yao Liang is now the CBA's No. 1 center, averaging 5.6 rebounds and blocks per game, and his data exploded well. He has exquisite skills at the basket, flexible footwork, precise shots, broad vision, and will pass a good shot. Although Yao Liang is still young, only 20 years old, but Jiang is very high on him.

As soon as they played, New Zealand players got together.

Noah found Li Nan next to him and patted Li Nan on the shoulder.

"Hey, man, I know you, you are Li."

Li Nan responded indifferently, "Well, hello."

At this moment, Noah suddenly and secretly told Li Nan:

"Li, do you know? I came with a mission today."

Li Nan felt a little but still curiously asked, "What task?"

Noah, like a child, said quietly, "I beat you down."

Seeing Noah's mouth rising, Li Nan also asked quietly, "How old are you?"

The question came too suddenly, but Noah still happily said, "20 years old, what's the matter?"

Li Nan didn't answer what was wrong, but asked again, "Then what's your name?"

Noah also reported his name, "My name is Noah, what's wrong?"

Li Nan patted him on the shoulder, smiling without speaking.

Noah also asked, "Hey, don't laugh, you can make it clear, what's wrong?"

what happened?

Li will not kill the unknown under the sword!

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