Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 414: dispute!

   In the second half of the first half, the Pacers’ strength made the referee afraid to do bad things blatantly.

   In the second half, what surprised Li Nan was that the "game atmosphere" turned out to be pretty good.

   It’s just that another headache happened suddenly.

   feels cold!

   Li Nan played a total of 10 minutes in the first half, 8 of 4, which is a decent shooting percentage.

   However, in the second half, Li Nan missed all three consecutive shots.

   The score difference was pulled back to double digits by the 76ers.

   The hand feel seems to be contagious, Li Nan is not allowed, Reggie Miller is not allowed, and the rest of the Pacers are also in poor condition.

   Shots were not allowed, the Pacers also wanted to score inside the 76ers and foul.

   But the 76ers' inside defense is too tight.

   Ben Wallace and Mutombo, this combination is simply not too perverted.

   The Pacers have a difficult offense, but the 76ers are in good shape. Especially Iverson, today's feel is very hot.

   Taking advantage of the Pacers' bad condition, the 76ers quickly opened the score.

   only played 4 minutes, and the difference between the two sides came to 14 points.

   Seeing such a situation, the Pacers also suddenly attacked the 76ers.

   Foul tactics!

   Ben Wallace! Teillon-Hill! Kukoc!

   These guys couldn't make free throws, and they became the targets of the Pacers.

   Bounce-Wallace made a terrible free throw and was quickly taken down by Larry Brown.

   Without Ben Wallace, the Pacers can finally open up the 76ers slightly.

   And the 76ers are also due to the rotation and fouls from time to time, so the shooting rate has dropped.

   At the end of the third quarter, the Pacers held it up.

   65-78, the 76ers lead by 13 points.

   "As long as the difference is not widened, we still have a chance in the fourth quarter."

   Larry Bird kept inspiring everyone.

   Although there is little hope today, but if the battle can really be resolved today, it is naturally better.


   As soon as the fourth quarter came up, the Pacers went directly to the main force, at any cost.

   And the Pacers also played a role at all costs.

   Li Nan and Reggie Miller slowly regained some touch. In the confrontation with the 76ers rotation lineup led by Pippen, the Pacers also slowly chased the difference back.

   When the point difference was reduced to 8 points, Larry Brown waved his hand and the 76ers returned to the game.

   It's just that at this time, the Walker is already open. The main force of the new 76ers does not seem to be able to keep up with the pace of the Pacers. Iverson was beaten 6-0 by the Pacers as soon as they came up.

   Li Nan and Reggie Miller hit a three-pointer!


   The 76ers are only 2 points ahead!

   And at this time, Larry Brown did not call a timeout, but let the players continue.

  On the field, Iverson held the ball, found a pick and roll, and directly faced Li Nan!

   The first two times, Iverson did the same. Li Nan was the one who was looking for. It's just that both times were iron strikes, and returned without success.

   "Alan! Beat him!"

   On the sidelines, Bubvić yelled loudly to remind Iverson.

   Iverson glanced at Li Nan, and then moved on.

   came directly following Li Nan.

   Two times before Li Nan interfered with Iverson's shots, this time Li Nan believed that he could do it!

   Iverson came, and when he was about to hit him, Iverson suddenly leaned on his side, bumped into Li Nan, took advantage of the momentum, turned around, and passed by.

   Li Nan couldn't catch it, so he stretched out his hand.

   It was just that, and I didn't touch Iverson at all, and then the referee's whistle sounded.


   Pacers foul No. 10!

   Li Nan 5 times!

   Larry Bird rushed into the arena, and directly slammed a drawing board on Donaghy's head.

   "F@#¥U! You biaozi raised it!..."

   Then, Larry Bird was expelled as expected.

   It’s just that Larry Bird walked away to relieve his breath, but the Pacers left a mess.

   Now 6 minutes before the end of the game, Li Nan fouled 5 times.

   called a timeout, and the assistant coach also asked, "Li, will you come down to rest?"

   Li Nan refused, "No, I can't make it! I want to see if they dare to blow me down!"

   Yes, Li Nan took a risk.

   He insisted on continuing to fight.

   He can't play now. If he plays, he admits defeat. If he wants the referee to admit defeat, he also conceded to the 76ers.

  He can't get off!

   Seeing Li Nan still on the court, Donaghy had a hint of cunning in his eyes.

   As for the 76ers, Iverson also had a lot more in his eyes.


   The game started again.

   Li Nan played very cautiously. His defensive actions were quite clean. He even gave up on some defenses that could block the opponent by the card position.

   It's just that Li Nan was careful on the defensive end, but was arranged on the offensive end.

   In the running position, Snow pulled Li Nan a hand, and Li Nan habitually slapped Snow's hand.


   The whistle sounded again.

   6 offenses leave!

   Li Nan slammed the ball to the ground and walked straight towards Donaghy who was whistling.

   Standing in front of Donaghy, Li Nan didn't look angry at all, instead his face was calm.

   "You, what are you doing? Be careful I ban you!"

   Donaghy backed away nervously, for fear of being beaten by the guy in front of him.

   People who lose their minds often do unexpected things.

   However, the violence Donaghy imagined did not happen.

  Li Nan just glanced at him contemptuously, then walked away.

   "Huh? Just left? Huh! I must have been shocked by my aura! Hahahaha! Little boy, dare to fight me?!"

   Donaghy watched the defeated Li Nan walk off the court and sit on the bench, feeling extremely happy.

   Just then, someone shouted.


   Donaghy turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.

   Then, a ball fell from a height in front of it and bounced quickly.


   Donaghy jumped up and covered his gadgets...


   Many people at the scene burst into laughter.

   The chief referee who was the culprit also hurried over, "Oh, Tim, are you okay? Would you like me to rub it for you?"

   Donaghy glanced at the referee with a grimace, and quickly stepped back, "Hi~No! I'm fine! His~"


   In the next game, the Pacers played very tenaciously, but unfortunately, the hit rate could not keep up. Moreover, no one dared to hold the ball at the critical moment.

   pass the ball out of bounds! The pass is broken! Shoot the ball! ...

   The Pacers are playing more and more temperless.

   The 76ers took advantage of the trend to cover up.

   beep beep!

  The game is over!


   The 76ers won again.

   The total score is also 3-2!


   After the game this game was also repeatedly reported by many media.

   "Indiana Sports": "This is a rigged game! Who is responsible for this game?"

   "Philadelphia Sports News": "The 76ers will do their best."

   "Sports Illustrated": "This is an ugly game!"

   The report of "Sports Herald" was the most unexpected.

   "The Indiana Pacers boss filed a lawsuit in the court, and the assistant referee Tim Donaghy may be suspected of betting and blowing black whistle..."

   After reading the Sports Vanguard, many fans feel the same.

   "I think this is black whistle betting!"

   "We must be severely punished! It's best to shoot all those nasty guys!"

   "What kind of **** competition!?"

   "It was supposed to be 4-0, but it became 4-2, or even 4-3."

   "F@#¥! It should be 4-0! My money, who will pay me?"

   After reports from the "Sports Herald" and other media, the matter slowly spread, and controversy continued...


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