Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 407: Evenly matched

   Li Nan took the lead, and Iverson naturally couldn't fall behind.

   Snow safely dribbled the ball to Iverson halftime.

   The defender in front of Iverson is the Pacers' small guard Best.

   180-height Best, this is the defender arranged by Pacers Sports for Iverson.

   Mark Jackson’s footsteps are really not flattering. Best is better.

   However, even if Best is faster and more flexible, it is still not enough for Iverson.

   is activated!

   As soon as Iverson catches the ball, without a word, start directly!

   One step directly! Passed unreasonably!

  Best pulled Iverson’s shorts and didn’t hold it!

   Iverson pulled up directly in front of Best, and took a half-stop shot with a small step back from the free throw line.


   The whistle sounded! Bestela fouls!


   Go in!

   This is a good 2+1!


   Iverson glanced contemptuously at Best who was holding his head innocently, but he looked at Li Nan not far away.

   A little proud.

   The audience in the stands was of course very happy watching it.

   When Iverson walked to the free throw line, the 76ers fans all started to shout.

   "MVP! MVP! MVP!"

   Iverson held the ball in his hand, his face full of composure.

   The habitual preparation action, take two shots, turn, take another shot, raise your hand, and shoot!

   The ball followed the habitual route, and with a "cock", it got into the net.


   "Yeah!" The voice of the audience concentrated in one place, and the movement was not small at all.

   Iverson flicked his arms slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

   feels pretty good!

   The moment Iverson turned around, he met a certain pair of eyes.

   Former teammate brother, now opponent on the field!


   Iverson rushed and slammed into Li Nan with great strength.

   Li Nan was hit by a small step, and of course he would not admit defeat in his hands. Iverson was also a little staggered.

   "You guys can do it, you'll be provoked."

   "I will do more things."

   While trotting, the two squeezed around, and there was also a little "dispute" on their lips...

   Everyone saw the little friction between the two.

   It's just that the referee didn't pay much attention to it, but the audience was "quite a bit of criticism".

   "Why do I feel this picture is so harmonious?"

   "Hey~ I can't go back!"

   "It might be good for them to be opponents to each other!"

   While everyone was sighing, the game on the court continued.

  The Pacers went step by step, and Li Nan and Reggie Miller moved with two guns.

   This time, Reggie Miller has the chance!

   At the top of the arc in the middle, Reggie Miller received Schmitz’s hand and passed the ball, and took the cover of Schmitz to shoot directly


   A three-pointer passed through!


   just scored here, the 76ers also quickly killed it.

   Still Iverson!

   This time, Iverson played a small pick-and-roll match with Pippen, Iverson faked a fax shot, and a large two-point shot from within the three-point line.



   The game also slowly opened.

   The Pacers were continuously firing with double guns. From time to time, Li Nan and Reggie Miller made a three-pointer and pierced the 76ers' heart.

   The 76ers clearly beat Iverson. Iverson can shoot and make three-pointers.

  The scene also turned into a situation where Iverson fought the Pacers with two guns.

"Wow! Beautiful! The opportunity is here again! Lee's mid-range! Yes! The Pacers' double shots are really good! Even though the 76ers are the best defensive team in the league, they still can’t control it. Two shooters."

   "The 76ers are not inferior. Allen immediately responded with a three-pointer! Good shot."

"Here again! It's Li's chance again! No! Li didn't make a shot! With a false shot, Li passed the ball to Schmitz, who had a better chance. Schmitz's long arm directly pushed the ball into the net. . Good shot!"

   "Wow! It's like being in a match with Lee, Allen immediately helped fly Mutombo, a burst air pick! Look, the 76ers are already in trouble."

   "The Pacers are coming! Reggie! Facing the defense of his old opponent Scott, Reggie pulled out his hand without hesitation! Oh~ nice!"

   "Allen, the 76ers are Allen standing up again! With the help of the screen to catch the ball! Good shot! Allen's non-demand running catch and shoot skills are not inferior!"

   The three old men of Groom-Albert also happily explained the game.

   The two teams continue to play wonderful cooperation and goals, the current situation is evenly matched.

   Within 8 minutes of the first quarter, the two sides fought 20-20, a tie!

   At this time, the two sides are about to switch the rotation lineup to play.

   In the commentary, Groom Albert said,

   "The starting players of both teams are in very good condition today. I think the key to victory or defeat is the role players of both sides."

   role player, which is the depth of the bench!

   In the case that the starting line cannot break the deadlock, the depth of the bench is likely to change the situation of the game.

"The 76ers will continue to lead the team by Scott, Allen and the others have gone, and the Pacers will be led by Lee with 4 substitutes. In these 4 minutes, can anyone on the two teams exceed the score? Let's wait and see."

   The old horseman had just finished speaking. On the field, the Pacers played a small wave under the leadership of Li Nan.


   The score instantly opened a 6-point gap.

   Then, the 76ers stabilized their position and Pippen shot out, helping a little closer to 2 points.

After   , the Pacers firmly held the advantage.


   At the end of the first quarter, the Pacers have a 4 point advantage!

   During the break, Groom Albert also analyzed another wave.

"The start of the second quarter, this time period is also very important. For the time being, the Pacers will put Reggie's lineup, and the 76ers will put Allen's lineup. In this case, the 76ers may Be able to get back some."

   However, after the break, Groom Albert was a little surprised.

   "Wow! The Pacers are so bold! They went straight to the Lee and Reggie double-gun combination! The 76ers arranged Allen's combination step by step. Coach Bird is really familiar with Coach Brown."

   Larry Brown’s employment, tactics, and so on, are all in order. Even when to switch to what lineup, it is already set.

   Groom-Albert also looks down on the 76ers.

   However, Groom Albert also discovered the hidden dangers of the Li Nan on the field continued to fight like this, without rest for a minute, can he really survive the fourth quarter?

  Although Groom-Albert knows Li Nan's physical fitness is good, but this is the playoffs! After playing 48 minutes at such a high intensity in the playoffs, Li Nan's state will definitely be affected in the end.


   The game is on.

   Sure enough, Groom Albert had not expected it.

   The 76ers have only single-core Iverson, and the Pacers are still taking care of them.

   Iverson fought alone with the Pacers with double guns, and couldn't stop it.


   played 4 minutes in the second quarter, and the Pacers opened the difference to 7 points!

After   , the two sides switched back to the main force, and they were evenly matched.


   The Pacers steadily kept the 6-point difference to midfield.

   Groom-Albert also analyzed.

"In the first half, in fact, the two teams started equally well. But why did the Pacers have a 6-point lead? Rotating lineup! The Pacers are taking advantage of the rotating lineup. In the second half, the 76ers must make adjustments. .."


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