Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 403: how blocking oil

   At the scene, Li Nan, who scored 51 points, was surrounded by various media groups. Teacher Zhang Weiping could only find the fish that slipped through the net.

   "Audience friends, we now invite Li Nan's teammate, Reggie Miller."

   On the CCTV Sports Channel, Reggie Miller appeared in front of the camera.

   Reggie Miller doesn't laugh very much. When he laughs, he feels secretive, and he feels like doing bad things.

   "Wow, this Reggie Miller looks weird."

   "If he wasn't for Li Nan's teammate, I wouldn't even look at him."

   "This big villain! It was he who pushed Jordan away."

   Chinese fans have a bad impression of Reggie Miller. Really, if it weren't for him and Li Nan, no one would pay much attention to him.

  At this time, teacher Zhang Weiping on TV spoke fluent English: "Hello! Hey, first, say Hello toour Chinese fans."

   Upon hearing Teacher Zhang Weiping’s good spoken language, the audience in front of the TV also couldn’t laugh.

   What everyone didn't expect was that Reggie Miller understood, and he was still prepared, "Fighting ho~ Wow, it’s a little bit."

   just at Reggie Miller’s meeting, the Chinese fans have a lot of his fans.

   Gui Zhang couldn't help but thumbs up, "Wow! YourChineseis is from Ruigu!"

   Reggie Miller grinned, regardless of the grammar, "yourEnglishtoo."

   Director Zhang also asked, "How do you feel after winning the series today?" How do you feel about winning this series?

   Reggie Miller touched his left chest, "Ifeelveryexcitednow" I feel very excited now.

  Director Zhang Weiping also asked again immediately, "What is the oil blocking think of LiNantonight"

   Reggie Miller’s eyes widened, but he still understood. He should have asked Li Nan’s performance, “Amazing! Perfect! Unbelievable! Liisbetterthan Michael Jordantonight! Li is better than Michael Jordan tonight”

   Finally, Zhang Weiping knew and asked, "HaveyoueverbeentoChina? Have you been to China?"

   Reggie Miller nodded, "Yes!"

   Reggie Miller has indeed been to China. The acquisition is Dongguan. Of course, I went to the LYN training camp.

   Instructor Zhang habitually asked again, "Doyoulike Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food?"

   "Yes! Ilove skewers somuch! Yes! I love skewers!" Reggie Miller likes the skewers and beer at the food stalls. Thinking about it now, the salivary glands are boiling again.

   This foreigner actually likes to eat skewers.

  Director Zhang was also a little surprised, but he said enthusiastically. "In fact, China still has a lot of delicious food. Next time you welcome to China, I will definitely take you to taste it."

   "OK, OK!" Reggie Miller made a gesture, and his interview was over.

   Director Zhang also began to explain to the audience in front of the TV.

   "I just asked Reggie Miller a few questions, it's like this..."

   Zhang still has a good memory, and he basically recounted a few questions just now. For Reggie Miller, Director Zhang also helped to say good things.

   "Well, in general, Reggie Miller is not as bad as everyone sees. In private, he is also a very easygoing person."

   The time is almost the same, and the show is about to end.

   "Okay, at the end of the show, we also congratulate Li Nan again and congratulations to the Pacers. Okay, audience friends, this is the commentator Zhang Weiping. See you next time on the show."

   The live broadcast is over, but the domestic fans in front of the TV are smiling.

   "By the way, Reggie Miller is okay, not as bad as he looks."

   "Do you like skewers? He should have really been to China."

   "But, having said that, Zhang's English is really good!"

   "Every time I hear Director Zhang speak English to foreigners, I really admire his courage."

   "That's because you have never heard Dazhi's English, otherwise you will definitely admire it."

   "English is like this. As long as you dare to speak it out, your English will always improve. Just like other people's ambitions, isn't it still flourishing in foreign countries?"


   On this side, Li Nan scored 51 points and helped the Pacers sweep the Heat 3-0.

   On the other side, the Nuggets also performed very well in the Western Conference where Chinese fans are concerned.


"The Nuggets' classic style of play, Dazhi holds the ball in the high post, and others run without the ball. Hamilton's chance! Dazhi has quick eyes and passes. Hamilton's mid-range shot is beautiful. Hamilton is in his early two meters. , No one can touch his jumper! Good shot!"

   "This time Billups had the ball and Dazhi played the pick-and-roll with him! Beautiful! Dazhi had a chance to go down, dunk! Dazhi dunked on top of Malone's head."

"Counter-attack fast break! Dazhi killed all the way in the middle, a dribble behind his hips, deceived Stockton, wow, good shot! Continue to kill, Polynis blocked in front, Dazhi does not look at people Pass the ball and lead it to the front left. Hamilton, who followed up, made an easy layup! Good ball!"

   "Yes, there are! The Nuggets have this game!"

   "Won! The Nuggets finally won! Congratulations! Congratulations to the Nuggets! 3-1, the Nuggets have advanced!"

  At the Denver Nuggets scene, the narrator Su Jun witnessed the breakthrough of Wang Dazhi and the Nuggets! The Nuggets finally broke through the first round!

   After the game, Wang Dazhi was also invited away by foreign reporters.

   The reporter came up and asked.

   "Wang, how are you feeling now?"

Wang Dazhi fully understood the other party's question, and replied confidently and loudly: "Wai Ruigu's! Today, it\'sreally! No special! Wetry! Wetry! Wetry! Mother! Nowifeel is outside Ruigu!"

   (Very good. Today, although the game was very difficult. But we all tried our best. Now, I feel very good.)

   The reporter who just asked the question had big eyes, but the other reporters kept asking.

   "Wang, you got 16 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists today. This is your second triple-double in this series. Everyone calls you the Eastern Magician. What do you think of this?"

"Wow! 3Q.3Qforthe is too thorough. Ai Lai Ke Yi Te somuch. Stop Te Ai know Ai didn\'t Rui Chi Wright Huo Te. Off ~ ~ Ai Wai oh try. Oh trytodointhefuture."

   (Wow! 3Q! I thank you for giving me this title. I like it very much. No special, I know I have not reached this height. Of course, I will work hard. This is the direction I will strive for in the future.)


   After several questions came down, no matter what the problem was, Wang Dazhi could deal with it with confidence. Although sometimes he encounters a few unfamiliar vocabulary, Wang Dazhi is still able to deal with it easily.

   Among the reporters who interviewed Wang Dazhi, there were people who kept frowning their brows together, but they still nodded their heads and didn't know if he understood.

   Domestic fans may not be able to see this scene, but Li Nan abroad is watching it right.

   "Ahahahaha~~~~ Wang Dazhi, English is really good. But, well done!"


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