Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 269: You are better than anyone else

Beep beep!

"That's it for today!"

One and a half hours of targeted training ended, but Larry Brown left Li Nan.

Li Nan was taken by Larry Brown to watch the video again.

This is a collection of the 1996 NBA Finals, the protagonists are Jordan and Larry Payton.

In the video, Jordan was intercepted by Payton; Jordan was pressed by Payton and made a mistake in passing; Jordan stared at Payton and shot wide...

Payton played against Jordan in three games. Jordan averaged only rebounds, 4 assists and a 36.7% shooting percentage.

After this video was played, Larry Brown played a video of the 76ers Bulls game, but the focus was on the matchup between Li Nan and Jordan.

When Li Nan played the block, it was over.

Larry Brown spoke quickly.

"Lee, do you know why I emphasized offense today? Because I believe in your defense."

"Ahem, coach, this..." Li Nan was about to say something, but Larry Brown raised his hand to stop him.

Like a summary, Larry Brown said:

"Li, in the video I watched today, with so many people, you can block Michael with one defense."

"When you were against Michael, Michael's shooting became a lot more difficult."

"You seem to know Michael very well. In many cases, you can predict Michael's actions."

"Also, your projectile speed is very fast, you can always come first, Michael's shots often have to be adjusted higher."

Larry Brown kept boasting, and Li Nan suddenly felt a little better.

"Don't don't don't, coach, don't be like this, I will float."

In Li Nan's view, Payton is the most defensive player, and he won the best defensive player as a point guard. That's really awesome!

At this time, Larry Brown said again.

"No, no, Li, you are just too humble. You don't know, you are actually very powerful. 193 Gary Payton can guard against Jordan, of course you can."

"And, Lee, you are not only good defensively, but you are also good offensively. Remember the last game? 12 of 12, 33 points!"

"Li, you Chinese are too implicit. In fact, you are better than anyone. You are the same, you..."


On May 20, at 7 o'clock in the evening, it was drizzling in Chicago, but the wind was a little unsatisfactory and blew, sometimes southeast and sometimes northwest, making people confused about its direction. The person under the umbrella was also helpless, his brows were wet, and his face was moisturized.

Tonight, the first game of the Eastern Conference will start!

The United Center arena is full of hustle and bustle, and the eyes are full of red and white colors. The Bulls fans in the stands are very excited.

When the 76ers came in from the player channel, the fans on both sides were boiling. Of course, not welcome~

"Come on, Philadelphia boys, beat us!"

"Oh roar! Are you scared, right? You are trembling, right? You didn't actually expect to be here, did you?"

"Surrender, so you can lose decently?"

"Knowing that you can't do it, I admire your courage."

Familiar United Center Arena, familiar championship aura.


He took a breath and rubbed his hands a few times.

Looking at the old guys who appeared one after another, Li Nan's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He is ready for this game!


The warm-up ends soon.

Beep beep!

The starting players from both sides appeared.

Bulls: Harper, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Longley,

76ers: Snow, Iverson, Li Nan, Coleman, Ben Wallace.

The Bulls players have a relaxed look, and the 76ers are all eager to try.


"Hey, kid! I heard you are scared?"

When he saw Li Nan, Jordan couldn't help but want to tease him. Isn't it always reported in the newspaper that "China Li avoids not talking about bulls"?

"Yeah, every time I see you, I feel like I have seen a ghost, shivering." Li Nan joked with a smile.

"It's the hell," Jordan had just finished saying that when he saw the kid had a bad smile. Jordan suddenly understood that this guy said he was a ghost. "Hen~ is really a little guy who doesn't like it."

Li Nan immediately sneered, "You old fellow doesn't like many people, and Reggie hates you completely."

Thinking of the guy Reggie Miller, Jordan is even more displeased, "Hehe, that guy who babbles is even more annoying."

"But they said, your trash talk is worse than him." Li Nan continued to blame Reggie Miller. Reggie Miller never said this. How could he admit that he is inferior to Jordan? Even if it is rubbish, it is impossible.

Jordan was pretending to be high-minded, "Nonsense! I'm a gentleman, and I never talk trash."

"Then you said,'You almost guarded me,' what is such a mockery?" This is Jordan's favorite thing to say. Especially after scoring a goal over the opponent's head, Jordan likes this sentence the most.

"This is the predecessor's teaching on the back, yes, yes, this is the teaching!" Jordan sophistry.

Li Nan said solemnly, "A celebrity is right. If you want to be a superstar, you can't have a thick skin!"

Jordan rolled his eyes, what kind of celebrity, "wouldn't the celebrity in your mouth be you?"

"Hey? You are really smart." Li Nan also gave Jordan a compliment after being exposed without blushing at all.

Jordan said quietly, "You have a thick skin."

Li Nan didn't mind, "Hahaha, each other."

Jordan rolled his eyes again. "Ghost and you are each other?"

Li Nan smiled openly. "Aren't you the ghost?"

"I~" Jordan was also anxious, and suddenly started to nudge Li Nan, "Okay, you little guy, you call me a ghost again! I can't spare you later!"


Seeing what the two of them were talking about the referee Dick Bavita also immediately came over, stretched out his hand to separate the two, and then looked up at the two. This is to educate them on the spot.

"Come on, young people, you all listen to me. Friendship is first, and competition is second! Although you may not have friendship, but please remember, don’t make those little moves under my nose and let me I got it, I won't let you go..."

The good old Dick Bavita everyone knows him too well. Charity, even if he said some harsh words, he made Li Nan and Jordan stand in awe.

"Mr. Referee, what you said is correct."

"We are just recounting the old. We are all young people who abide by the law."

Bavitar had just turned around, and there was another voice behind him.

"Who is young with you, you old guy, you have such a thick skin."...

Dick Bavita: ...


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