Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 225: Alan is too powerful, someone is scared

When Li Nan saw the duck egg in Greenberg's office, the suit on the duck egg was a little wrinkled, and he didn't know what kind of treatment he had just received.

When Li Nan sat down, Duck Dan worked hard to straighten his back and said to Li Nan as if giving an order:

"Lee, you will participate in the three-point and dunk contest this year!"

Ok? Dunk contest? It was said that last year was the last slam dunk contest, but did it happen again this year? Are you talking P?

Although the duck egg pretends to be very imposing, but Li Nan is nothing but him. "No! Don't go!"


Duck Dan still tried to restrain himself and control his facial expressions.

"There is no opponent! Going to participate is also winning the championship, winning the championship again and again, it's boring." Li Nan twisted his neck, moved his hands and feet, and relaxed his body after training.

Arrogant! This is a label given to Li Nan by Duck Egg.

However, thinking that Li Nan easily crushed other players to win the championship last year, Duck Dan...

"Then how do you want to participate?"

Duck Dan's voice was weak.

Li Nan casually said jokingly, "If there is a skill competition, I can go and play."

Skills competition, that is a project that only joined in a few years.

"Skills contest? What is a skill contest?" Duck Dan-joking asked suspiciously, his eyes looking longingly at Li Nan.

Seeing that he was so pitiful, even though he knew that the pity was false, and that he had told him that this proposal would be his own, Li Nan still said it. He just wanted to have fun.

"Well, listen, the skill contest looks like this~"

Duck egg-joke, stop quickly, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll take a notebook and write it down."

Duck Dan carefully recorded word by word, not forgetting to ask Li Nan about the shape of those obstacles.

Duck Dan-Joke was still bitter just now, but when he left, he was so happy that his mouth was crooked.


On the other hand, after the announcement of the first round of the All-Star vote, Philadelphia fans and media people were not satisfied.

Originally ranked according to Li Nan's position as a small forward, Iverson ranked second among the guards. In this way, the Philadelphia twin stars can be selected for the All-Star starter together.

However, NBA officials ranked Li Nan among the guards. This squeezed Iverson to third and squeezed into the alternate position.

In this regard, the Philadelphia media is also enthusiastic.

Some people even went to New York, wanting to find David Stern to give an explanation.

However, to the surprise of Philadelphia fans, there is no old man in New York, but Philadelphia does.


In the center of Philadelphia, a coffee shop was crowded with people, and a white-haired old man stood in the crowd.

"Everyone, everybody! I don't know what you are talking about. It was done by my assistant Duck Dan! I promise! I promise to change it right away!"

David Stern originally took refuge in Philadelphia from New York, only to find that Philadelphia is just as disheartening.

After finally dealing with these Philadelphia fans, David Stern also collapsed on the sofa.

At this time, the duck egg-joke appeared.

Stern glared at him harshly.

He was sure that the ducky kid had definitely come here long ago! What a treacherous kid!

Duck Dan was glared, but he didn't have the consciousness of being seen through. It is still pleasing to the eye.

Taking out a document from the briefcase, Yadanhui reported: "President, this is a new All-Star project I reported to you yesterday."

Stern picked it up and took a look, then turned to look at the duck egg, and suddenly smiled, "Is this what Li told you?"

Duck Dan was uncomfortable by Stern, but in his heart he directly scolded the Chinese boy.

"Boy, you cheated me!"

Duck Dan also smiled at this time, "Ha ha ha, President, I came up with this together with Li."

In the end, Stern smiled contemptuously, "hen~" and shook his head.

Duck eggs are still too young, just a word to put it out...


The next morning, the official "corrected" Li Nan's forward position, so that the 76ers are likely to have two All-Star starters.

However, the media in other places are quite dissatisfied with this, especially those who think their players are more worthy of the starting position.

They began to look for the problems and loopholes of the 76ers, specifically to collect the problems of the Philadelphia Gemini.

And also on this night, the 76ers won.

89-109, the 76ers won the Warriors by 20 points.

However, Iverson today suddenly broke the balance within the 76ers.

Iverson, 16 of 34, scored 40 points, 2 assists and 1 rebound. Although the statistics are 34 shots, Iverson actually made more than 40 shots.

Li Nan, the team's second scorer, was 13 of 16 and scored 30 points, 5 assists and 6 rebounds efficiently.

As for the starting point guard Snow, he only scored 4 points, 3 assists and 2 rebounds.

And because of this game, some media people began to have a sudden attack.

"Orlando Sentinel" listed Iverson's "reasons for Iverson's unpopularity": "Ground ditch! Tattoo! Hip-hop! Training late, absent, leave early! The game does not follow the command!"

"Miami Sports" criticized Iverson, "Wearing hip-hop style clothes on formal occasions is disrespectful to the audience."

"Indiana Sports" also directed gunfire at Iverson, "Iverson's tattoos will cause a lot of damage to young people. This trend must be eliminated!"

Fans in many places naturally don't like Iverson, so they take the opportunity to wipe it and fan the flames.

Some people in the NBA industry have also expressed their views.

Bulls head coach Phil Jackson even stated that, "Players should pay attention to their own image and don't make themselves like a prisoner or street villain. Basketball and hip-hop music should not be such a combination."

Pacers coach Larry Bird also said, "He has affected the image of the league."

There was a lot of noise in the media, and NBA Commissioner David Stern also turned a blind eye to it. You can make trouble yourself. The louder the noise, the better.

But Li Nan spoke for his brother in the first place, "Alan is too powerful, someone is scared!"

Many of the 76ers' teammates also spoke out to support Iverson.

And the well-known "Sports Vanguard" also came in at this time, "Oakland, Miami, Indiana... these media are just to canvass their own stars, they point the finger at Allen! They are all targeting Ah. Lun is alone. But why do they want to target Allen alone? Not being jealous is mediocre! It is genius who is jealous! So who is more worthy of being an All-Star?"

However, the 76ers coach Larry Brown is very calm. He does not evaluate the quality of his players in front of the media. He will only comment on the performance of a game.

The client’s Iverson did not take the media reporters seriously. It's still the same every day, and it's still the absence of being late and leaving early in training.

Many people in the media caught this and began to launch a more violent offensive.

"The 76ers have long been at odds, Allen Iverson is a player that even coaches hate."

"Larry Brown has long had the intention of trading Iverson."

"Selfish, Allen Iverson is for himself."

"Never participate in training! Iverson makes Larry Brown a headache."

"His nickname is, he is actually a problem!"


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