Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 222: New starting lineup

After Christmas, the NBA officially promoted that the 47th All-Star voting in 1998 officially opened!

The All-Star candidate list was announced immediately, with 60 people in each of the east and west.

There are old faces such as Jordan Pippen, new stars such as Iverson Li Nan, and this year's rookies, Tim Duncan of the Mavericks, Keith Van Horn of the Spurs, and Wang Dazhi of the Nuggets.

While the All-Star voting is in full swing, many star players have begun to express themselves.

On this day, the 76ers ushered in another opponent of their own, the Toronto Raptors from the bottom of the East.


In this game, because the Raptors starting shooting guard Doug Christie was injured,

The Raptors' starting lineup also had to be replaced with an unconventional lineup.

Damon Stoudemire, Walter Williams, Oliver Miller, Marcus Camby, Zayn Tabak

In addition to Damon Stoudemire's height of 178, the shortest is Walter Williams 203, Miller is 208, Camby is 213, and Tabak is 211.

The Raptors’ starting has been surprising, but the 76ers’ starting is even more surprising.

Eric Snow, Allen Iverson, Li Nan, Derek Coleman, Ben Wallace!

Snow, 191, replaced Iverson at the number one position, Iverson, 183, was at the shooting guard position, Li Nan, 199, was the small forward, and Ben Wallace, 206, was the starting center. The highest position on the court is only 208 height Coleman.

Compared to the size of the Raptors, the 76ers' lineup is a bit too short.

Off the court, with short hair, black-rimmed glasses, suits and leather shoes, and a white handkerchief in his left breast pocket, Larry Brown sat majestically, looking at the court faintly, as if everything was under his control.

However, this is all superficial.

In fact, Larry Brown is a little worried now.

He was worried about whether Coleman would have a sudden brain cramp to shoot the three-pointer. He was worried about whether Ben Wallace could withstand the impact of No. 5, but he was more worried about whether Snow could be the number one. The role of the bit.

The two guys in the second and third positions are so talented. Can Snow achieve the desired effect?

Larry Brown watched quietly.

This is a game, but also a Larry Brown experiment.


On the court, Snow was a little trembling today.

He used to play next to "Gloves" Payton and "Rain Man" Camp in the Sonics before. However, today, Snow is a little nervous in the starting position of the 76ers.

One is because of excitement, the first time in life!

Another reason is that this game is too important.

The coach said before the game, this is his opportunity. Once done, we will continue to start. If you don't play well, it's likely to be GG.

However, Snow's task is a bit difficult. Assist Iverson and Li Nan to coordinate their ball rights.


Snow swallowed, and then took a deep breath, just as he was about to cheer himself up in his heart~

"Eric, you can do it!"

Snow turned his head and looked at Li Nan who was resting on his shoulders, and smiled slightly.

"Well, I will work hard."

It’s just that it’s useless to say hard work...


After the game started,


Iverson outside the three-point line directly asked for the ball.

At this time, Li Nan, who was running inside, had a chance.

Snow hesitated, Li Nan's opportunity passed away, and in the end Snow had to give the ball to Iverson.

Next time, Snow felt a little guilty and thought about passing the ball to Li Nan. However, he passed the ball, but Li Nan's chance this time was not good. There were many big men around him, and the shot was difficult.

The next time, Iverson was already standing in front of Snow as soon as Snow came over. Snow had to give the ball out.

Iverson broke through and was double-teamed and passed it back to Snow.

With no defense, Snow made a three-pointer.


Did not enter!

With this "clang", Snow felt that it had hit his heart. It's cold, broken...


Snow was struggling. He felt that he was superfluous on the court. His appearance completely destroyed the 76ers' offensive system.

At this moment, Snow saw Larry Brown stand up and greet Witherspoon and Ratliff.

"Is this going to change me? The coach really is not satisfied with me."

This is the first quarter of the game and it has been played for 5 minutes.

The score of the two sides is 18-12.

The 76ers were actually overwhelmed by the Raptors, which is the bottom of the league with a record of 2-25.

Snow lowered his head slightly and walked slowly to the sidelines.

However, at this time, someone gave him a hand.

"Eric, it's not for you!"

Eric glanced at Li Nan who was holding him.

"Huh? Not for me?"

Seeing Li Nan slowly walk away, Snow was a little confused.

"Huh? What's the matter? How come it's Li who replaced it?"

At this time, Witherspoon came over and said in Snow's ear, "Eric, the coach said to let go of your hands and feet, don't be burdened, and lose it."

Snow looked at Larry Brown, who was holding his arms off the court, and his heart suddenly became clear.

Witherspoon at the side also smiled unnaturally, thinking, "Coach, if this kid messes up, I will blame Li."

In the next game, Snow was more active. Although there will be some mistakes, in general, it is still possible. He acted as a very good assistant to Iverson. Defense, open shots.

At the end of the first quarter, 30-25, the 76ers were 5 points behind.

Snow scored 4 points, 3 assists and 2 rebounds.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Snow partnered with Li Nan.

Li Nan played more off the ball, and Snow's organizer played more.

Li Nan moved without the ball, and Snow wanted to make sure that he could pass the ball into his hands just right.

What Snow can do in training, Snow can also do in the game. He completed several assists to Li Nan.

In the middle of the second quarter, 40-45, the 76ers overtook the score.

At this time, Larry Brown changed all the starting lines.

Then, the 76ers' offense is not so good and a bit messy.

At halftime, 56-54, the Raptors led by 2 points.

In the second half, Larry Brown let this starter play in the third and he found that this lineup was still not good.

Snow has a lot of questions.

The ability to judge the situation is not good!

Vision is not good!

Can't shoot!

Not passing the ball!

Whether to direct the pass or pass the ball directly, Snow couldn’t judge it...

By the end of the third quarter, the score between the two sides became 77-70, and the 76ers were 7 points behind.

In the fourth quarter, Snow was pressed on the bench.

Seeing Iverson and Li Nan on the court with full firepower and crushing the Raptors, Snow was very frustrated off the court.

"Hey~~ They are a natural match, I am just a superfluous."

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