Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 216: Grab the show

Domestic, Friday, December 26, 9 am, Yenching University.

Today's weather is okay, it is sunny now when it is cloudy to fine weather. Under the sun, the temperature is 0 degrees, and I feel a little hot in a down jacket.

However, suddenly a northwest wind whizzed past, and the weather immediately became gloomy.

Auntie Sheguan in Building 19 had just returned home, but found that the first floor of the dormitory was crowded with people. Isn't that room the duty room of your old couple?

What are these young people doing around here? Is it bad for the old man?

College students beat the wardens because of some things, but it happens from time to time.

Aunt Sheguan was shocked, and she suddenly became mad.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Are you going to rebel one by one?"

Aunt Sheguan suddenly increased her strength a lot, and she sprinted straight out of the crowded crowd.

When she got to the door of the room, she saw her old man watching TV with the boys, and she didn't even notice when she came back.

My old mother was almost scared to death, you are so happy here! Auntie Sheguan is very angry!

The upcoming Christmas War, the Chinese Derby is being broadcast on TV at this time!

"CCTV, CCTV, audience friends, hello everyone, this is the commentator Sun Zhengping. I am now at the home stadium of the Philadelphia 76ers, Wachovia Center Arena. Today I bring you all~"

Before Sun Zhengping finished speaking, the TV was turned off by a hand "slap", and then,


With a roar of the lion in Hedong, Uncle Sheguan fell off his chair.

"What to watch, what to watch? Do you watch TV when you enter college? Are you worthy of your parents who worked hard to support your studies? You..."

The auntie Sheguan suddenly became angry, and this large group of young men also retreated. Wang Dali from the 306 dormitory didn't leave, and even got close to the auntie Sheguan.

Wang Dali said in a good voice:

"Auntie, we will clean up the big trash can on the 3rd floor later, let us see it now?"

Aunt Sheguan didn't give any face, "then there are still 6 floors."

Wang Dali was a little angry, "Auntie, you're too much, right? You can just clean one floor before."

"Huh? Don't go, then you go away and go to study." Aunt Sheguan pushed Wang Dali away with one hand.

Suddenly a group of immature boys were very positive, "I go, let's go, let's go!"

The auntie nodded, "Okay, let's go, let you see when the cleaning is finished."

A group of young men went upstairs in a hurry, rushing to clean up the garbage.

After they walked away, the auntie Sheguan also hurriedly reminded her eyes, and Wang Dali jumped in knowingly.

It's still a good deception for new students.


At five o'clock in the evening on Christmas Day, the Philadelphia Wachovia Center is particularly lively.

This is a Chinese Derby! This is the first encounter between Li Nan and Wang Dazhi, two talented Chinese players in the NBA.

Li Nan is already well-known in the NBA, and Wang Dazhi is also very popular in Denver. Both of them have attracted much attention in this game.

Of course, this game also has another aspect, the famous coach Larry Brown vs the famous coach Jim Burheim.

Both of them are famous basketball coaches, both are the people who have been elected the best coach of the year in the United States, and both are basketball coaches known for their defense.

Everyone is looking forward to the sparks of the two teams they lead today.


Behind the arena, the Nuggets bus came to a halt slowly, and Jim Burheim was the first to walk down, but the most popular one was the last one, Wang Dazhi, a big man from China.

When Wang Dazhi got off the car, he was surrounded by long guns and short cannons.

"Wang, who do you think will win this Chinese Derby?"

"Of course it's me and the Nuggets. We are now fifth in the Western Conference!"

"What do you think of your national teammate Li?"

"He's pretty good, but I'm not weak."

When Wang Dazhi was interviewed, Li Nan appeared on that side.

A large group of reporters surrounded Li Nan who was full of spring breeze.

Wang Dazhi:...

Can't you come back later?

On the other side, Li Nan didn't answer a question or say a word. He squeezed directly to Wang Dazhi, patted him on the shoulder, and walked away, leaving Wang Dazhi surrounded again.

Just when Wang Dazhi accepted another interview, someone came again.


The ditch, the big silver chain, the big hip-hop clothes, and of course, the eye-catching tattoos on the neck and hands.

The media turned around again.

Iverson also did not miss these reporters, passing by Wang Dazhi, but he didn't even glance at him.

Just dragged and walked over coolly.

Wang Dazhi suddenly lost his interest in accepting interviews and was dull.

These two guys are really disgusting!


Beep beep!

The starting players from both sides appeared.

Nuggets starting:

Eric Washington, Bobby Jackson, Danny Fortson, Wang Dazhi, Dean Garrett,

Sixers starting:

Allen Iverson, Li Nan, Clarence Witherspoon, Derek Coleman, Theo Ratliff.

On the court, Li Nan and Wang Dazhi held their hands tightly together.

Wang Dazhi's face was full of resentment.

"Xiao Li, you tricked me yesterday, I want you to look good today"

Li Nanmei opened his eyes and smiled, "Hahaha, I cried violently without playing. Dazhi, you should give up your defeat obediently. It won't look good if you don't have to be beaten and cry."

"Humph~~ just take a look."


The game started soon.

As soon as the game opened, the Nuggets' play style surprised the 76ers fans at home.

The Nuggets are big Wang Dazhi with the ball.

If there are fans, there will be doubts.

"Wow! With such a tall man, don't you have to be afraid of stealing the ball?"

On the court, Coleman also tried to reach out.


Wang Dazhi dribbled the ball from behind and directly passed Coleman.

"Wow! It's so agile at that height. It's a bit powerful. But Coleman is a bit embarrassed."

When the fans were amazed, Wang Dazhi on the field suddenly shot.

Three points!


When the 76ers fans were saying, "His three-pointers are more accurate than Coleman," Wang Dazhi suddenly showed off.

Wang Dazhi played the pick-and-roll head-on. When everyone was staring at Fordson, who was with him, Wang Dazhi suddenly passed the ball to Washington, who was cut-and-driving. Washington made a catch and shoot.

The 76ers fans were also amazed by the big man the Nuggets.

"This passing vision, this passing force, is very powerful!"

" This king has a good shot, a good breakthrough, and he can pass the ball, which is great."

"A Li, a King, are there so many talents in China?"

Many fans of the 76ers are more friendly to Wang Dazhi because of Li Nan's relationship and will give some applause for scoring.

On the court, Wang Dazhi also winked at Li Nan.

Brother, I've been open for so long, why don't you get one?

Li Nan is also completely unaware of him.

"Huh! The villainous guy!"

Li Nan also wanted to score a goal, but Iverson was a bit of a scramble today.

Look, Iverson picked up the ball and sprinted again. He was another extraordinary man, and then he shot directly.

Li Nan's four teammates and the opponent's players are just like the fans, they are all spectators, but Li Nan and the others are closer.

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