Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 210: tough

"Hey~ Coach Van Gundy, did you hold the wrong person?"

Van Gundy, who was holding Li Nan's legs tightly, raised his head, very strange.

"Hey? I obviously hold Ma Hong."

However, Van Gundy was not embarrassed at all. After letting go of Li Nan, he rushed into the battle group and hugged another one, Coleman!

However, looking at the chaos on the court, Li Nan no longer had the blood he had just now.

"Oh, what a disappointment!"

Li Nan walked over slowly, struggling.

"Hey, hey, who's that, calm down..."

On the sidelines, Iverson stood quietly, watching quietly, a bit cold and arrogant, and he looked like a big boss.

Larry Brown is beside him, holding his glasses, his eyes expressing a little appreciation.

The fighting slowly subsided, thanks to Van Gundy's sacrifice.

Oakley, Ben Wallace and Rick Mahon were directly expelled, and Coleman and Larry Johnson committed a technical foul each.

However, bad news came from Ewing on the other side.

The right wrist is injured, this game can not be played!

He played the 76ers three times this season and Ewing was injured twice.

"Are these 76 people our calamity?"

Van Gundy had a headache, and he could only pray silently for Ewing.

"It will definitely get better!"


Those masters who fought have been punished, but these guys on the field were still angry. The movements of both sides became bigger.

Beep beep! ! !

The referee's whistle kept ringing.

However, this does not calm down the players on both sides.

The defense of both sides is like the playoffs, very vigorous.

Do it with real swords and guns, no one will persuade you!

Li Nan likes this kind of game now! Although he made a few mistakes and made 5 fouls, Li Nan was really committed!

This is the real game! Cool!

But Iverson was a little lost. Either the confrontation is at a disadvantage, or you are worried about injury or something. Iverson's breakthroughs have been reduced, and his shooting is a bit stiff and his shooting percentage is a bit unsightly.

Beep beep! ! !

The game is over!


The 76ers beat the Knicks by 3 points!

The game data:


Ewing, 7 points and 3 rebounds,

Alan Houston, 18 points, 5 rebounds, 5 fouls,

Ward, 11 points, 5 assists, 5 fouls,


Li Nan, 21 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 8 of 16 shots, 3 steals, 2 blocks, 3 turnovers, 5 fouls!

Iverson, 16 points, 7 of 17, 5 assists, 1 foul.


In the locker room after the game.

Larry Brown walked towards Ben Wallace as soon as he came in.

Ben Wallace was a little flustered and lowered his head slightly. When Larry Brown approached, he also quickly stood up and admitted his mistake.

"Coach, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't~"

Ben Wallace hadn’t finished talking, but Larry Brown pushed him down.

"No, Ben, you did a great job today!"

Patting Ben Wallace on the shoulder, Larry Brown turned around, and right here, he suddenly raised his voice.

"Today, you played very well! Tough! Bloody! Unity! Oneforall, allforone! You all did it! This is something I am very happy about! Good! Good! You are all good!"

Ben Wallace's small loss from the beginning to the surprise before, but now he is ecstatic. He opened his mouth with a smile, and a sense of happiness emerged spontaneously.


But the other players who heard this old guy praise for the first time all smiled with relief.

Li Nan also laughed.

The fight brought unity, and the fight brought the coach’s approval. This is really a bit fun.


After the game, the news media was enthusiastic.

"The 76ers are just a bunch of thugs!"

"Ben Wallace, like Ma Hong, is a fierce villain."

"This is the army trained by Larry Brown! Iron-blooded 76ers!"

However, it was soon overshadowed by another piece of news.

The Knicks officially announced, "Patrick Ewing injured his right wrist and was reimbursed for the season!"

Also on the same day, the Bulls announced, "Centre Langley is retired from injury!"

The Spurs announced that David Robinson was absent due to injury.

Many big insiders on the team have begun to experience injuries. Compared to previous seasons, there have been more injuries this season.

Many news media talked about it.

At this time, a report was suddenly moved out.

That was the news reported by the "Sports Herald", "The reasonable collision zone is the main culprit for Olajuwon's injury!"

"Sports Vanguard"! Pooh! These two names are quickly known to everyone.

Suddenly, the topic of public opinion changed.

The conspiracy behind the reasonable collision zone? Is the reasonable collision zone for the Bulls or for which team?

Many "experts" began to analyze and comment.

Some people say that the league is targeting the Bulls and Jordan.

Some people say that the reform of the league is purely to attract spectators and want to make the game more profitable.

Some people say that the league is cultivating new league stars, and this person is O'Neal!

There is a lot of public opinion, and everything is said.

But the most is still a name, Shaquille O'Neal!

The best player of November is O'Neal!

O'Neal averaged 29 points, 12.4 rebounds and 2.6 blocks per game! The Lakers 15 games, 13-2, ranked first in the West!

In the latest regular season MVP rankings, O'Neal ranked first, followed by Michael Jordan!

The reasonable collision zone seems to be designed for O'Neill. O'Neal was on the court like a fish in water, and the opponent's inside line collapsed every game.

However, no matter what the public opinion says, the NBA official does not recognize this matter, and the star-making plan does not mention a word.


In an office on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

President David Stern began to test and teach assistants again.

"Duck Dan, what do you think of this?"

Duck Dan-Joke Humans and animals smiled harmlessly, "President, this "Sports Pioneer" is a bit fanciful! How about we give this Pooh to~"

"What do you give? We are a place where free speech is in the United States. Do you still want to block people? hen~ what a joke."

Stern was anxious, he asked what to do with so many injuries, but this guy didn't understand.

Duck Dan said quietly: "President, my last name was originally called a joke."

Stern rubbed his temples on both sides, and it took him a while to relax. Not to mention that, Stern said instead, "Christmas is coming, do you think the Lakers can compete with the Bulls?"

Stern said don't try to figure out what he Although Daddy knows that the old man is not optimistic about the Lakers, Duckdan still has to recognize it. "Yes! Absolutely! The Lakers will definitely bring us unexpected surprises!"

Stern "hen" indifferently, and then his problem came again without mentioning it, "Then tell me, when O'Neal develops in the future, when the Lakers become stronger, what should I do? ?"

Duck Dan's eyes rolled round and round.

How to deal with it? That's how to restrict the Lakers?

"Uh~uh~ shall we try to cancel the reasonable collision zone?"

Uh, such a ghost came out in a long time?

Stern glared at him.

Abolishing the reasonable collision zone, doesn't that mean hitting Stern himself in the face and demolishing his own station?

"Duck eggs, you are still too tender!"

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