Knowing that his mother was angry, Jiang Geng grinned: "I will be an adult after I go to college, but now I have to take care of me."

"It's annoying to see you." Xue Meili said.

Lin Qinghe also said: "Your mother is worried about you, and you dare to nagging your mother."

"No, no, I just asked my second brother and third brother. They said Godmother, you don't care about them, you are very free." Jiang Geng said.

Lin Qinghe twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "People have different personalities, and your mother is also different from me. I am very busy and have no time to take care of them. Your mother is a full-time mother, of course, pays more attention to family and family. You brothers and sisters."

Xue Meili was comforted.

Isn't that right? After she got married, she didn't go to work. The focus was all on her family and children. If she used more thoughts, she would definitely be reluctant to bear it.

After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body, no matter how big it was, it was still small in her eyes.

Speaking of which, Jiang Geng was a bit arrogant and arrogant before, which has nothing to do with Xue Meili, but now it has turned around, especially after seeing Zhou Xuanzhou and returning to the two brothers, they have restrained a lot, and their temperament has changed. .

He used to look like a middle school boy, but now he looks a lot more restrained.

Xue Meili took the Jiang Geng siblings and sat down for a while. Seeing that it was almost time, she declined to stay for dinner.

Lin Qinghe asked Zhou Qingbai to prepare dinner, and left Sini to watch at home, so she came to call.

She hasn't called back since she gave birth to the baby. Of course, Zhou Qingbai called all of them on the second day after she gave birth, but she had to call back when she should.

Call Mrs. Zhou first.

When Sister-in-law Zhou came to answer the phone, there was a smile in her voice: "Now, you have all the children, and the long-cherished wish of the two of you is also fulfilled, isn't Mimi good?"

"Eat, sleep, wake up, and eat without making a fuss." Lin Qinghe said with a smile.

"It's confinement now. When do you plan to go back to Beijing? I think my parents are all thinking about it." Sister Zhou said.

"I was thinking about these few days, but Qingbai said that he was still young, so take it slow, thinking that it's okay to go back and forth, just take it slow." Lin Qinghe said.

A month is indeed a little short. Lin Qinghe plans to go back next month. Although it will be colder by then, there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to wrap up tightly.

If you want to say that it is impossible to stay in Haishi for the New Year, if you add such an old girl, you must go back to Beijing for the reunion year.

"I see that the train is quite loud, so you have to cover your ears." Sister-in-law Zhou urged.

"I know, by the way, sister-in-law, maybe Sini will take Guodong back to celebrate the New Year this year." Lin Qinghe said.

"Okay, bring it back for us to see." Sister-in-law Zhou's voice was even more happy. It would be better if the third daughter also married to Beijing.

"Dani married early." Lin Qinghe said with a smile.

"I got married early, but I'm doing well now." Sister-in-law Zhou said.

When the eldest daughter got married, her fourth aunt herself hadn't developed to the capital, and she couldn't take care of her even if she wanted to.

And now her eldest son-in-law is really not bad. Seeing that she raises ducks well, he came over last month and said that he plans to raise ducks next year.

The two of them have already split their bills, and they still raise pigs at home, and there is still land in the fields, so their life is definitely not as good as the one in Beijing, but it’s not bad.

After chatting with Sister-in-law Zhou for a while, Lin Qinghe called Zhou Xiaomei again. Zhou Xiaomei was probably walking a little faster and was still breathing a little.

"There's no need to go in such a hurry, the phone can't run right here." Lin Qinghe said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law four, what's the matter, does my niece look like you or my fourth brother?" Zhou Xiaomei said happily.

"They say they look more like me." Lin Qinghe said with a smile.

"That must be a great beauty. The fourth brother is very fond of him. Now I'm afraid that he will be guarded all the time." Zhou Xiaomei said with a smile.

"That's not right, go out to buy food in the morning and have to go back to the house to see it as soon as you come back." Lin Qinghe said helplessly.

"That's fine. With my fourth brother guarding you like this, fourth sister-in-law will save you a lot of worry." Zhou Xiaomei smiled and said, "When are you going to come back? We're all waiting."

"Next month." Lin Qinghe said.

"Next month will only be two months, and there will be nothing to do after returning. There are two babies here, don't worry, they can come back a year ago, and then they will have a big reunion year." Zhou Xiaomei said with a smile.

After chatting with her fourth sister-in-law for a while, she hung up the phone and went home to announce the good news.

"I've raised so many chickens and haven't eaten them yet." Mother Zhou said after hearing this.

"Since the fourth brother is here, the fourth sister-in-law can't be short of food." Zhou Xiaomei said indifferently, "but now that Mimi is still young, she is not in a hurry to come back. I will let the fourth sister-in-law come back a few years ago."

"Let Sini live there more, don't rush back, you have to help her fourth aunt, how can you rely on her fourth uncle, a big man." Father Zhou said.

"Dad, you underestimate the fourth brother. I heard the fourth sister-in-law say that the fourth Ni is useless. I will let my fourth brother do all the work. My fourth brother is doing all the work. I can do it." Zhou Xiaomei laughed road.

"Fourth... Fourth brother is... just looking forward to... looking forward to being old... old girl... daughter." Su Dalin said with a smile.

This time Lin Qinghe gave birth to a daughter, so everyone is happy for the two of them. After all, they have three sons, so they are not bad for their sons, but their daughters are bad.


"Everyone else is looking forward to having a son, but Qingbai is looking forward to having a daughter." Mother Zhou also said with a smile.

She also felt pretty good, the old son now has a son and a daughter, and he has both children.

When Zhou Xuanzhou returned in the evening, they came to eat here, and Zhou Xiaomei asked their mother if they had called the dumpling shop.

"Grandma Ma said she called, and we talked for a while, but we didn't receive it." Zhou Gui said, "Little aunt, did my mother say when she will be back?"

"Your sister is still young, so your mother said she will be late, but she will definitely be back a year ago." Zhou Xiaomei said.

"If we don't come back after our holiday, we'll go." Zhou Guilai said.

Now he and his second brother are not free, they both have to go to class, even if it is a day off, it will be too late, so forget it.

Although I was looking forward to this little sister who didn't report to the house until now, I could only wait.

I hope that their father will have a little conscience and bring his sister home for them to see.

Obviously Zhou Qingbai didn't have that conscience, so he wiped his little girl's ass, put on talcum powder, and put on a new diaper, and then put the old girl in his arms.

The little girl Mimi also enjoys this embrace. She feels particularly secure in her father's arms. The little girl opens her eyes as if she is looking at her father, and even smiles.

The fatherly heart of Zhou Qingbai, who is in his forties, is too soft to be seen.

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