Jiang Xiaoyue carried the bamboo basket into the house, put the basket down, patted the snow off her body, and went straight to the east room.

Although she respected the east, Feng Qingxue had been living in the east room for confinement since the beginning, so after Lu's father and the others came, they didn't make any changes. The two of them slept with Wang Fengqiao, while Lu's father slept with Xi. Bao sleeps in the west room.

There is a big Kang in the room, which is very warm.

Feng Qingxue was very happy to see Jiang Xiaoyue, "Are you taking a rest today? Is it cold outside? Come and sit here to keep warm."

Jiang Xiaoyue immediately climbed onto the kang and sat down cross-legged. She glanced at Fu Bao first, "My dad expected it to snow yesterday. Sure enough, Jiang is very old and has real life experience. Fortunately, it snowed. I When I went to the grocery store in the morning, there were fewer people queuing up, so I wrapped two pig's trotters into round balls, and bought a piece of mutton, a pair of mutton skeletons, and a pair of sheep's guts. The pig's trotters were frozen outside for a while. I’ll make some soup for you. Let’s have lamb bone soup for lunch, and I’ll buy some sesame seed cakes.”

Feng Qingxue said gratefully: "Xiaoyue, thank you for letting you put so much effort into this."

Money is a trivial matter when it comes to your heart.

"Thank you for what? You helped me save my life!" Although Jiang Xiaoyue would not mention that matter at ordinary times, it does not mean that she did not remember it in her heart. "Except for Zhuzhu and Xiaotao who stayed with you, the other victims The people who were punished are now being ostracized. Even if they marry your soldiers, their reputation has spread here along with us, and their parents are scolding them for being embarrassing! "

Feng Qingxue frowned slightly, "It's been so long, why isn't it over yet? Some of them are already married."

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed, "Everyone talks about making gold, but heaps of bones are destroyed. This is what people say is terrible! There was a punished art soldier who couldn't bear the gossip in the regiment and the neighbors at home after he came back. Qian'er was hanged with a rope."

"What?" Feng Qingxue was shocked.

"The person she corresponded to was actually her partner. She fell in love secretly. She didn't follow the rules and didn't report to the army. After she was punished, she admitted her mistake very well and didn't punish her severely. And because she had a partner at home, she didn't accept the appointment from the army. She arranged to marry a soldier there. Little did she know that when news of her punishment came back, her partner's family found out. Her partner never admitted to being in a relationship with her and put all the blame on her anyway. Her parents scolded her, others pointed fingers at her, and the army gave her another punishment after she came back. After suffering for more than half a year, she probably committed suicide at night because she couldn't stand it any longer. "

Jiang Xiaoyue's expression was sad when she spoke, as if a rabbit died and a fox grieved for its own kind. If it weren't for Feng Qingxue's help, she and Fang Ning might have fallen into the same fate as their comrade.

"What's that person's name? He has a flawed character. You have to be careful when you meet him in the future and don't make close friends."

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Jiang Xiaoyue felt that they made sense and replied: "Yes, this is very important! My poor dead comrade was named Chu Honghong, and that disgusting man was named Li Zhi, and he was Li Jun's cousin!"

"Li Jun?" Isn't that Jiang Xiaoyue's childhood sweetheart?

"Yes, Li Jun is my neighbor. The relationship between our two families is very good. We grew up together. I didn't have a mother when I was a child, so I always drank his mother's milk, so I was very fat when I was a child, but he was thin. Baba can be blown away by a gust of wind!" Jiang Xiaoyue's face lit up when she mentioned her childhood sweetheart, "That Li Zhi is Li Jun's cousin, a child of Li Jun's uncle, but his uncle was an ordinary worker and came to the city after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Work."

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