Feng Qingxue immediately put down the enamel jar and came forward, "Comrade Lan, what's the matter?"

Feng Qingxue, who didn't know Lan Tianming's intention, was panicked and had a look on her face.

It shouldn't be Xibao, she told herself. When she came, Xibao was having fun in Deputy Commander Zhao's office.

Chen Lin also knew the guard next to Wang Xinsheng. He was usually a difficult person to get in touch with. She waved away the comrade who was demonstrating first aid techniques on her, sat up, slid off the hospital bed, and looked at Lan Tianming.

Lan Tianming wiped the sweat off his face and said with a smile, "It's a good thing, don't worry."

When she said it was a good thing, Feng Qingxue felt relieved.

"Did the old commander ask Comrade Lan to inform me if there was anything?" Feng Qingxue asked with a smile. Apart from Wang Xinsheng, she couldn't think of anyone else who could control Lan Tianming.

Wang Xinsheng's security guards should naturally follow Wang Xinsheng every step of the way.

"Comrade Qingxue, the old leader above the old commander wants to see you. Please pack up quickly and come with me. The car is outside."

After listening to Lan Tianming's words, Feng Qingxue was so shocked that she didn't know how to express herself. She stammered: "Comrade Lan, wait a minute, can you say it again? Which old comrade wants to see me?" It couldn't be the one she was thinking of. Leader, right?

Lan Tianming smiled and said: "Who else is there, an old comrade? Who do you think the boss is?"

Like Lu Jiang, for the officers and soldiers below, he is the leader. The regiment leader is also the leader of the soldiers. In the army, the leader can be called the boss. The leader of the political department is also the leader of the subordinates. The old leader of the founding general naturally only has one. Bit.

Feng Qingxue took a breath and was speechless for a long time. She was so unbelievable.

"When the old commander mentions your recent achievements in front of the old leader, the old leader wants to meet you. Bring your work records and other things. Maybe the old leader will ask you questions." Lan Tianming reminded.

Chen Lin and Du Xiaotao gave Feng Qingxue a gentle push, and quickly packed up records, lesson plans and other items.

"Sister Qingxue, don't be stunned, hurry up and set off with Comrade Lan!" Du Xiaotao stuffed the lesson plan and other things into his bag and handed it to Feng Qingxue, looked up and down, "You are dressed appropriately, there is no need to change clothes. "

When they heard about the old leader, who among the people present was not excited? Who wouldn't be excited? Who doesn’t envy Feng Qingxue?

Although grassroots soldiers and civilians do have the opportunity to meet the old leader, not everyone has this opportunity, but there is no precedent for people who have performed first-class merit and were received by the old leader.

Feng Qingxue asked Du Xiaotao to see if everyone's first aid techniques were correct. Du Xiaotao learned them in the Southwest Military Region.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about us here." Meeting the old leader is the most important thing, okay?

Having said that, the work that should be arranged still needs to be arranged.

A moment later, when Feng Qingxue and Lan Tianming went out, they were almost in the same boat.

After leaving the hospital, Lan Tianming asked: "Where is Xibao? The old leader and the old commander specifically told him to take Xibao with him. If we haven't seen him for a few days, the commander will miss Xibao."

He praised Xibao so much in front of the old leader, and the old leader naturally became curious.

I thought I was extremely honored to have the opportunity to meet the old leader, but I didn’t expect that Xibao was luckier than me. Not counting flying on a plane when he was two years old, he could actually meet the old leader now. If he could take a photo, then Xibao would be better when he grows up. You can show off for a lifetime!

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